Chapter 49

Kick off the campus Hui Guliang (11)

  After Jiang's mother Ruan Ru persuaded him, Zhou Min also agreed. The reason why he was at home for a week was nothing but "healing", and after thinking about it. What kind of attitude do you use to approach Liu Haoyu will not seem too deliberate!

  But after a week, she couldn't think of anything, and under the urging of Ruan Ru and Jiang's mother, she reluctantly agreed, which can be regarded as a relaxation for the brain, or she will suddenly have an idea afterwards and say that it is not necessarily!

  After the decision was made, Zhou Min followed Ruan Ru in the driver Jiang's mother arranged for them, and then left. When the driver and them were sent to Jiangbei New Street, Ruan Ru bent over, "Please tell Aunt Jiang, I will take a little girl tonight. Min went to my house to sleep, and I will go home tomorrow!" The

  driver smiled and nodded, while Zhou Min on the side was no longer able to cry or laugh. After the driver left, Ruan Ru smiled and took Zhou Min's arm and walked and stopped, although the two of them had been taken. Friends for a few years, but in fact, there is no extra language between each other, now the weather is hot, the two went into the mall and circled a few times.

  Zhou Min thought that the two elders of the Jiang family would have their marriage and love day in a few days, so he wanted to choose a gift for the two elders as gifts. Although the Jiang family is not a rich family, Jiang's father is still very indulgent to his daughter. The pocket money that Yue gave her was still considerable.

  As long as it is a woman, it is hard not to be tempted by gems! Thinking of this, Zhou Min took Ruan Ru to the jewelry store to see the jewelry, but Ruan Ru interrupted him for the first time, "Xiao Min, what are you doing in the jewelry store?"; Ruan Ru has a very good personality. Active and lively, coupled with shopping is a woman's favorite thing, so looking at the dazzling array of things in the mall along the way, I have long been very excited, especially for women. In addition to gems, food is also an irresistible temptation. Ruan Ru is one of the best!

  When entering the mall, Ruan Ru's eyes were constantly attracted by the various food banners hanging on the mall, and he had to look up several times a minute. Although he did it secretly every time, it seemed to look at himself but alone. Looking at the dilated eyes of the food banner behind him alone, it is hard to ignore!

  As a result, even now, he is clearly talking to himself, but Zhou Min has a feeling of laughter and laughter. Whoever talks is looking at a photo of food on the side with his eyes shining, as if he has been hungry for a few days!

  "My parents' wedding day is next month. I want to pick a gift for each of them." As Zhou Min said, he scanned the counters on the first floor of the mall.

  As soon as Ruan Ru heard this, her brows frowned involuntarily, and her eyes were puzzled, "Your parents' wedding day, what gift do you pick! Shouldn't your father buy it for your mother?"

  "That's right. However, without my parents' current love and joy, how could I be so happy? Anyway, I'm just using my dad's money to borrow flowers to offer Buddha!"

  Zhou Min's thoughts make Ruan Ru a little puzzled, but think about it the other way around. , Who would not dislike too many gifts! People who receive gifts are always happy! It is also the filial piety of one's own daughter. After all, there is still a difference between a husband and a daughter.

  Thinking of this, Ruan Ru's eyes lit up immediately, "Since it's the wedding anniversary of Aunt Jiang and Uncle Jiang, it's okay if I didn't know before, but now I know, should I buy one for Aunt Jiang? ?! "

  " are not golden, my father and mother thought dinner, right when you do not know well, anyway, this thing anyway, is not a big thing, mom and Dad want low-key, two people too simple Well, if you give me a gift like this, I'm afraid that everyone around you will know it, but it's not good!" Zhou Min shook his head and said in disapproval.

  "Oh, that's okay... I'll give Aunt Jiang a gift next time on Aunt Jiang's birthday!" Ruan Ru shrugged indifferently, saying that he didn't really care!

  Ruan Ru has a lively personality and because she is in the same community and she is a professional, she often visits her home and her relationship with her mother is also very good. Moreover, although she is a rich and beautiful girl, But she is also a kind and innocent personality, so Jiang Mu is also happy to let Ruan Ru meet her!

  Although Ruan Ru kept asking and answering Zhou Min's questions, his eyes kept flashing in front of a newly opened Japanese restaurant, inseparable! From time to time he looked at himself with pitiful eyes, giving Zhou Min the urge to hold his forehead!

  "Or, let's eat first, and then see if there are any good gifts to give..." Zhou Min couldn't help but tentatively asked.

  But immediately Ruan Ru nodded with excitement like a chicken pecking at rice. "This proposal is great! Eat first, and then have the strength to go shopping...Right, I think this Japanese food is good, let's go..."

  Ruan Ru after getting Zhou Min's suggestion Immediately, his eyes flashed green and pointed at the huge banner hanging not far behind. The ice sashimi on it was indeed attractive in hue, but it was just a matter of taste.

  Zhou Min smiled helplessly, but he also knew Ruan Ru In fact, they are just a foodie, so they have nothing to do. They didn't eat anything when they came out anyway. Now it's almost noon and it's time to eat. Looking at the address on the banner, Zhou Min and Ruan Ru directly Make a straight ladder to the fourth floor.

  A typical Japanese restaurant, the entire layout of the restaurant is very Tokyo feel, the wood fragrance is unique and elegant, soft lighting, warm watercolors, exquisite pottery, cute geisha dolls and the entrance The statues of samurai all show a strong Japanese style. As

  soon as you enter the restaurant, a waiter dressed in a beautiful kimono greets you, "Hello, how many? Is there an appointment?"

  "Two people, no appointment, there are private boxes Is it?" Zhou Min said politely half a step forward.

  "Yes, please come with me, guest..." "Polite and polite, with a perfect smile. Every bend is an absolute standard Japanese etiquette. If you want to come, you are absolutely professionally trained!

  Ruan Ru and Zhou Min look at each other. After a glance, he voluntarily followed the service staff to the second floor. The bar mode in the lobby on the first floor is the loop autonomous mode, and the wooden stairs on the right are the private room, which is the unique tatami.

  Zhou Min and Ruan Ru took off their shoes. When entering the box and kneeling on the tatami, the kimono staff can take the menu and start recommending their classic dishes and sashimi!

  When everything was done, the service staff closed the door of the box and left. Zhou Min and Ruan Ru then began to look at the box, which was only forty square meters. In fact, for a box, this is not too small, it can even be said to be. It is very large, but the decorations and sliding wooden doors inside, as well as the cherry blossoms drawn on it, all have an elegant and fresh taste.