Chapter 0000

 what is that?

  The general manager hadn't said anything yet, Lan Ziyu suddenly thin lips with an indifferent smile, one by one, and he kept saying things that they didn't understand.

  "The first time I saw her was in the bedroom of the queen mother. It was not long after she was born. She had no facial features. She was small, the size of a kitten, her eyes were tightly closed, and her skin was wrinkled. It's so ugly." Lan Ziyu was slightly confused, and smiled softly, "At that time, I was young and too curious, so I poked her with my index finger. Unexpectedly, she opened her eyes. Eyes... Those eyes are like a whirlpool, attracting all my sight... Those eyes are so beautiful..."

  "The second time I saw her, it was the first time she returned to the palace after studying art from the mountain. At that time, she was three years old. She was surprisingly courageous. She climbed onto a tree. She didn't have the attitude of a princess at all, and her face was dusty, like a little flower. A cat, but a chick she held in her hands, standing barefoot on a tree full of greenery and smiling like the sun, dazzling him, his eyes gleaming, making him breathe, as long as one glance, He knew it, it was her! That crumpled little dumpling when she was a kid... When she watched her put the bird back into the nest, she suddenly stepped on the air... My body was moving subconsciously, flying over, and holding this under the tree The girl who fell from the tree...Everyone knelt on the ground and cheered, the prince is thousands of years old, the girl's surprised eyes turned into surprise in an instant, hugging my neck, yelling sweetly, are finally back, I waited for you for a long time...At that moment, he felt so happy for the first time, and she surrounded her like the world..."

  "From then on, there is a follower behind me, and every day I hold a different one in my hands. Pastries, followed me happily, hid in class secretly at the entrance of the study, Shang Chao hid behind the pillar, and when he was scolded by the emperor, he pretended to be pitiful and behaved in front of him. If she wanted to eat delicious food, she would do all kinds of helplessness. In my heart, the position is getting heavier and heavier, and the weight begins to change, and I neglected, or I chose to ignore, until the variables of that day, everything changed from that day on, I pushed When she drove her, she was embarrassed, and one day she was dying and fell under my feet... But I ignored it, or I was afraid of my soft heart, so I ran away..."

  " I thought I would be with her again When it was irrelevant, she reappeared. When I saw her again, her eyes were brighter and more flexible, which made me hold her and push everything to that night's confusion... The misunderstanding was solved, and then it was just getting deeper and deeper... Until the last incapable of extricating... That night, she said, I want the world to hire, she said, she wants the most beautiful and luxurious wedding gown, she said, she wants Let yourself be his only wife...Otherwise, we will never meet again..."

  Lan Ziyu slowly recalled with a smile, "I have to tell myself three times a day... I'm afraid of forgetting..."

  Seeing that Lan Ziyu, who is called the "Eternal Emperor", talks to himself stupidly, all the minions around him are panicked, because they don't know everything that Lan Ziyu said, what they want to say, but all The person is like a freeze frame, his throat is pinched, and bitterness spread in his heart, he grinned, wanting to say, but found that he couldn't say it.

  "Your Majesty, the royal doctor said, you have not slept for seven days. If you don't sleep anymore, how can your body survive? Please take care of your body for all the people of Lan Country!" The chief general suddenly knelt down with tears on his face. For those who Lan Ziyu rescued from the gate of death, he has absolute loyalty and respect to Lan Ziyu!


  "Yeah!" The general manager nodded and said in a spirited tone, "Your Majesty is tired. Just sleep. As long as you have enough rest, your Majesty is still the man who was like a divine residence..."

  Lan Ziyu smiled bitterly, "I'm afraid I won't remember this sleep anymore, hahahahaha..., get out, get out of me..."

  Lan Ziyu frightened a crowd of people all the time. Ten servants were so scared that they scrambled and ran out, because his hand was a three-foot cold light green front suddenly drawn from the wall!

  In the palace, he slashed and slashed, and the Qingfeng shot in his hand, straight into the wall, the sword's edge trembled slightly, the cold light was cold, and the evil spirit was pressing. It can be seen how many people's blood was stained on this sword!

  Lan Ziyu hugged her head and her thin lips, and murmured in a low voice, "I love you..." the three words repeatedly repeated.

  Only those three words... the three words clearly.

  It's like a curse...

  "Why? Why do you punish me like this... You know... My love for you is overflowing to crazy... You know, what sustains me is the memory of you," Do you know... Those memories are the only sustenance and breathing for me..." He muttered, "I love you..."

  Suddenly, his body was slightly stretched, and then he put his hands in his hands. Head, face full of pain.

  "It's not good that your majesty has a headache again, go and call a doctor!" The maid outside the door cautiously observed the scene inside.

  "Get out of here!" Lan Ziyu gritted her teeth and squeezed out a few words from between her teeth, with a chilling silence.

  Everyone was afraid, and no one stepped into the palace.

  In the darkness...he was left alone.

  Lonely like a lonely soul...

  "Why! Why, why did you disappear, why did your body disappear, why did you even take away the memory, do you really hate me so much? Why? You want to disappear so much So clean and thorough! Erase the memory of the world about you completely... So how do I find you in the mirror of reincarnation on Huangquan Road, Lan Min, you are so cruel!!!"

  Put the wooden hairpin on the table , He hid his head and growled.

  In the empty room, only his painful growl was left.

  Suddenly, the wooden hairpin seemed to be corroded, and gradually turned into a circle of dust.

  The wind blew in from the window, and the powder flew with the wind... "No!" Lan Ziyu was shocked, "Close the window! Quickly close the window!" Window! Close the window!"

  But... the

  powder has disappeared...

  "Your Majesty! Your Majesty, what's the matter!" Outside the door, someone rushed in.

  Lan Ziyu turned around and looked at them, with a slightly panic expression, "You... do you remember the eldest princess?"

  "The eldest princess?" Everyone stared at each other.

  "Father, you are the only son of Emperor Lan Guozhizong, and you don't have a sister?" The little prince asked when he came in.

  "No! No!" Lan Ziyu shook his head, "Where's Lan Min? How could you not remember Lan Min, that was the only princess in Lan Country!"

  "Lan Min...who is it?" Everyone was confused.

  "Go out." Lan Ziyu gritted his teeth.

  Everyone withdrew with fear on their faces.

  "Lan Min... Lan Min..." Lan Ziyu slammed into the wall with a fierce punch, and the red blood slowly flowed down from the cracks in the wall. He whispered and cried blood like Zigui.

  As if... you want to blend that name into the bones and blood.

  "Why... I don't even want to leave my memory..."


  The people outside the door listened to Lan Ziyu's bloody roar inside. Suddenly, there was an uncontrollable pain in his heart, which seemed to have really forgotten. What, but what is it?

  Suddenly, a shallow sigh seemed to be heard in the ear, it seemed helpless but also a pity...

  Lan Ziyu was shocked, raised her eyes, her eyes were red with blood, like Shura from hell, and like a ghost crawling out of the devil. "Lan Min, I won't let you go. If I take my heart, I will be with me forever. No matter what the price is, I will find you out... Lan Min!!!!!!!!! ! "

  cry of despair with the power of Armageddon, it seems to penetrate the world, across time ...


  I always knew he was a stand-in, has been I know, since I entered the palace, I have known that the noble man often lost his mind when he looked at me, occasionally he would look at me and call another woman's name. He was awake by accident and confused by accident, but the only thing that hasn't changed is It was looking for another woman's figure in me.

  Never touched me before, the whole harem is beautiful, but she looks like another woman between her brows and eyes! That taboo that can't be said!

  The taboo of infinite glory and blood flowing in one night, that is not familiar to everyone, but it is the reason why the noble man is fighting on the battlefield and insisting on joining the Three Kingdoms. The corpses of the last battle are everywhere, and the woman who never existed, Inexplicably became the fuse of this war, the taboo that turned a generation of hegemons into lunatics.

  The magnificent palace, with many servants, is full of exquisite carvings and gorgeous blue everywhere. All the best can be seen in this place, but the light and bitter woman under the lamp knows that all this is Not of me, but the person, the woman that no one knows but can't mention.

  In the light gauze trance, the woman under the lamp, with yellow decals on the mirror, in the vague bronze mirror, the woman, her eyes are like stagnant water, she has seen accidentally, that noble man, after the Three Kingdoms, laughed crazy and crazy He painted the same picture with disheveled clothes, and looked similar at first glance, but the woman in the picture had a pair of surprisingly beautiful eyes!

  Once, she liked this face that made the noble man's eyes stop, but at this time, how envious she was, now she hates it, because she let herself know, she, no! Not only her, but all the women in the harem, the combined eyebrows and eyes are just to piece together a person who doesn't have.....

  How sad that she never touched anyone in the harem, but locked them in the harem and cherished the memory of that. People who exist...

  I know that at this point in time, that man is coming, just like a few months have passed, the wind and rain have not changed, every time he appears in this palace at a point in time, this one is like a golden wire cage General palace.

  I don't know why. Just tonight, I have a strange hunch that something is going to change.

  When I was in a daze, I heard Lan Ziyu's footsteps walking into the palace on the corridor.

  I looked up and watched him walk towards me.

  "Why don't you sleep so late?" Lan Ziyu asked.

  I didn't answer. He seems to be different today. There is no madness, sadness and love in his eyebrows. Now the look in his eyes is so peaceful. Is it weird? Therefore, I intend to see clearly, so I looked at him with more gaze.

  "Why look at loneliness like this?" Lan Ziyu sat down in front of me and asked lightly.

  "Do you...remember who the Simin Temple was built for?" Looking at him, I said, did he realize the fading of his memory a long time ago, so he was anxious to have such a group of Lanmin puzzles, even hesitating to keep it I'm just the same name as her?

  "Simmin Hall?" Lan Ziyu raised his eyebrows and chuckled. "Fool, isn't Smin because of your name?"

  "Where's Lanmin? Do you remember?" I changed the way of thinking, and I continued to ask, this name was when Lan Ziyu was drunk once, and he kept chanting the name, and every sound was filled with endless thoughts and thoughts. Grief....

  "Hehe, isn't Lan Min you?" Lan Ziyu laughed.

  "Lan with the same name as Your Majesty! Lan Min..."

  His hands were slightly taken aback, and his eyes were constantly intertwined with entanglements, contradictions, pains, struggles...

  he didn't remember, he didn't remember...

  He doesn't remember the woman named Lan Min... He doesn't remember the woman he used to collect puzzles for... The woman

  with the same name as me, named Lan Min...

  "Lan Min~" touched my face with one hand Suddenly, Lan Ziyu's eyes were shocked, and she fled out embarrassedly, but outside were all the exclamation of the servants, and the panic and anger of Lan Ziyu!

  Suddenly, I was so tired that the servant in the palace took off my makeup, lay on the bed, closed my eyes, and didn't want to talk.

  Because I know, that man, I'm afraid he won't let them live, and he himself won't live, because when he was drunk, he said, it is better to forget you in a world without you. While you have memories, die with your only memory, and those women who are like you, no, they are not like you, because no one can compare with you, no one...

  The next day, the emperor came with white hair all night and died at the death knell of the palace. The last saint was to abolish all the concubines in the harem. The history books are not allowed to leave any name of any harem woman except the Phoenix Queen. ...