Chapter 70

Kick away the campus Hui Guliang (30)

  "What? What do you mean, this, there is no name...

  Zhou Min's words surprised Liu Haoyu, but he still patiently said, "No, but... "

  Liu Haoyu looked at Zhou Min with a surprised look, and recalled the name blurted out of Zhou Min's mouth. The more he liked it, he couldn't help but look at the housekeeper who appeared next to him. "But there will be a name in the future... . From now on, this place will be called Never Land!"

  "Yes, Master!" the old man said respectfully, but Zhou Min was speechless, it was not right! This, this name, the development trend of this thing is wrong!

  How can it feel so casual...

  and, how can it make it seem like she got the name! Although she knew about this manor from the scrambled reports of foreign media, this shouldn't be such a development!

  No, this, why is this Liu Haoyu's villa? ! In her previous life, or in Jiang Min's memory, Liu Haoyu's real estate, she also knew a few places, and the reporter had dug up the things she didn't know, but there was absolutely no such place.

  Could this be because Liu Haoyu deliberately let people find out, so he was found out. He didn't want to be found out, just like this manor. Until the end of her death, domestic and foreign reporters didn't know that she owned it. There is a lot of speculation about who the mysterious owner of this huge manor is, but no progress has been made.

  "Liu Haoyu, this, you..." Zhou Min pointed to the manor and looked at Liu Haoyu again and again. He wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say, but Liu Haoyu seemed to know Zhou Min's thoughts and rubbed her. Above his head, "This is my real residence. The ones I gave to reporters before are just a few insignificant places!"

  "It doesn't matter!!!" Zhou Min almost jumped up, and the ones that were irrelevant were replaced with white paper. Tickets can drown her, he just skipped it, and he took it with him...

  Zhou Min's response made Liu Haoyu curious, and she couldn't help but turn to face her, "To a family like ours, there are not a few smoke bombs, and they have long been

  handled in one pot !" "Cunning Rabbit Three Caves?!" Zhou Min immediately learned from other things. !

  "It's a wise man and a good plan!" Liu Haoyu corrected her wording.

  "Hmph, it's obviously that I'm cunning and cunning, but I also found a good hat for myself, so my face is so thick!" Zhou Min muttered.

  But Liu Haoyu heard it, and couldn't help but chuckle, "I will take this as a compliment!"

  "You, you heard..." Zhou Min turned around in surprise, his eyes widened!

  "Hear?! Is there? The wind is strong, did you say something just now?" Liu Haoyu's pretended expression was not at all distracted, hesitate! Where the leaves don't move, where is the wind...


  Seeing Zhou Min's expression flushed with his angry little face, Liu Haoyu suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of pride, which made him more joyful, joyous, and satisfied than a deal signed for billions!

  "Okay, let's go in first, I'm glaring when I get in..." Liu Haoyu's coaxing tone made Zhou Min helpless, her personality! How can I say nothing is gone...

  and the butler who has been standing next to Liu Haoyu is even more surprised watching the interaction between Liu Haoyu and Zhou Min, his eyes are about to stare out, this is the six relatives in their family who don't recognize it, and even the real mother counts it. Inside, the ruthless, heartless young master? This tone, this attitude, this cautiousness, this look, tenderness, and the smile at the corner of the mouth reveal a sense of satisfaction every minute and every second!

  This is the future of the Liu family! If the

  old man who was worried about the end of the Liu family knew about it, he would be excited to worship God... Just when the old housekeeper's idiotic expression did not return to his senses, Liu Haoyu who was walking in front suddenly looked over with a warning in his eyes. He Susha, so that the old steward is full of cows, this is the young master of their family!

  Father, it's not that I am not dedicated, but that I dare not to be dedicated! Without the consent of the young master, I am afraid that the young master will be skinned and deboned! Master did not do this less!

  Seeing that the old butler was honest, Liu Haoyu hugged Zhou Min nonchalantly and walked into the manor semi-strongly. In this manor, there is quietness and elegance during the day, and dreamy and strangeness at night. That's why various artists are crazy about it. Reason.

  Three steps of exquisiteness, five steps of luxury, step by step change, perfect everywhere, this is a lot of money!

  If Liu Haoyu knew that the manor he designed by himself was like this in Zhou Min's eyes, he might want to strangle her!

  But Zhou Min looked at this manor and thought about another thing. After Su Xiaoxiao married Liu Haoyu in his previous life, he didn't seem to live here, but a villa on Qingyuan Mountain, and finally lived in it. The Liu family is in a stately castle abroad.

  Zhou Min followed Liu Haoyu, and Liu Haoyu's low-pitched introduction from time to time came in his ear, but this did not affect Zhou Min's weird and complicated look at his sharp jaw and side face.

  "What's the matter?" Liu Haoyu asked.

  "It's nothing, just suddenly want to know, Liu Haoyu, what kind of person are you?" Zhou Min stopped and looked at his eyes seriously, as if wanting to get out of those dark eyes. Look into his deeply hidden heart.

  "Do you want to know?" Liu Hao Yu faint smile and asked, "You know, there is no such thing as a free lunch, everything is a price to pay! So you want to know?"

  "Then forget it! I Just ask, don't care..." Zhou Min immediately rejected it. At that moment, she felt the atmosphere of Liu Haoyu suddenly becoming strange. It seemed that as long as she nodded her head, she would be drawn into an endless abyss. It was too terrifying. NS!

  Seeing Zhou Min's sudden acceleration, Liu Haoyu just followed without hurries, but a weird and imperative smile was pulled at the corner of his mouth, making his whole person look like a monster, "Jiang Min, At the beginning of the game, you can't leave early. This is my rule..."

  But Zhou Min, who was walking in a panic, didn't hear this, and the old butler who had just followed up shuddered inexplicably, looking at Liu Haoyu Ghost Animal With a smile like that, he looked at Zhou Min who was ignorant in front of him, and silently waxed Zhou Min in his heart, wishing her good luck!

  Liu Haoyu smiled like this only when he met something or people he was interested in. The last time he personally made his brothers skin and bones into art, and after a few years, he saw it again. With such a smile, don't know, what does it mean? .

  Zhou Min, who was walking in front, shuddered inexplicably. Why is it so cold suddenly in the tail months of this scorching heat!

  Looking at the scene of Zhou Min and Liu Haoyu, she couldn't help but cover her eyes. It's hard for her to live to this age in the original world for her own host...