Chapter 50

Kick Kai Campus Hui Guliang (12)

  even the room is full of peach blossoms. Although I don't know how they found fresh peach blossoms in the sweltering summer, I have to say that this shop is really full of peach blossoms. With a word, "local tyrant"!

  No matter what it is, in Zhou Min's eyes, it is a renminbi in vain!

  When the door was opened again, a series of serving people were in an endless stream, and Ruan Ru's eyes had forgotten as long as the delicate sashimi was placed on the table. There was still a panting living person sitting opposite her. ...

  "The picture on the picture looks great, but when I really put it on the table, I realized that the excellent knife skills and carving methods really made the food an art! It's amazing... ." Ruan Ru's eyes were about to fall into the plate, Zhou Min couldn't help but chuckle, seeing Ruan Ru already automatically picked up the chopsticks and started eating.

  "Miss, the last assorted tempura platter is ready, and the desserts behind, we will serve you again in twenty-five minutes!" the waiter said politely.

  Seeing Ruan Ru's cheeks bulging, Zhou Min couldn't help but raised his head and nodded to the waiter.

  Zhou Min's originally intended to withdraw his gaze when the service staff exited and was about to close the door. From the corner of his eye, he saw that the room directly opposite them was slowly opened by another service staff.

  The decoration on the second floor is a wooden corridor that is less than one meter wide and can only be passed by two people. There are boxes on the left and right sides. Through the time when the door is slowly closed, she sees the slowly opening door on the opposite side. Among a group of well-situated people, sitting alone in the first place, the figure in a lazy sitting posture is a bit familiar!

  Zhou Min couldn't help but frowned and tilted his head. When the door was about to close, he glanced again, but because the man was leaning on the wall with his chest, hidden in the dark corner of the light, and because there were too many people in the box, he entered From time to time, the service staff blocked some figures, so that Zhou Min could not see clearly, but in spite of this, the casual and lazy posture, the grace and imposing all over the body, although it was just a simple action, it made a kind of Pleasant feeling.

  And such a figure, you can see that it is so extraordinary at a glance. It is reasonable to say that according to Jiang Min's nerd and nerdy nerdy character, she shouldn't know such a person, but she feels a little familiar. Sometimes! Too much curiosity will really jeopardize your life...

  Zhou Min couldn't help but leaned out half of his body, shaking his head left and right, wanting to see clearly from the gap of the waiter who walked in, who is this person?

  After serving the food, the service staff immediately quit one by one without stopping, and when the last person quit, he slowly closed the door. At this time, Zhou Min focused his eyes on the man, perhaps he noticed that someone was looking at him, that was extraordinary. Suddenly raised his head, his half-sitting body stood upright, slowly appearing from the dark corner of the light, revealing a sharp, handsome face.

  The scattered Liuhai blocked his forehead in a random manner. There was no trace of sloppyness, but it seemed a little more casual. He had never worn glasses, and occasionally there was a gentleness that transformed this person's unattainable aura, tightly. Under his thin lips, the chin seems to be sharpened, he is a handsome, gentle and elegant man with a gentle appearance.

  Even if some people's momentum doesn't need any words to set off, it is enough to surpass everything! Zhou Min, who was a little familiar when he was looking out of a dark corner, was even more puzzled by the bright lights at this time, and his eyes were involuntarily attracted to the young man because he was so familiar! Where have I really seen it... When the

  man also turned his gaze straight on Zhou Min, he was surprised for a moment, but his eyes became unfathomable, and the corners of his mouth could not help but evoke a polite and perfect smile. Suddenly Zhou Min's face changed drastically, and his hands on the wooden floor softened in an instant. When the door of his private room closed, he lay on the floor, his forehead was already covered with black lines! Suddenly there was a sense of depression that was dumbfounding.

  The iron chopsticks also fell with Zhou Min's movements, and the clear sound made Ruan Ru who was immersed in the food come to mind. What he saw was Zhou Min who was lying on the ground, "Xiao Min, what are you doing?" There are flowers on the ground, making you so interested in researching?!"

  Ruan Ru put his hands on the table, leaned half of his body, looked at Zhou Min, who had been lying on the ground pretending to be dead, but waited for a long time and didn't see Zhou Min. Child reaction.

  Ruan Ru changed a few times in a row, but still didn't see any reaction from her. She couldn't help but feel a little worried on her face. She got up and walked to her side and reached out to help people up, "Xiao Min, what's the matter with you? Isn't it uncomfortable? ??"

  Just after saying this, Ruan Ru lowered his head and saw Zhou Min's expression of wishing to poke his eyes blindly. He seemed to wish that time would stand still, and he was puzzled.

  When Ruan Ru was in the mist because of Zhou Min's inexplicable expression, the man in the other private room couldn't help being amused by Zhou Min's last embarrassing and dying expression!

  Originally, I felt impatiently irritated because I was stared at. When the person I had been thinking about for a week suddenly appeared, the corner of his mouth showed a playful smile. Originally, the report was rejected in the same box, and the big boss had a low pressure. The atmosphere of all the senior management staff was so scared that they did not dare to take a breath, and they were able to breathe instantly because of a smile from "Big Pervert".

  Although everyone doesn't know why people who were originally overcast and sunny suddenly feel better, but if they can see such a miracle every day, they would rather live a few years less!

  The man stretched out his hand to stop the waiter from closing the door. He looked straight at the closed box on the opposite side. He couldn't help thinking about it. Thinking of Zhou Min's expression at the end, the man couldn't help standing up and stepping out.

  "Today's meeting is here. You go back and perform your duties. I hope that the same thing will not be seen by me next time. You know very well that I never need waste!" It was a clear and elegant tone, but It makes people shudder as if they are in the cold, ice and snow!

  "Yes, Doctor!" Everyone stood up together. He was obviously a fierce snake in the mall, but he liked to be called a doctor. He clearly controlled the economic lifeline of most parts of Europe and America, including here, but didn't like being called. boss!

  The weird hobby also made everyone puzzled, but they didn't dare to ask, because they obviously seemed to be the age of a college student, but only they knew how harsh and perverted the young boy's methods were!

  The man nodded and was very satisfied with the obedient group of people behind. "After eating and leaving!" After getting the answer he wanted, the man left the box and automatically closed the box door.