Chapter 5

The rise of the soft and cowardly imperial sister (5) Wei H

"Is it heavy!? I poke you? What about it~" Lan Ziyu stretched out his hands and pressed them on the pillars. Surrounded Lan Min, her lower body was tightly pressed against her lower abdomen, and she slammed forward, causing her to bite her lip and groan, and her eyes opened innocent and confused.

  Lan Min appeared. To his surprise, he discovered that it was too late when he was calculated by the women in the harem. When he left, he chose to come here. This woman's residence that made him think about it for a lifetime was originally planned to be solved by himself, but he did not expect that the medicine is so strong. He had shot several times, but it was still not good. At this time, he expected that this could only be done by women. At this time, there would be people in the room that was ordered to be blocked. At first he always thought it was someone who wanted to take this opportunity. The high-ranking woman didn't care about the number of women in the harem, she only knew that the harder the medicine in the body, the more difficult it would be to control.

  She would simply be an antidote in the future, and the smell of this woman seemed to be very comfortable and fragrant. It suits his appetite, and he doesn't mind giving her a title at that time. Anyway, it's just to raise another person in the harem, which is no different to him!

  However, when the woman in his arms cringes and calls him the emperor brother, he only borrows it. Looking at the moonlight clearly, her arms trembled slightly, her eyes were charming, and her small face was reddish. She was actually the younger sister-Lan Min who made him wish he wanted to forget completely!

  He who was originally inexplicable was suddenly pushed by Lan Min. After opening, the figure who wanted to run away in a hurry, and the body tortured by the desire to explode, subconsciously stepped forward and caught the person who was about to slip away, and pressed her under her again.

  "Ah...don't...don't, Itching..." She frowned and watched Lan Ziyu who was pressing on her body sliding on her body, stroking her hand, Zhou Min shook her head charmingly and wanted to refuse.

  Lan Ziyu has never seen her own sister since the lockdown of this room. Under her impression, she seems to be only 11 or 2 years old. She was just the year of the golden hairpin (12 years old) and is now the year of the dance spoon. (13~15 years old)!

  Since that incident, their brothers and sisters have been strangers. Every time she saw him, she would hide in the dark, and he had chosen to completely forget that there was still this figure in the palace. , She is the only princess in Lan Country, but she is not much better than her servants, he knows it, but he doesn't care!

  If, not today! He won't find that when he didn't see it, this girl seemed to be different, so why was it different? He didn't know, but the reason in his mind became more and more confused on her. There was only one thing, his body wanted her especially!

  A pair of hands that are accustomed to holding a pen and a sword all the year round, although after maintenance, there are still thin calluses on the knuckles, and the big hands are respectively squeezing the breasts and buttocks that she can't cover long ago, "Oh! Where is it? Tell me about it~" Lan Ziyu decided to pretend to be stupid, getting closer to her delicate body, and said to her lightly.

  "You, you... the emperor brother, I, I am your sister..." In the face of his bullying body and frivolous language, Zhou Min stretched out his hand against his chest in fear.

  She is about to cry. What's the situation? Isn't it a female role? Why is it about to turn into incest? This man is not awake when he hears it. If he wakes up, how can he touch someone he hates? And , If he knew that he touched himself, wouldn't he be going to kill himself, oh my god, the female protagonist who was about to be killed by the male protagonist just came, can it be a little bit miserable! ?

  "Little beauty, so you like to play this bite! I will follow you tonight..." Lan Ziyu looked at the person who was slammed on the pillar in front of him with bright and unpredictable eyes, with a profound smile.

  "Huh!? No, no, no...I, I'm really your sister, the emperor brother...the emperor will regret it..." She is really going to kneel, who likes to play this hand? Ah, please, wake up the next day, if the emperor knows, I am afraid he will kill himself, but the premise is to kill her first, OK? She is here to do the task!

  Seeing Lan Min who was waiting for her cuteness in front of her, Lan Ziyu suddenly felt a little weird, but she pressed her ears and bit her earlobe lightly, "Is that so? You are really naughty, you are so sweet, no I know if your mouth is sweeter, let me try it!"

  Lan Ziyu took advantage of a man's height and strength to control her small body, pinched one foot between Zhou Min's legs, and constantly rubbed her flower lips with a man's powerful thighs and one hand. Grasp her hands firmly and fix them above the pillar above her head.

  "No, no, Lan Ziyu, you are crazy, I am really your sister! Let go of me, what do you want to do?!" She was afraid and shocked to break free from his bondage, but she couldn't move her at all. The man pays a penny, she wants to separate the hero and the hero for the first time, but she never thought of letting herself play in the role of the heroine! Although she knew that the heroine had an intersection with the heroine for the first time, she didn't want it at all!