Chapter 80

Kick away the campus Hui Guliang

and saw Liu Haoyu , who changed his face faster than the Sichuan Opera. He was so scared that he almost bit his tongue. He immediately arched his body and buried his body under the table. They are shivering and scalp hairy. They are not ordinary employees. The employees here rarely know what kind of person Liu Haoyu is, but some people do!

  People who don't know just think Liu Haoyu is difficult to figure out, so powerful and outstanding that everyone looks up, but someone who knows who he is, knows very well that the terrible and unfeeling man in front of him is enough to make the whole world cry.

  No one has ever seen his cruelty and blood, and he is the only fortunate to see and participate in things that are not natural factors, but were declared by China as a tragedy caused by natural factors...

  But he would rather not know, because there is Knowing time is more terrifying than not knowing... The

  supervisor looks at the man who has stood up, his mouth is tight, and his glasses can't cover the bloody eyes of the man, the look in his eyes is more frightening than that time, the man standing in the sun is full of body The cold is like the twelfth lunar month of winter, the pace of turning and leaving is fast, ruthless, and fierce enough to destroy all the anger!

  He didn't know who it was, who made this man so terrible on the phone, but he knew very well, Liu Haoyu, he was definitely not a businessman with a white face, he was a man who could kill a city without blinking as long as he wanted to. People...

  Zhou Min was constantly being pushed back by this strange man. Her heart was anxious. The hand holding the mobile phone trembled, "We never know each other, who are you?"

  "Who am I?! This question is quite a question." Okay, but I don't want to tell you. However, I recently heard a very interesting news. Do you know what it is?" The man's yin and yang made Zhou Min feel that the man's eyes were meant to look at him. Eating her is really eating her, that's an expression of hatred!

  But in Zhou Min's memory, this man did not appear! Yes, in Jiang Min's memory, this man has never appeared before, but, but...why, no one has ever appeared, but he has appeared here!

  "I have no grievances or grudges against you, you, don't mess around, this is the school..." Zhou Min stepped back, guided by the pressing men, and gradually retreated into the woods in the path, and more and more The more secluded, Zhou Min's anxiety is getting bigger and bigger at the same time!

  "What do you want to do?" Zhou Min's voice has begun to tremble, holding the phone in her hand, constantly tightening. For the first time, she hoped that Liu Haoyu could fall from the sky. For the first time, she wished Liu Haoyu so much. Hurry up to find her. For the first time, she hated her. Why didn't she have the ability to protect herself at all.

  Seeing the malicious man smiling in front of him, Zhou Min felt cold all over, especially in the more and more remote places around. If she knew it, she shouldn't leave early. If she knew it, she would leave school with her classmates. ...

  "What do I want...I want you!" The man suddenly stopped, as if thinking about Zhou Min's problem, but suddenly he suddenly jumped out of his mind. The words just fell, and Zhou Min hasn't recovered yet. At the time, the man's wrist was firmly held in his hand, like a cold poisonous snake, causing Zhou Min to scream.

  All indifferent and pretending to be strong, at the moment of being caught, it collapsed. The moment Zhou Min was caught, some vague fragments flashed in his mind, and there was a woman's vague figure which was molested by many men. The madness of the woman, crying desperately, screaming something, constantly reaching out to the closed door, but the flowers were all blown away in the wind and rain outside the house...

  Zhou Min was unfamiliar The man hugged tightly in his arms, pressed on the grass, covered his mouth with a handkerchief, pulled off the tie from the school uniform, tied Zhou Min's hands, turned the person over, and turned his back to Zhou Min, who was lying on the grass. His eyes were red, and he kept asking for help, but he was also very anxious in his mind, but no matter how it was operated, the system seemed to be paralyzed...

  Without the slightest movement, it was originally a mindless intelligent system. Looking at Zhou Min's state, although I feel anxious, but even harder. It has reminded the dormitory a long time ago that the system will not take action for future tasks. All things must be solved by the host. You must not rely on the instructions of the system!

  Moreover, it also tells the host to learn as much as possible about the hero's ability in each task, and has the ability to protect himself in the following tasks. However, Zhou Min always chooses to look for the good, blindly avoiding, blindly fluke, so he is being When this man caught him, he didn't even have the ability to resist at all!

  "I have long reminded the host that after the second mission starts, the system will not be able to help you with the mission. You must be cautious, but the host has always handled things with a fluke mentality, and that's why it has caused the current situation. Circumstances, helpless waiting for help from others..." The

  cold answer made Zhou Min's heart sore. She admitted that since entering this system, she has been holding one step and watching one, almost. Luckily, she thought that the system would not really save her, and coupled with the heroine who was so lucky, so she didn't have to worry about everything!

  However, reality gave her a shining slap in the face, "I was wrong, I was wrong, don't, don't, I don't, save me, save me! Please... please..."

  "Ah-! The sound of people behind his dress being torn apart vigorously caused Zhou Min's blood to be frozen, his eyes were red and desperate, and scenes of blurry scenes flashed in his mind, which was hidden deeply by Jiang Min. That was the most painful and desperate moment of Jiang Min's previous life. It was the moment when Jiang's parents hired the most powerful hypnosis master to bury Jiang Min's terrible memory!

  Looking at Zhou Min's appearance, I know that all Zhou Min's hopes are now placed on Liu Haoyu, but I know that if I only rely on Liu Haoyu's ability, I am afraid it will be difficult to come and find Zhou Min, because of this man. With the jammer, even if Liu Haoyu could rush to the school immediately, it would be very difficult to find Zhou Min.

  The man behind him stroked Zhou Minxue's white skin with a big hand, and the weight of his body was pressed on Zhou Min's body, his expression was very excited, "Unexpectedly, the goddess of Qingda was actually a woman with Haoxue's fat, icy muscles and bones, so beautiful. , No wonder, no wonder, all the boys of Qing University are crazy for you, you say, how many people have you played, the mark on this body is still so clear... what a slut..."