Chapter 76

Kick off the campus Hui Guliang

  "More, bigger..." Zhou Min stammered. This bed is not big enough, is it possible, do you want to make the whole bedroom only one bed? You worm-on-head guy!

  However, Zhou Min wouldn't tell Liu Haoyu if he was killed because he didn't dare!

  "Yes, bigger..." A soft smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

  "It won't be tonight, you can sleep with ease..." Liu Haoyu's hand slid across her earlobes, Zhou Min shivered, this gentle Liu Haoyu felt weird...

  But Zhou Min, who got Liu Haoyu's promise, was really relieved. Although Liu Haoyu was a black-bellied man and hard to understand, the promise he gave was quite credible.

  Liu Haoyu got up and took the new pajamas and hair dryer, and personally put the clothes on Zhou Min. Zhou Min protested, but when Liu Haoyu looked at him with a smile, he couldn't help but become angry. If you like to wait, please wait! This girl doesn't care...

  she stretched her hands like the Queen Mother, and Liu Haoyu was also in it. After putting her clothes on Zhou Min, she sat on the edge of the bed and let Zhou Min lie on his lap. The hair dryer buzzed. The warm wind blew on her hair, feeling the force of Liu Haoyu's fingers gently piercing her hair, which made Zhou Min feel drowsy.

  "Liu Haoyu, what kind of person are you? I, I don't understand you..." Zhou Min murmured in a coma, and he couldn't hear clearly under the sound of the hair dryer...

  Liu Haoyu bent over and turned off the hair dryer. With her ears close to Zhou Min's red lips, she asked softly, "Xiao Min, what did you say?"

  But after waiting for a long time, there was no other words except for the even breathing. Liu Haoyu was not in a hurry, sat up, and lighted the person. Gently moved to the pillow on the bed, then got up and went to the bathroom, rinsed briefly and went to bed.

  As soon as Liu Haoyu went to bed, the bed collapsed and tilted in his direction, causing Zhou Min, who was sleeping heavily on the other side, to roll. Like a ball, he naturally rolled into Liu Haoyu's arms...

  Zhou Min, who was asleep, was obviously more confused, cute and obedient than Zhou Min when he was awake. He arched in Liu Haoyu's arms and found a comfortable position. After touching and squeezing, he fell asleep in contentment...

  Liu Haoyu looked at Zhou Min, who was in his arms like the queen of patrolling the territory, Fan, with a wonderful expression on his face. He held the hand that Zhou Mi was still acting indiscriminately on his face with one hand, placed it on his chest, with a smile in his eyes, looking at the small head arched in his arms, he couldn't help feeling rare peace in his heart.

  In Zhou Min's mind, there was a moment of silence as he watched the two sleeping people hugging each other, and then sighed slightly, turning around and disappearing, covering his senses.

  When Zhou Min woke up, she was woken up by the alarm clock on her mobile phone. Because she loves bed-ridden temperament, she always set up dozens of alarm clocks for herself, calling them every five minutes. Mental illness.

  When the alarm clock couldn't hold on to the alarm, Zhou Min got up with a serious anger, closed his eyes and kicked the quilt, frowning, and full of irritability, "Turn off, turn off, annoying. It's..." After

  saying that there was a voice that was wronged by others and wanted to cry, and he kicked out mercilessly, but felt that he had kicked something that was strong and moist, and then it was the dullness that came from the top of the head. hum.

  This muffled hum made Zhou Min confused for a moment, and then saw the slender and sturdy arms around her chest and circled her sideways into her arms, reached out and took the phone next to her pillow, and then Click to turn it on and turn off the dozens of alarm clocks left on it one by one!

  Then I took advantage of the trend and just buried her face in her stamina, threw the phone aside, and hugged the person in her arms from behind. It's trouble, keep going to sleep, someone will wake you up when the time comes, don't adjust so many alarm clocks in the future, you will make a lot of noise..."

  Liu Haoyu, who just woke up, spoke with a sluggish and lazy tone, and made people feel that his heartbeat was speeding up inexplicably, and he just said to kick people? ! Suddenly thought of myself, it seems, just now, it felt like I had kicked a hard, hot thing, like a thigh...

  And Zhou Min was completely awake at this time, and finally remembered that he was given to him by the man behind him last night. I packed it and took it home, and Zhou Min seemed to be trying to prove his guess. The little in the quilt touched behind him tremblingly, and then his face turned black...

  actually naked...naked... …

  "You are touching it, I don't mind exercising with you and sweating." Liu Haoyu's voice sounded clearly behind Zhou Min's ears, and the arms holding Zhou Min couldn't help tightening, making them even more strict. The seam, the close contact between the back and the chest, made Zhou Min immediately feel that what was behind him was so energetic.

  Erection is really a normal physiological phenomenon that men absolutely have in the morning. The biology teacher did not lie to her. Her biology teacher is indeed not a teacher from other subjects who came to substitute for lessons...

  "Well, I think it's not early. Laying in bed is not what a good student should do...Or, I'll get up first?" Zhou Min said at the end, I could feel Liu Haoyu's hand slipping directly under the silk nightdress like a man's land. , And then grasped her softness accurately.

  The strength of the hands is neither heavy nor light, nor pornographic, just wanting to touch, but Zhou Min already wants to cry, and the words are filled with inexplicable flattery.

  "Yeah~" Liu Haoyu lazily spit out a perfunctory phrase from behind, but the strength and movement of his hands still did not slow down, and he even took a bite on the back of Zhou Min's neck and kissed again. "I'll pick you up at noon..."

  Zhou Min wanted to blurt out, why would you pick me up? do not want! When he talked to his mouth, he was covered by a small hand and nodded repeatedly. Liu Haoyu behind him chuckled on the face of Zhou Min's neck. Then let go of his hand, and he saw Zhou Min immediately crawling and rolling to the other side, wrapped in the quilt. .

  "Snapped"--! Although he was wrapped in a quilt and there was a blanket under the bed, Zhou Min still suffered from a fall. He put his hands on the edge of the window. When he half-sit up, he saw Liu Haoyu holding his hand on his side, stretching his hand to prop his face, and looking at him sitting on the ground funny. Zhou Min, with his hands on the edge of the bed, said, "Unexpectedly, you like this when you get up?"