Chapter 48

Kick away the campus Hui Guliang (10)

  "Jiang Min, did you ask for leave today? Didn't she insist on coming to school even when she was sick? Why did you call you to ask for leave today? Did something happen?" The innocent girl in student uniform tilted her head and asked to her friend who was sorting books next to her.

  "I don't know! But, Xiaoxiao, I found that you seem to be particularly concerned about Jiang Min's affairs. Aren't you the person who hates fake immortals the most?"

  The girl questioning is the heroine in this story, Su Xiaoxiao! The students in the third grade of Qing University and Jiang Min chose different majors, but they also minored in psychology! So when I heard that the teacher in class today called, the girl in the class who was in charge of recording the roster said that Jiang Min had asked for leave. Su Xiaoxiao couldn't help but ask Wei Yun, who was also her professional and friend next to her.

  "No, it's just curiosity. After all, Jiang Min is a goddess-level figure of our Qing University!" Su Xiaoxiao couldn't help but smirked.

  "I don't know, it seems that I heard that I am sick..." Wei Yun said, "Ill

  ?" Su Xiaoxiao and Wei Yun suddenly turned their heads at the door of the classroom. What they saw was Liu Haoyu with solemn expressions. A casual suit, standing upright and elegant at the door of the classroom.

  The sun pouring in the corner, shining on the comer's elegant and noble face, water chestnut-like handsome face, Su Xiao cautiously swayed to Liu Haoyu's side, shyly, "Brother Yu~"

  Liu Haoyu didn't pay attention to the people around him for the first time. Instead, Su Xiaoxiao stepped forward and looked at Wei Yun, "Who did you just say was sick?" Wei Yun, who was stared at

  by Liu Haoyu so directly, felt an indescribable pressure from the superior on him, and said hesitantly, "Yes. It's Jiang Min!"

  Liu Haoyu frowned slightly, then turned and left, but she couldn't help but think of her madness and lack of restraint last night. Is this the reason why she became ill? !

  Su Xiaoxiao looked at Liu Haoyu's leaving figure and couldn't help but clenched his hands. This was the first time Liu Haoyu ignored her existence! When Wei Yun was leaving Liu Haoyu, his feet could not help but soften. He sat on the chair, patted his heart beating fiercely, and felt anxiously. It's also stressful to look straight and calm..." At

  this point, Wei Yun's eyes lit up, "However, did the male god just ask Jiang Min? Didn't even the male god escape the goddess' lethality?"

  Wei Yun said. After that, I felt that Su Xiaoxiao's vision in front of her was as sharp as poison, and she couldn't help but shudder, but Su Xiaoxiao quickly retracted her gaze, looking at Liu Haoyu who was going away, gritted her teeth and wanted to bite off a piece of someone else's alive. Meaty, Nie Nuo, "Jiang Min!" A

  week later, in the

  light blue room full of girlish atmosphere, in Nuo's big round bed, a girl was lying on top of her with a quilt. The white and plump forehead densely formed small beads of sweat, and a long silky hair stuck to her face, making her skin as crystal clear as snow. Two slender and straight legs clung to the quilt tightly, clasping tightly with both hands, and his expression was very sad, as if there was something he had forgotten.

  There was a faint knock on the door, which broke Zhou Min, who was immersed in the darkness and couldn't find his way, panicking! Those almond-like eyes opened up suddenly.

  "Xiao Min, get up, your classmates came to see you!" Zhou Min, who is now Jiang Min's mother, was standing outside the door, speaking to her daughter through a door, and she said after she came back last time. I wanted to take a few days off for a few days off. The university work was too heavy. I couldn't bear it. I wanted to take a few days off. But the second elder of the Jiang family, who had been distressed for her daughter's hard work, agreed without hesitation.

  During this break, I stayed at home for a week. Because Jiang Min died naturally, there is no time limit for Zhou Min in this life, as long as he completes the task!

  The Jiang family can be regarded as a wealthy family in China. Jiang Min is the only daughter, and coupled with the hard-working and sensible character, the Jiang family's parents feel distressed and become more and more spoiled.

  And the body that was tossed by Liu Haoyu was almost healed, but she herself didn't know how to face Liu Haoyu so that she wouldn't let him hold herself in her arms. After all, her task was to tell Liu Haoyu the truth, so that Su Xiaoxiao could not get Liu Haoyu. , And kept everything about Jiang's family in China, but the time she came in was unlucky. Liu Haoyu had already preconceived Su Xiaoxiao as herself, and had a strange concern for Su Xiaoxiao.

  When a man starts paying attention to a strange woman and makes an exception for her, it means that this woman has a certain position in the man's heart, and the position is not low. If Liu Haoyu has a good impression sensor for Su Xiaoxiao, So it must be 60% now!

  Jiang Min looked at his attribute section. Liu Haoyu had only 20% of his favorability, while the "nutrient" collection was only 5%! But she remembered that that night, Liu Haoyu obviously shot countless times in her body! Could it be that the collection of "nutrients" will become more and more difficult as it goes later? !

  "Host, you finally found it!" The jubilant voice rang, "As the host's level gets higher and higher and there are more and more stories to pass through, it will become more and more difficult for the male protagonist to collect "nutrients". The semen of one session will be compressed into a rich version of the essence, so the host has to come on!"

  Jiang Min couldn't help but stunned, "In other words, I want to do different things with the male lead and collect enough "nutrients" to support me next time. Traveling through time and space!"

  "It can be understood so!" He smiled happily and owed it!

  When Zhou Min packed up and went downstairs, he saw a ball-headed girl in a blue skirt sitting playfully in the living room, and saw Zhou Min's vitality sitting on the sofa when he walked down slowly in a white dress. The playful girl stood up and said, "Xiao Min, are you getting better?"

  Jiang Min has this girl in his memory, one of her few friends, Ruan Ru! Is a professional friend with myself.

  "I'm fine, thank you for coming to see me!" Zhou Min walked to Ruan Ru and said after coming down.

  "It's fine. It's not good for you to stay at home all day long. Today, the "Lafayette" on Jiangbei New Street opens. Let's go shopping!"

  Ruan Ru hugged Zhou Min's arm and said mischievously, and the Jiang mother who was watching them couldn't help but chuckled, "Xiao Ru, please take out Xiao Min, who is about to grow grass in our family. After coming back a week ago, I've been lying in bed and sleeping, and I'm worried that she's going to be a god-sleeping god!"

  Ruan Ru "chuckled" with a smile covering his mouth, pulling Zhou Min's arm continuously, acting like a baby, and Zhou Min couldn't help but laugh. Smiled, "Okay, let's go out~"