Chapter 15

The rise of the soft and cowardly imperial sister (15)

  "Prime Minister Qi, the messenger of the Yuan Dynasty will take care of me to entertain me, let me see what happened to the imperial sister~" Although it is a bit abrupt, Lan Zi Yu is a very domineering and arrogant Lord, coupled with the dominance of the kingdom of Lan, Lan Ziyu didn't care if the messenger of the Yuan Kingdom felt that he had neglected himself.

  Standing up leisurely, waving his sleeves, Lan Ziyu walked out without letting anyone follow, and asked Qing Ge after going out. Zhou Min went back and changed Shi Shiran's several vertical leaps.

  There were people in the garden. Zhou Min looked incredible at the person who was supposed to be at the banquet, but appeared in front of him. She was frightened. Lan Ziyu slowly stepped forward, approached Zhou Min, and whispered, "I will let Qing Ge Tell you, if you hide from me again, you will be at your own risk, you forgot it~"

  Zhou Min shivered, and turned around to run, but Lan Ziyu held his waist and flew to his bedroom with light effort, but Zhou Min did. Calling the system constantly in my mind.

  "The host is dead. The system decides that the temporary strike is not online. Please take care of the host~" The voice shamelessly fell into the ground, causing Zhou Min to urge. She would never admit that she was frightened by Lan Ziyu's actions in the lobby. , So that I forgot such a serious warning!

  It seems that the basic information of system analysis is really right. Her IQ is worrying (?﹏?`?)

  Along the way, Zhou Min can only do senseless struggles, her little face is already sweating, and Lan Zi Yu was holding her quickly into the palace, no one saw it along the way, it seemed that someone had cleared everything in advance.

  When he arrived at the palace, he put her down and tore off the white gauze that was covering her body. There was only a white embroidered palace dress with a corset, but her figure was completely exposed.

  "Okay, my imperial sister, it's only the two of us now." His eyes lit up, looking at her bumpy figure.

  "The emperor, brother emperor, no, no--" she was distraught by him, turned and ran to the door, but the little hand reached the vermillion gate, and the other hand immediately took her from behind, and Take advantage of the opportunity to press on the door from behind.

  "Brother Emperor, I'm your sister! What do you want to do? Do you know what you are doing?" Zhou Min was pressed against the door by a powerful hand, and the roundness on his chest was tightly attached to the vermillion door behind him. It's the hot breath and the chest shaking with laughter.

  "What? I thought you always knew it, of course I wanted to fuck you! To kill you!" Lan Ziyu drove Zhou Min over vigorously, facing herself, lazily evoked a wicked smile, "I thought, When you saw me killing the woman who claimed to be our mother in the Qingyu Temple, you should know that I never cared about the worldly views, I was just me!"

  "What? Seeing the killing of our mother begin!" Zhou Min said Lan Ziyu was shocked by what Lan Ziyu said just now. What does it mean to see? When did she see it?

  Although Zhou Min searched through all of Lan Min's memories, there was no memory that Lan Ziyu said, but he was surprised and puzzled by Zhou Min. , Shocked, Lan Ziyu frowned dangerously, "What do you mean?"

  "What do you mean? You're asking the other way around! What is it that I saw you kill your mother, when did it happen, why I don't know Don't wrong me, it's not my pot I don't recite, I didn't see it, I don't know anything!" Zhou Min retorted, with a hint of grievance!

  Zhou Min, who has seen all the memories of Lan Min, naturally knows that the mother of this body is not a good person. On the contrary, she is a woman who wants to kill her husband, son or even daughter, but she is finally preparing to kill Lan Ziyu. When I was counterattacked by Lan Ziyu, then there would be the scene of the Qingyu Palace that Lan Ziyu said!

  It's just that Lan Min was told by the hostess when she died that she found out about the Queen Mother, but she concealed the reason why Lan Ziyu hated Lan Min for no reason. As for why, she didn't. I know~

  So when Zhou Min accepts Lan Min's memory, she naturally knows what kind of person her mother and queen is like. So for a selfish and indifferent woman who only thinks about herself, Zhou Min has no good impressions. On the contrary, she has always I am curious that the relationship between Lan Min and Lan Ziyu was quite good before the age of eleven. After all, they were brothers and sisters who had been eating, living and playing together.

  Therefore, before the age of 11, Lan Min was held by his brother in the palm of his hand, loved by his brother, loved by his father, and a mother who knew how to behave. Therefore, Lan Min was very happy, but after the age of 11, the queen mother The father and the emperor died one after another. After the elder brother boarded the plane, he gradually became inexplicably alienated and left Lan Min in the cold. She had looked for his elder brother several times, but was sent back by Father Tai.

  Then, her life was still undergoing earth-shaking changes, and she and him gradually moved away, until finally, she died in an assassination by the heroine in order to gain the ultimate favor of the hero! Ended Lan Min's sad life. Although Lan Min didn't say what she wanted in her wish list, Zhou Min felt that she would like to figure out why she likes her brother so much!

  At that time, in the beautiful home in Lan Min's heart, the reason for breaking the quintessence was instantly distracted, the only reason for my brother to alienate himself!

  At this moment, when he heard Lan Ziyu's words, Zhou Min suddenly smiled and cried, "You, for this reason, you thought that I had seen the murder of your mother, so I have been turning a blind eye to me all these years! I

  've seen her moaning like a bewitching fairy, and she's beautiful and beautiful like a fairy under the moon, but facing the tears and ripples in her arms, she is weak and helpless, as if abandoned by the world, and trembling helplessly. In the same way, Lan Ziyu suddenly felt that his heart began to feel a little pain!

  She was the one who vowed to protect since she was a baby, and he did it before, until he was discovered by her after he killed his mother in the Qingyu Palace, and then she began to avoid seeing her, everything was different!

  Her avoidance made him very heartbroken, so he began to alienate and be indifferent!

  But seeing her now, it seems that there is something hidden that he doesn't know~!

  "It wasn't you who were outside the hospital that day?" Lan Ziyu looked at Zhou Min dangerously, and there was a great urge to slap her to death if you dare to tell lies, but Zhou Min felt wronged even more, perhaps not in her own way. , But the feeling of Lan Min remaining in Zhou Min's body, or when Zhou Min appeared in Lan Min's body, there was only one Zhou Min or Lan Min in the world, because they were all the same person.

  "Do you know what my life is like these years? You bastard~" Zhou Min was trapped by Lan Ziyu's hands between himself and the door, so Zhou Min had to punch Lan Ziyu's chest constantly with both fists. I don't know if it is to vent or feel wronged!

  Lan Ziyu clamped Zhou Min's hand on top of her head with both hands, her body firmly suppressed her writhing body, "You..." Lan Ziyu didn't know what to say, but the desire in her heart The more I was consumed by this series of things.