Chapter 75

kick open campus Hui Guliang

  "Let's come out after washing! This hot spring is not good if you soak for a long time..." Liu Haoyu recovered Leaning against the wall, she said with a smile looking at the red girl in the hot spring.

  "But you...oh!" Zhou Min wanted to say. Although he didn't hear clearly what he wanted to say just now, it was definitely not the sentence, because there were not so many words!

  But seeing Liu Haoyu's thoughtful dark eyes, she couldn't ask

  anything ... Zhou Min was helpless, Liu Haoyu clearly perfunctory her words, even if she heard what she said, he didn't want to say, can she insist on him to say it?

  "The houses here are all connected. Originally, I didn't plan to let people come in. I was alone. Do I need any precautions? Naturally, it's about convenience. So, just now, you said you want to choose a guest bedroom. I said it's unnecessary, because, as far as I'm concerned, all the rooms here, as long as I want to, there is nothing I can't go to... and even if there are guests, they won't know the secret of the room, because every room has a connecting door. It's not the same..." He


  Liu Haoyu suddenly explained, making Zhou Min more certain that Liu Haoyu is always wearing an elegant deep-sea black octopus, black from the inside out...

  this is really no privacy anymore, it will be impossible for me to lie on the wall every day Knock on every wall, is it hollow? Thinking of this huge villa manor, I rolled my eyes in an instant. If I really did that, I wouldn't have to do anything else in the future.

  I would lie in the corner every day... "I hope you respect my privacy."

  Zhou Min felt this . Be sure to make it clear with Liu Haoyu, she doesn't want to be suddenly come here from time to time!

  Liu Haoyu smiled, put the two goblets on the edge of the soup pond, and gracefully opened the red wine cork.

  "Yes, here you can have all the right to privacy." Liu Haoyu finished this sentence nonchalantly, and Zhou Min's heart that had been prepared to fight a protracted battle instantly collapsed...

  "This, is this promised?" Zhou Min asked incredulously.

  Liu Haoyu slowly poured the red wine into the goblet, and the blood-red liquid was slowly poured into the goblet's transparent glass. A layer of waves was turned over in the transparent glass of the goblet. Under the light, it was like red agate, beautiful and translucent.

  "It's obvious that you don't know me enough." Liu Haoyu gave her an expectant look.

  Zhou Min's heart jumped suddenly.

  Indeed, in other words, whether it is now or once, she thinks she understands, but does she really understand? Contrast the image of Liu Haoyu in Jiang Min's memory from the previous life, and the appearance of the little boy with a cheerful smile when he was a child, who was obviously very real and warm, and the image of Liu Haoyu after goodbye now...The

  combined image of Liu Haoyu is complex and changeable, with weird and deep thoughts. It's hard to understand, I don't know which side he wants to show you, or he deliberately left you with an illusion... But no matter which one, she intuitively feels that Liu Haoyu in this manor seems to be showing herself the original appearance of a layer of open ...

  unprecedented, Zhou think that this Liu Hao Yu, seem scary and dangerous than ever, he would lock himself in a place where everyone can not touch, corrupt or sleeping ...And now he wants to pull the buried person out...It feels like a horror movie...

  "What are you thinking? So ecstatic, I call you a few times and you haven't recovered." Liu Haoyu handed a glass of red wine to Zhou Min ,

  His eyes were deep, and he couldn't see what    really meant, but there was a graceful smile on the corner of his mouth, polite and distant.

  Zhou Min intuitively felt that Liu Haoyu was angry now, but why?

  Liu Haoyu's originally dark eyes saw Zhou Min's trance again, she couldn't help but start to brew a storm, her hand holding the wine glass became tighter, but she was more relaxed and asked in a more casual tone, "Who makes you think so tranced? , Again and again, and again and again in a daze... um~~" The

  gentle and sloppy tone made the listener unconsciously relax his guard. Zhou Min was the same, and couldn't help but blurt out, "You!"

  After Zhou Min recovered to know what he had said, he was speechless for an instant, and the storm in Liu Haoyu's eyes came fast and went faster. After Zhou Min answered without thinking, Liu Haoyu's expression became more sincere and joyful. , Watching Zhou Min's body that was about to be buried in the water was fished out...

  This time, instead of letting her sit in the hot spring obediently, she hugged people into her arms, frightened Zhou Min at a loss. , I don't know whether to cover myself or cover Liu Haoyu's eyes with amazing attack power!

  Zhou Min's embarrassment was extremely vivid and happy in Liu Haoyu's eyes. He hugged the person in his arms, pulled away his black bathrobe with one hand, and hugged him into the bathrobe, a bathrobe, two people , The touch of his body's skin made Zhou Min even more at a loss. He squirmed around, but he got Liu Haoyu's merciless slap on his ass!

  Zhou Min passed away angrily. She hadn't been spanked by her parents for a long time since she was studying. Unexpectedly, when doing tasks, she would be spanked... It's really tolerable or unbearable...

  Just as Zhou When Min wanted to resist, Liu Haoyu looked at her shyly and angry expression playfully, and couldn't help but smile, "While moving like this, I will think you are tempting me with lust and indulgence..."

  Liu Haoyu said as he said. Bringing Zhou Min's lower body close to his desire to revive, Zhou Min instantly turned off, looking up at Liu

  Haoyu dumbfoundingly, and you try to move again... I have heard circulated on the Internet: Is it tolerable or unbearable? I can't bear it, but I still have to continue to bear it! When I said this, I only felt awkward, but when it happened to me, I realized that it took me a deep level of consciousness to say something

  that fits my mood... Seeing Zhou Min, who was honest with me, Liu Haoyu felt more and more that he had raised a cat who likes to show teeth and dance claws, but is afraid of death, and always likes to blow up hair... inexplicable joy.

  "It's late, go to bed, and you have to go to school tomorrow..." Liu Haoyu picked up the person and strode towards the bedroom. As soon as Zhou Min heard about the bedroom, he immediately thought of the three-meter-large one. Her hands trembled involuntarily on her bed. She was a little afraid of Liu Haoyu's madness on the bed. It was a kind of madness to swallow her alive, making her legs numb.

  Grabbing his collar, he whispered, "I, I'm not okay...I..."

  Liu Haoyu was quite pleased with her panic, but in her eyes, is he really so uncontrollable?

  But thinking back to every minute and every second of being with her, it seems to be true, holding someone on the bed, holding her hands on her ears, enclosing her in a limited space, and watching her wandering around. Eyes, reached out and fiddled with a strand of drooping hair, tuck it behind her ears.

  "Don't worry, I have a lot of things to do in the near future. Take a good rest. When things are done, we can talk about whether the bed should be changed to a bigger one..."