Chapter 71

Kick off the campus Hui Guliang (Chapter 31)

and looked at her face and didn't know that the beast was approaching. She was about to take a bite of the silly cute thing that swallowed its prey. Suddenly, she wanted to open it. This may be a silly blessing, but there is Time still needs to add some IQ to her own little-brained host, otherwise, when she gets to the back and meets more ghosts than this male protagonist, she will put herself out of play...I

  have to say, this is a dream The manor has caused such a big sensation in the previous life, and it is not unreasonable for all artists to flock to it. It is really beautiful. With the ten-mile cherry blossom forest on both sides, the bluestone road at the foot, the fragrance of flowers permeates the road, and the artificial lake. Lake full of water lilies, silvery white blossoms, rockery and strange rocks, late maple lonely forest, the natural scenery envelops all the beauty of spring, summer and autumn.

  And in the natural scenery, there is the solemn and solemnity of the huge European castle villa. There is not a trace of disharmony, but there is a kind of strange contradictory beauty. The surrounding shrubs have been gardened and built into various strange shapes and distributions. Scattered all around, it won't feel superfluous, but more amazing!

  Zhou Min is curious, don't know what the villa is like? In previous life reports, it was once said that the dream villa looked like a fairyland from the air, full of enthralling beauty with the dignity and mystery of a European castle. Rumor has it that no one has ever been in the villa. Rumor has it, people who have entered the villa. In the end, they volunteered their allegiance to the mysterious owner of the manor, and were willing to keep the secrets of the villa for him...

  Therefore, the dream manor was called the country of charm by foreign reporters, because everyone wanted to enter. , The people who entered did not want to come out...

  With curiosity, Zhou Min put aside the things that Liu Haoyu had left behind, as well as the feeling of anxiety just now, and opened the door until she stepped into the living room, she let out a gentle sigh Fortunately, in the overwhelming reports of previous lives, she thought how mysterious and luxurious this villa was, and with Liu Haoyu's character and the manor-like decoration outside, she thought that the place where he lived should also be very mysterious and luxurious. The feel of antiquity.

  Such as the royal court? ! With a feeling of extreme luxury and nobility.

  But to her surprise, there is no extreme luxury, no feeling of too Chinese ancient style, nor the beauty of European and Chinese palaces, but more comfortable residences in the American suburbs. The interiors are more open-spaced and less partitioned. To extend the horizon, the elegant Italian furniture and light-colored leather sofas make the owner look elegant, and the layout of the room makes people feel open and unrestrained, willing to be honest with others. However, Zhou Min took a look and then took a look. Liu Haoyu

  who came in... This man, who was obviously wrapped in himself, did not want to reveal his sincerity easily. The mask on his face was too thick to count, which shows the importance of defense! But the design of this pattern is too inconsistent with his character!

  I don't know that it was designed by that unreliable designer, I am afraid that Liu Haoyu was kicked out of the design world early!

  What a pity...

  However, according to the time of exposure of this manor in the previous life, it should be ten years later. At that time, Su Xiaoxiao was married to Liu Haoyu, and she had been sent out of the country by Liu Haoyu, and then this manor was exposed. Why is it so early that I live here inexplicably? !

  "What do you think?" Liu Haoyu didn't know when he walked behind her, took her into her arms from behind, and put her chin on Zhou Min's shoulder naturally, as if she had been familiar with it many times, but Zhou Min But because of Liu Haoyu's natural movements, his body was slightly stiff, and he looked at the big hands with distinct and clean knuckles around his waist. If these hands are flying on the black and white keys, they must be beautiful...

  "I'm thinking about your villa. There is no place that echoes the ancient natural scenery outside of you!" Zhou Min said.

  "You come with me..." Liu Haoyu chuckled, letting go of Zhou Min's waist, naturally took Zhou Min's hand, and led her upstairs, pushing open a vermilion door on the third floor. But it gave Zhou Min a sense of time and space travel. The antique carved bed, chessboard, and bookcase were the study rooms of royal ministers or nobles in ancient times!

  It reveals the elegance of a leisurely and elegant person, the casualness of a celebrity, the dignity of a noble person, and the tactics of a well-planned person. Whatever it is, Zhou Min feels that Liu Haoyu is an invisible person, like As cunning as a fox...

  "This place, no one has come in except you..." After Liu Haoyu brought Zhou Min in, he stood by the window and motioned for her to look out from here. Zhou Min looked at Liu Haoyu's eyes suspiciously when he motioned her to look quickly. I saw it, but was stunned for an instant, "Then, that's the entrance of the manor on the hillside where we came in, how could it?"

  "This manor is built on the hillside, in fact, there is an entrance in the middle of the mountain, and you come in from there. , The location of the study is the highest point of the entire mountain, it can be seen naturally, but we came in from above, so if you look at it from the mountain above, it is only a three-story villa. In fact, under this villa, there is a The unlocked door...Just push it lightly, and the door will open...As long as you enter through the door, you can see below...there are 18 floors..." The more

  Liu Haoyu talked about the back, the closer he got closer. In Zhou Min's ear, the voice became smaller and smaller, so small that if you didn't listen carefully, you wouldn't be able to hear what Liu Haoyu was saying. But at this time, at the end, Zhou Min pushed Liu Haoyu away, "You, Don't say it, I don't want to know!"

  Zhou Min got goosebumps all over his body, making people shudder. Liu Haoyu was pushed away by Zhou Min vigorously. I almost got to know the truest me... Since you don't want the olive branch I threw out, in the future, remember, don't open the door without my permission... Otherwise, it's very dangerous... .." In the

  last four words, Liu Haoyu said very lightly, with a smile in his eyes, but it made Zhou Min feel weird, and his heartbeat couldn't help getting faster and faster. After swallowing his saliva, his words became uncomfortable, "I , I, I don't want to go, who, who is rare, who goes!"

  Liu Haoyu suddenly leaned against the window with his arms around his chest, and smiled very happily. That was the first time Zhou Min saw Liu Haoyu smile so unguarded and relaxed. , I couldn't help but be stunned!

  "What? Do you find that my face is still very good?" Liu Haoyu looked at Zhou Min teasingly.

  "Cheeky, narcissism!" Zhou Min had never seen Liu Haoyu like this. While such Liu Haoyu made her feel dangerous, she felt familiar...