Chapter 000

Everyone called him the prince. He thought that he was his father, and the woman who was hiding in the huge ice palace excavated by the imperial palace was her mother's queen. Because, every morning and evening, he would go to the ice. Please greet the Empress of Gong Xiangmu.

  But he never let him call that woman, mother! He is not allowed to call him the emperor father, he can only call him the king, and call her Queen Lan! The only stranger is the relationship between the emperor and the minister, but he asked him to call them the Queen Mother and the Supreme Emperor when he ascended the throne of God one day! You can be disrespectful and negligent to him, but you must have absolute respect and admiration for that woman, and there is no room for a trace of slack!

  And the teacher who served and raised him since he was a child said so, he is the prince, the child of the king and queen! However, the first sentence he spoke was not called the father, nor the mother, but the empress!

  From the age of three, the man who was like a god began to train him personally. At that time, every time he wanted to do his best, he only hoped to see an increasingly satisfied look in his eyes.

  At the age of five, he was regarded by the man as an adult, and he began to stand above the court. Although he drew criticisms, one of his eyes instantly calmed the restlessness of the civil and military officials, and the smoke that had not yet started was plain and unremarkable. In his eyes, it was annihilated instantly!

  At that time, in his heart, the man sitting on the Lan Guolong chair was actually not only his own god, but the god of all people, admiring him, fearing him, and loving him.

  He hopes to do better and get more satisfaction from him, but his satisfaction is always when he becomes more able to be alone. The higher Lan Ziyu's expectations, the better he will do, but he Hope to get his approval.

  Because, since he was a child, he has been looking up at this man, a man who is so powerful that he desires and admires him from his heart!

  "Children follow the order!"

  Lan Ziyu got up and left. The red dragon robe spread extravagance and decay on the gorgeous floor. Look carefully, the slabs on the ground are the flowers of the other bank carefully carved by the craftsmen. The flowers and leaves are rotten and beautiful. , When the blood-red dragon robe fell to the ground, it flowed like bright red, bringing a room of beauty and despair.

  Like the flower language of the other shore flower, the flower of the yellow spring, beautiful and absolutely love, perish forever!

  Since Lan Min's death, he has fallen in love with the red bloody color, the red dazzling, and the beautiful heart, just like her on the snowy mountain, the blood-stained red dress...corrupted and decayed, desperate and poignant. ..... Just

  like his life, on that day, his life became withered, his heart was already shattered into ashes, sinking into a dry well, and despair was

  wiped out ... Lan Ziyu held the hairpin in his hand that was stroked more than 10,000 times a day, pain in his heart After one wave after another, he returned to the ice palace on the ground and looked at the person on the ice bed. He slept beside her as usual, holding her hand for ten years, "Why is it so cold," Min'er, the child of the Lan family clan that I adopted eight years ago has become more and more able to stand alone. Give me another five years! Wait until the country of Yan is destroyed, wait until the wedding dress is ready, wait until that child sits on the dragon chair , We will get married. When the time comes, I won't have to go out anymore and I can be with you!"

  "Min'er, don't worry, that child is a child I personally picked out of the Lan clan's clan. He is absolutely clever and clever. , Picking one from a hundred miles, worthy of a great responsibility, and those of his clan, I did not leave any person, is any one.....He is your only child, and you will be the only mother in the future, you will be the only one in Lan Country The Queen of Phoenix, we are a hundred years later, he admits that the only queen dowager enshrined, no one can make you unhappy, make you wronged, including myself..."

  "Min'er, but, I don't like him calling your mother queen. I don't like him calling me the emperor! Because I am yours, just yours, you are mine, I am alone, no one can intervene between us, no one belong only to I am alone!"

  Lan Ziyu suddenly propped up her upper body and looked sideways at Lan Min's delicate eyebrows. Although his face was horribly pale, in Lan Ziyu's eyes, this was the only heartbeat and happiness in his heart!

  "Also, the materials for the wedding gown have been found. I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long. Soon, soon... your wedding gown will be ready. Then, when everything is over, I will I can take the dowry you want to find you. At that time, would you still want me?"

  Lan Ziyu asked like a devil. In this cold and biting ice palace, it was quiet and weird, but Lan Ziyu seemed fundamentally I didn't want to get her answer. I was lying in her arms, as hard and cold as ice, but he didn't feel it at all. He declared domineeringly, "Whether you want me or not, I will haunt you forever. , I will never let you go!" It

  was another four cold and hot days. Suddenly there were a few more people in the harem, and many elderly people were at the age of leaving the palace. The originally empty harem suddenly ushered in a new one one day. Concubine, followed by more and more women, the originally empty harem gradually became noisy, but Lan Ziyu became more and more violent and moody.

  The early dynasty has rarely participated in it, and it is fully delegated to the 11-year-old, the youngest, but most like the little prince of Lan Ziyu, and the little prince is getting more and more recognition from everyone, but the little prince is not satisfied because he wants it most. The person who wants to be recognized, in recent months, has often locked himself in the room and kept drawing, or the madman usually catches a person and asks, do you know Lan Min?

  But everyone shook their heads. They didn't know what happened to the emperor, who was shocked, always calm and indifferent, and was in control of everything. With a kick, those with bad luck have already splashed three feet of blood on the spot.

  Everyone said that this man who used to be like a god was mad, only he knew that he was not mad, because his eyes were still sharp and bright, still sharp as a sword!

  It's just that the name he says every day and the wedding dress that he has never seen before, what is going on? !

  Also, when was the forbidden ice palace in the palace built? Why did he have no impression? He once ordered someone to call a construction supervisor, but he didn't have the slightest clue. Also, his mother, queen, The woman who didn't remember the slightest impression seemed to be a mystery, with weirdness everywhere.

  But the emperor father made the imperial decree. If one day he has the slightest disrespect and negligence towards that woman, then the courtiers can ask for the imperial edict, oust him from the throne, and re-establish a new ruler. The king of the kingdom of Lan can be incompetent, but absolutely not. Irrespective of Min Queen, that is, the mother who he has no memory of!

  "King, it's time for you to eat." The

  visitor said cautiously, but saw the man sitting alone in the dark, with a touch of back, such loneliness, like a lone soul, without the grace and honor of a few months ago.

  He hung his head, holding something in his hand, and was muttering to himself.

  The palace man was holding the meal and looked at the chief executive, who was obstructed by the prince's order and had to leaned forward curiously. Then he was surprised that the king with his head hung down was still worthy of his prime, and he found out in the morning. Even though his head was covered with hoarfrost, the general manager couldn't see the appearance of Lan Ziyu hidden in the darkness, and saw that he was holding a half-length wooden hairpin in his hand.

  what is that?