Chapter 79

Kick off the campus Hui Guliang

  Zhou Min returned to the classroom, the whole person was absent-minded, thinking about everything this morning, the more I thought about it, the more I felt that Liu Haoyu was nervous this morning, and I heard Zhou Min's thoughts , I couldn't help but broke into a cold sweat, and had no hope for her EQ. It may have been wronged for a long time. Zhou Min is actually a woman with zero EQ!

  Zhou Min watched the finance professor wearing presbyopic glasses, explaining hard on the stage. It was almost noon, and the sun was shining into the classroom, but all the students in the classroom were lazy, leaning on their chins. On the table, in the dense woods outside the window, there were bursts of crisp bird and cicada calls. In such a peaceful atmosphere, Zhou Min suddenly carried the packed backpack behind him, and then took advantage of the enthusiasm of the professor on the stage. When he suddenly left the back door of the classroom.

  "Why did you run away suddenly?" The voice suddenly rang in Zhou Min's mind. Zhou Min, who was so scared that he was guilty of skipping class for the first time, shuddered. After hearing the sound, he patted and received The scared little heart said, "Can't you stop being so fascinated, suddenly make a noise? It scares me to death..."

  His face was shocked, and then he was speechless, and at last he ignored Zhou Min and waited for Zhou Min to run out of teaching. When I was in the building, I couldn't help feeling very good. I looked at the campus where there were not many students. Life in the university was good. All courses were free. Although I occasionally saw a few students walk by, it was like lunch time. It is the students in the dormitory, or the students who just happen to schedule class after nine o'clock to catch up with the noon class, the school playground will usher in another peak of "traffic" because of the cafeteria!

  There are many people with mixed eyes. If someone sees herself and Liu Haoyu going in and out, it will always feel bad. She still feels a little pimple in her heart because of Ruan Ru!

  She stretched her waist, and the feeling of sunlight on her face made her involuntarily feel that her heart was gradually dissipating because of the morning stagnation. She stretched out her hand to block the dazzling sunlight, and then put her bag on her back and was ready to leave.

  He yelled as he walked, but obviously because of Zhou Min's words before, he didn't want to talk to her for the time being, and Zhou Min just yelled all the way, thinking that his system is the emperor!

  I have a good temper...

  And Zhou Min's seemingly idle pace was suddenly startled by the man who suddenly rushed out of the side road halfway, shivering all over, looking at the man who stopped him, his expression became more alert.

  Then he wanted to bypass him and leave, but the other party seemed to be teasing her. How Zhou Min left, the man on the other side would follow him, no matter how stupid he was, he knew what was wrong.

  "Classmate, what do you want to do?" Zhou Min didn't want to tease the opposite person like a mouse anymore, and asked directly, standing in the middle of the path.

  The man put his arms around his chest, his eyes were interesting, and he looked up and down Zhou Min, and a cynical smile evoked at the corner of his mouth. "I just want to meet the Goddess Gao Leng from Qingda. Recently I heard that the Goddess Gao Leng has gradually become interesting. Just come over and take a look curiously!"

  "You are not a student of our school!" Zhou Min said affirmatively. Although the man verbally revealed that it was a student of the school, when the man appeared, he was still awkward and immediately warned her, this man It's dangerous, and it's not a student of this school!

  "Oh~? How could you see..." The man suddenly pushed forward towards Zhou Min. Zhou Min couldn't help but back off. He was on guard, or, nervously, he couldn't help but reach into his pocket and touched the mobile phone Liu Haoyu gave her. There is only one phone number on it!

  At this time, Zhou Min wanted to ask for help, but he was helpless. Because of system monitoring, after the second task was started, the system supervised and urged the host to complete the task, and the rest was restricted!

  It knows that this man is dangerous, and it also feels that this man has threatened the host's life. However, the law of the system is like this. It cannot open any function that can help the host. Everything is like what it said when entering the mission. , I can only rely on myself!

  The whole company is filled with a very solemn taste. From the time when their first boss entered the company, although they are still the same as before, the whole person looks elegant and gentle and courteous with alienated respect, but now, it feels It seemed to be no different from before, but they felt that the faint smile on the corner of the boss's mouth was close to Hell Yama.

  The whole body exudes a magnetic field that no strangers should enter and a strong evil aura, as if the next second, Liu Haoyu will elegantly and bloodlessly resolve it.

  There is Liu Haoyu's space. It used to be cold and nervous, but now it is fear, the chills standing upright and restless, and the depressed panting feel that it is a waste of air!

  And now staying in a conference room with Liu Haoyu, the supervisors who are preparing the financial report for the next quarter are all heartbroken. With such a strong aura that can crush everyone to death with aura, the bosses really want to lose their lives. what!

  So hard!

  Just when everyone didn't know why Liu Haoyu became so terrible today, the phone ringing suddenly in the quiet, weird and depressive space was like a ghost call suddenly remembered in the midnight terror. The mentally weak supervisor almost didn't come up. , Choke over!

  Just as everyone bowed their heads and looked around cautiously, trying to see who was so bold and dared to confront the boss. The company clearly stipulates that during the meeting, the phone is not allowed to be brought in...

  At this time, the phone is like a stone thrown into the ocean. , I don't know what kind of stormy waves will be set off...

  Liu Haoyu was not in a good mood. When he heard the phone ring, the temperature in the air dropped again. He swept his eyes coldly, and saw everyone bury their heads under the table. , Seems to be his own phone number, but his phone number will be carried by him all the time. There is only one number...In

  an instant, Liu Haoyu, who was dull all morning, couldn't help but smile, and the corners of his mouth curled up. The breath warmed up instantly, and the space around me instantly became no longer depressive. It was the department head who was close to Liu Haoyu. He raised his eyes curiously and saw that Liu Haoyu took out the phone that was constantly vibrating and ringing, his eyes soft and satisfying, as if The cat being smoothed!

  Just as the supervisor was surprised by whose call made Liu Haoyu instantly soften, when Liu Haoyu picked up the phone, his face instantly became horrible and terrifying, just like Shura!