Chapter 77

Kick off the campus Hui Guliang

  Zhou Min looked at Liu Haoyu , who was naked but not at all embarrassed in Chenhui on the bed, and he couldn't help but put his eyes on him standing tall and proud than a baby On the giant dragon with thick arms, the purple cock was ready to go, and it felt like he was about to carry his gun right away. Zhou Min couldn't help swallowing his saliva and his eyes were dull.

  A chuckle brought back Zhou Min's dull and stiff brain, "Satisfied with your future baby?"

  Zhou Min was dumbfounded, and pointed at Liu Haoyu with trembling hands. What the rascal said just now was that this always elegant and noble man said Come out? Moreover, how could he expose his body so unscrupulously, without shame!

  "You are a scumbag and exhibitionist!" Zhou Min suddenly shouted, his face flushed, and he rushed into the bathroom holding the quilt in a hurry, but Liu Haoyu on the bed suddenly burst into laughter, making the housekeeper who was about to knock outside the door suddenly After a pause, the attendants in cheongsam behind them also looked at each other. This was a laugh they had never heard from their young master until they were 10 years old.

  Long heard and full of memories... The

  old housekeeper stood quietly at the door, suddenly didn't want to go in so early to disturb the warm moments in the room that excited their old servants, and the girl who was brought back by Liu Haoyu yesterday was here again Everyone has a different definition in their hearts.

  When Zhou Min was daunting in the bathroom, Liu Haoyu was already dressed. When Zhou Min came out, Liu Haoyu was no longer in bed. When Zhou Min went downstairs with a lot of doubts, Liu Haoyu had already washed and sat down to stay elegant. Eating breakfast.

  "You, where did you take the bath?" As soon as Zhou Min approached Liu Haoyu, he smelled the familiar body wash from the bathroom.

  "I said yesterday that all the rooms in the villa are connected..." Liu Haoyu put down half of the bread he had eaten, and looked at Zhou Min amusedly, "I really want to open my bathroom, but I'm afraid that someone will say I violated her privacy, so I reluctantly went to another independent bathroom. However, I was curious. I took a bath and almost used breakfast. How did you get out of the bathroom and the clothes were still returned? Didn't change, did you sleep again in the bathroom?"

  Zhou Min heard Liu Haoyu's teasing, her face was inexplicably hot, she would say that she was embarrassed to see him who was not wearing clothes on the bed, so she was washing up Was there a way to kill time?

  Seeing Zhou Min's embarrassment, Liu Haoyu smiled. Of course she knew why Zhou Min took so long, but he just liked to see her feeling helpless in front of him. Just as simple as when she was a child, it makes people feel warm and touching. And peace of mind!

  "My company still has things to do. I will ask Lao Wang to send you to school later, and wait for my call at noon. I will pick you up..." Liu Haoyu picked up the towel wiped on the table, wiped his hands, and said casually, but Zhou Min was stunned, and the claws extended to the pig's hoof were not sure whether to continue or retract first, and raised his hands in embarrassment, if someone pressed the pause button.

  Seeing this, Liu Haoyu stood up, walked behind Zhou Min, shrouded people in his arms from behind, reached out from behind and sat Zhou Min on the dinner table, his eyes only stared at the plate with braised pig's feet in the middle. He held it up directly, and Zhou Min's gaze turned to follow the plate of braised pig's feet in his hand, and he couldn't help holding the bowl in his hands, opening his mouth, his eyes full of salivation.

  Until the stewed pig's knuckle fell from the top of my head into the hands of the old housekeeper, "I don't want to see this dish again on the dinner table! And the dish that is related to this dish."

  "Why? Where does the pig's knuckle bother you? It's..." Zhou Min immediately protested. She usually loves pig's feet, but he would not let her eat it. The delicacy is like killing her parents. This is absolutely unbearable...

  Liu Haoyu rarely sees Zhou Min stubbornly. But I didn't expect it to be for pig's feet, my heart was even more depressed, and my face couldn't help being darker, turning my head and looking at Zhou Min, "When you realize it, they will be let go, otherwise, I will let this city go again. I can't see a pig's foot either!"

  After Liu Haoyu said these words, he immediately turned and left, leaving Zhou Min's eyes widened in disbelief. He looked at the pig's feet that was ordered to be taken down by the old housekeeper. His face was full and he pulled his hair frantically. "Morning Liu Haoyu Did you get kicked by a donkey? He had a convulsion early in the morning, and the pig's feet provoke him, why can't you get along with the pig's feet..."

  Zhou Min sat down at the dinner table angrily, looking at him just a second ago. The braised pig's feet in front of me, the color, the shiny, the plate, the full flesh, made Zhou Min want to cry without tears. At that time, her hand was only 0.1 meters away from the plate, then, then ...

  Thinking of the braised pig's feet taken away mercilessly by Liu Haoyu, Zhou Min bit his chopsticks, wishing to use the chopsticks as Liu Haoyu's hand, biting a bite... The

  old housekeeper looked at sitting on the chair with resentment, regret and sadness. Zhou Min's expression, the expression of the old face suddenly can't help being handsome, the five flavors are mixed, and the moment is weird, watching Zhou Min sitting down on the chair and about to be jumped with anger, his eyes are full of helplessness, I want to remind this who obviously doesn't know why his master The real reason for being upset, silly girl!

  because of you! Because of you, your eyes never leave the pig's feet on the table when you go downstairs. My young master is jealous with the pig's feet...

  But can they dare to say? Dare you? They all find it shocking, because that is definitely not what their elegant, arrogant, black-bellied young master would do, and if there is no such thing as pig's feet in this city in the future, the culprit must be this sitting on the table and crying secretly. Remorseful woman... After

  Liu Haoyu sat in the car with a sulking stomach, he couldn't help but laughed. He held his forehead and felt helpless. He was fighting for favor with a pig's foot this morning? !

  Thinking of such a result, he himself felt incredible, and even vetoed it, he just wasn't used to seeing Zhou Min actually ignoring himself because of a plate of braised pig's feet! Yes, that's it, because Zhou Min is disrespectful to him! It's definitely not a petition...

  But when Zhou Min's satisfied and coveted gaze is placed on the pig's feet, he really seems to want to break Zhou Min's mind to see, entangled with what's inside, isn't he better than a pig Are the feet more attractive and more salivating?

  Liu Haoyu would never admit that he was not as good as a pig's foot in Zhou Min's eyes... It was hateful!