Chapter 69

Kick off the campus Hui Guliang (29)

  Zhou Min did not hide, and reported Liu Haoyu 's company address. Jiang's mother was surprised for a moment, but it was only a moment, and then he nodded joyfully, and happily wanted to help her personally. Packing up his clothes, he kept admiring, "I heard your dad say that the person from the Liu family, who is now the youngest and most sharp-handed owner of the Liu family, is a very powerful person. You can work with such a person. I can learn a lot! Come on..."

  Zhou Min heard Jiang's mother admiring Liu Haoyu's ten thousand words, and ten thousand alpacas whizzed past in his heart...

  Are you sure we know the same person? ? Will the Liu Haoyu I know is a fake...

  and seeing Jiang's mother's enthusiastic appearance, Zhou Min can't tell how depressed he is. If Jiang's mother knows, this is sending her own daughter to someone else's house. 』Will you still be so enthusiastic?

  The night came down quickly. Because there was no class in the afternoon, Zhou Min didn't go out all afternoon, and when he saw Liu Haoyu flashing lights on his mobile phone screen, Zhou Min reluctantly answered the call.

  "Come down!"

  Before Zhou Min spoke, Liu Haoyu's unique voice rang with a cold and elegant voice, which was firm and domineering that could not be denied.

  "Okay!" Zhou Min replied weakly, then stood up and came to the window, and saw a car parked again where the car left in the morning. It was black, calm and low-key, and it didn't cause anyone to look back at all, but No one would have thought that sitting in this flashy car was the helm of the Liu family who could make the city's economy turbulent by stomping his foot-Liu Haoyu!

  Looking out the window, Zhou Min's expression is very complicated. She read Jiang Min's memories again this afternoon. Many things seem to be changing. The only thing that hasn't changed is that the affairs of Su Xiaoxiao and Liu Haoyu seem to be different. Nothing changed because of her arrival. Ruan Ru called her first before receiving a call from Liu Haoyu.

  From Ruan Ru's words, Zhou Min knew that this afternoon, Liu Haoyu took Su Xiaoxiao to the reception of the opening ceremony of the movie. That was the starting point of Su Xiaoxiao's career in the previous life, and it was also a crucial point!

  However, today, he clearly saw the hot sex scene between Su Xiaoxiao and the strange man in the utility room. Why did he treat Su Xiaoxiao and Liu Haoyu the same way

  ? It is hard to understand... What is the so-called chess piece? Liu Haoyu wants to use the chess piece Su Xiaoxiao, who is it to deal with? In other words, who needs Liu Haoyu to take such pains to deal with? !

  Thinking of Liu Haoyu's unabashed ridicule and ignorance of Su Xiaoxiao, it is hard to imagine that he in his previous life would marry Su Xiaoxiao this woman! Could it be that in the previous life, there was something that Jiang Min ignored, or that it was Jiang Min who missed any important clues after emigrating to a deadly heart? !

  But no matter what it was, it seemed that everything made Zhou Min confused. At this moment, a thought that was so fast that he could not grasp it flashed through his mind, and Zhou Min's eyes suddenly flashed with shock and doubt.

  Since Liu Haoyu had known what kind of person Su Xiaoxiao was, did he know that the girl he was looking for was not Su Xiaoxiao? ! In other words, did he know that the little girl he was looking for was himself? !

  This kind of thought drove Zhou Min crazy. In a muddle, Zhou Min was carrying his luggage and didn't know how to go downstairs, how to tell Jiang's mother, how to get into Liu Haoyu's car, and wait until When Zhou Min returned to his senses, in the quiet carriage, Liu Haoyu wore gold glasses and looked through the documents in his hand with a graceful appearance.

  From time to time frowning, from time to time pushing the glasses of the bridge of the nose, to the appearance of an intellectual gentleman, a full of noble celebrities, full of dignity, but the cold and harsh eyes that are hidden by the frame of the frame, reduce the trace of that. Bloody and ruthless attack power.

  "You have watched me all the way, are you satisfied with what you saw?" Liu Haoyu's sudden words surprised Zhou Min.

  "Ah!? What?" Zhou Min blinked his eyes with a dazed expression, amused Liu Haoyu.

  Close the gear in his hand, take off the glasses, without the cover of the lens, the pair of aggressive sights made Zhou Min a little bit unholdable.

  "Ah, the night is so beautiful!" Zhou Min stiffly changed the subject in Liu Haoyu's savage sight, concealing his trance.

  Liu Haoyu chuckled and stretched out his hand, "Come here!"

  Zhou Min thought that he moved himself to the edge of the car door calmly, and the action of clinging to the car door did not attract Liu Haoyu's attention. Who knows, he was looking ahead, but suddenly he treated her. Reach out and let her pass? !

  Zhou Min couldn't help but feel that she must have been stupid just now... and such a stupid move, she actually did it in front of Liu Haoyu, and hoped that she would be ignorant in this small space... for the

  first time. Zhou Min is anxious about her IQ. In the company before, she really didn't have such a mindless mind... Really... Now when I say it, she is looking at herself with contempt...

  as if crying. ...

  Zhou Min, like a strong man breaking his wrist, "fixed on" Liu Haoyu's side. There was a great urge to break the jar. It seemed that in front of Liu Haoyu, how could he use the broken jar more and more flexibly...

  Looking at Zhou Minru pissed off expression, Liu Hao Yu chuckle, "well, big deal later, when I did not see ..."

  Zhou Min heard this, but want to cry, it might as well not say ...

  on the road villa in the suburbs of the city, on the road From the busy city filled with hundreds of lights to the suburbs, the scenery on both sides of the road gradually changed from high-rise buildings to green trees. The street lights on both sides also turned on early. After turning left and right for many times, they came to the hillside. Upscale residential area.

  Zhou Min doesn't know how the land price here is calculated. He only knows that the selling price of a villa exceeds the capital of a medium-sized asset. Liu Haoyu lives in a villa manor on the top of the hill. Look at this luxury. The Liu family doesn't brag about it when it says it is rich but an enemy country!

  However, it looks familiar here!

  After Zhou Min got off the car, he looked around from time to time, and suddenly remembered that this is a manor-dream villa built over a billion yuan exposed in his previous life, because the scenery, craftsmanship and construction area in it have attracted domestic and foreign artists. So, I wanted to see the owner of this villa and let him go in for a look, but the owner of the villa was not dug out until she died.

  After Liu Haoyu got out of the car, he saw Zhou Min's face with surprise and wide-open mouth, and he immediately felt satisfied. He knew that she would like it here!

  "This, this is Never land!?"

  "Never Land!? Do you like this name?!"