Chapter 14

The rise of the soft and cowardly imperial sister (14)

  At this time, Zhou Min, who was late to Fang, came slowly amid a loud call from the eunuch. The moon-colored white gauze skirt fell to the ground, and his waist was girded. Yingying gripped, Yingluo's headdress creaked in a row, with a touch of playful, faint apricot eyes, water waves, bright red mouth, crystal clear and full, bare skin, white and tender, from the sky full of stars She walked in the night of Hui, like a fairy under the moon, incredibly beautiful!

  In fact, looking at Lan Ziyu, you know that Lan Min's appearance is absolutely not bad, but she is used to being detained by the palace, so the cost of food and clothing seems shabby, but in the past 15 days, the change of Lan Ziyu's attitude has caused many people in the palace. Smelling a different taste, gradually the clothes and edibleness became better. With the natural beauty of Lan Min plus the system's bonus, and the semen of Lan Ziyu that night, Zhou Min became more and more beautiful.

  Zhou Min's sudden appearance caused a brief silence in the hall. The young prime minister sitting under Lan Ziyu shook his hand holding the wine glass slightly, while Lan Ziyu, who was sitting in the first place, did not move his eyes until Zhou Min appeared. opened.

  She was beautiful under her that night, but when she looked again at this time, she was so beautiful that she felt dazed. It seemed that she would disappear in the blink of an eye! She is too beautiful and too unreal~

  "Chenmei Lanmin has seen the emperor brother, I wish the emperor a happy life~" The soft and waxy voice sounded in the middle of the hall, but Lan Ziyu's original sleepy longing moment He looked up, and all the ministers were shocked. Originally, they were still guessing who this woman was, but she didn't expect that she would be the princess that Lan Guo had never shown her face.

  "Emperor Sister's Flat Body" Lan Ziyu's elegant voice is very magnetic, and it is destined to make the woman who hears his voice have the urge to become pregnant, but Zhou Min only feels the coldness of being stared at by a snake.

  The task given to her by this system is not the same, it seems a bit reversed~~

  Isn't she downing the hero? How can she have the sense of sight and crisis of being attacked by the male lead, and what to do? ! (/′ △ `\)

  Zhou Min got up and looked around. He didn't seem to find his position. He was a little embarrassed (Θ︹Θ)? Standing in the middle of the hall, he didn't want to walk or stay. See a handsome man under Lan Ziyu's left hand. When the green shirt man got up and was about to give up his seat, Zhou Min smiled at him violently. Maybe Zhou Min didn't feel anything on his own, but everyone in the hall took a deep breath.

  It is often said that the beauty under the lamp will become more and more blurred, but people have not said that the beauty under the lamp will be so breathtaking.

  When Lan Ziyu saw Zhou Min and

  Qi Hao smiling again, his eyes flashed cold, and his voice couldn't help but sink. "Xiao Min'er, come here~" Zhou Min paused when he walked in Qi Hao's direction. , Incredibly looking back at Lan Ziyu, especially what the hell is that numb Xiao Min'er, but Zhou Min looked at the warning in Lan Ziyu's eyes, and the courage that he didn't want to pay attention to was gone!

  People had to bow their heads under the eaves. (((;╥﹏╥;)))

  Zhou Min looked at Qi Hao apologetically. Although he is not very clear about who he is, it's just a matter of looking at his temperament and the position assigned to him in the palace. I know, this person must not be easy!

  When she slowly walked up to the high platform and walked directly to Lan Ziyu's side, she thought that Lan Ziyu would let her father-in-law next to him add a place to him, but the facts are often terrifying. Lan Ziyu moved the position and took the picture. Shooting the side of the throne, which is already very large, "come here~"

  "Brother Emperor, isn't it? This..." Zhou Min felt that Lan Ziyu's eyes looked terrifying when she looked at her. She felt like being raped by him. So when she let herself be by his side, she felt her scalp numb~

  "Come here!" Lan Ziyu smiled and looked at her. The danger in her eyes was like a whirlpool holding her tightly, letting her know that if she refuses again, the consequences It must be very serious. Against the gaze of the ministers and envoys below, Zhou Min reluctantly managed to reach Lan Ziyu's side.

  Lan Ziyu was obscured from below his chest because of the desk and the high location. So when Zhou Min sat next to Lan Ziyu, his hands were rude. The ring was wrapped around her waist, and the soft flesh on the side of the waist kept stroking.

  But his expression was extremely natural leaning on the other side, his eyes narrowed slightly, as if he was thinking about things, and he seemed to be watching the singing and dancing under the stage intently, but only Zhou Min knew that his hands were as flexible as a snake. Generally, the familiar got into her dress, from her back all the way down, along the crotch, seeming to want to explore that mysterious field.

  Zhou Min was frightened. Although she couldn't grasp his messy hand behind her back, she still grasped his arm tightly and begged softly, "Emperor brother, don't~"

  martial arts and non-Martial arts practitioners The fatal relationship is that Lan Ziyu's palm moved slightly, and a force of strength bounced Zhou Min's hand away, and those hands took the opportunity to stick to the place he had been thinking about for half a month.

  Feel the soft touch in the palm of the palm, and tighten the five fingers with a slight effort. The round buttocks are wrapped in the big palm, and the thumb is gently rubbed along the gluteal groove that is half-hidden by the cloth. Scratching softly, the fingertips of Big Ma's fingers tucked up, and slowly leaned towards the crevice hidden between the hips.

  Across the silky silky fabric, the rough fingers rubbed gently, with a pity, rubbing Zhou Min's lower body without his underwear. There was surprise and anger, because I thought of being in Taichung just now. There is no inch under her dress, he has a feeling of jealousy of his own things being seen, but the soft touch at the moment makes him even more want to drive this lewd slut out without wearing underwear. Fuck hard on the table.

  "Hmm..." Lan Ziyu let out a low soft moan from his throat, and then, with the soft moan, his throat was inexplicably dry. When Zhou Min was sitting next to him, he smelled it. When the faint body scent came from her, it seemed to be some kind of floral scent, as if there was something like nothing, but at this time, it suddenly became rich, and this smell made his eyes bright. It was that night. smell!

  That unforgettable body fragrance, but at this time, this fragrance is the most ferocious love potion that dissolves all the rationality of Lan Ziyu.

  Across the slightly damp cloth, Lan Ziyu only felt a blur in her eyes, in a trance, as if she saw this petite jade-like person naked that night, with a splendid body, and the two pink stars on the full snow peak. Her little cherry was congested, red, swollen, bruised and bruised by herself.

  The lingering scent of the nose is getting stronger and thicker.

  A rush of heat surged to the lower abdomen, and the prosperous man made Lan Ziyu unknowingly increase the strength of kneading the jade buttocks.

  "Hmm...huh..." A suppressed groan sounded from Zhou Min's mouth. Although it was small and because it was in the temple, there were very few people paying attention, but it didn't mean that nobody noticed, especially martial arts. People.

  The person who had previously given way to Zhou Min looked over and looked puzzled, but it was not difficult to see his slight concern. Zhou Min suddenly got up and backed up. Because of his too much action, he hit the counter, and the cups and saucers on the counter sent out for a while. The clanging sound caused everyone to look at him, but Zhou Min had no time to take care of it. He bowed his head and bowed his head. "The emperor is unwell, so let's retire first~"

  After finishing talking, Lan Ziyu agreed, turned around and ran away with her skirt hem. A voice of rejection came from behind, but until she disappeared at the gate, Lan Ziyu did not speak, but looked at the crystal clear index finger under the counter, which was still stained with viscous liquid.