Kick away the campus Hui Guliang

  Liu Haoyu was injured and couldn't do large-scale exercises at all, so he had to ask the driver to do it for him. The driver looked at the intercom that was constantly emitting sparks in his hand and turned it on. The car door was thrown out all at once.

  The gray sky was dusty. When the firelight part of the walkie-talkie encountered the air, it suddenly made a sizzling sound, and the tiny electric light began to flash unsteadily. When the driver closed the door, Liu Haoyu said calmly, " Immediately retreat the car five hundred meters!"

As soon as the voice fell, the driver instinctively stepped on the accelerator to quickly retreat, and then only saw a sudden explosion in front, a shock from the ground, the sound of the sky, the car was shaken " "Buzz" sounded straight, and the car almost flew out due to the dramatic airflow. Fortunately, Liu Haoyu's drivers were experienced people, even if a lot of cold sweat came out of his forehead, but he experienced it with Liu Haoyu. For those who had experienced more major events, after the car only shook, Liu Haoyu in the car, grabbed the handle, and his body was as stable as Mount Tai after a tumult and stopped steadily not far away.

  Looking at the huge boulders and obstructions that were blasted away, the driver once again marveled at Liu Haoyu's brain structure and magic. After dismantling and reorganizing the walkie-talkie, it turned into a small bomb. Compared with the normal bomb explosion, its power is nothing. Comparable.

  Looking at the blasted road in front, Liu Haoyu made no sound, but the driver already understood that he drove around the huge boulders all the way and drove directly to the former Pangshang Building on Yuquan Road.

  Along the way, the driver didn't dare to look back at Liu Haoyu. When Liu Haoyu exploded, his wounds had already opened in the shock. The wetness on his clothes made Liu Haoyu look down at his waist and abdomen, and then looked blankly at his waist. Seeing the destination getting closer and closer, Zhou Min's safety is full of heart.

  The car drove all the way to the destination. When he saw people surrounded by the inner and outer floors, Liu Haoyu signaled the driver to sound the horn.

  The voice of "Dididi" suddenly surprised the tense atmosphere. Xiao Ran noticed that the person who got out of the car was cold and noble, cold and calm all over, every step of the line was neat and elegant. The golden silk glasses blocked the indifference and bloodthirsty of Liu Haoyu's eyes, making the whole person more elegant and less cold.

  When everyone saw Liu Haoyu, they involuntarily gave way, and Zhou Min, who was surrounded by the S5 team and protected by the S5 team, was unobstructed and revealed.

  "Are you scared?" Liu Haoyu, who walked into the encirclement, looked at the captain of the S5 team, motioned everyone to move away, and hugged Zhou Min, who was a little quiet in the middle, in his arms.

  Along the way, Liu Haoyu's anxious heart suddenly calmed down when he saw Zhou Min again. Xiao Ran couldn't help but feel a little nervous when looking at the man who ignored everyone and walked into his encirclement without fear, but Liu Haoyu was gentle. Ignoring anyone's gaze, Zhou Min focused on arranging for Zhou Min's hair, which was messed up by the wind when he ran out of the manor, even with a somewhat pleasant smile on his face.

  Zhou Min did not struggle. When Liu Haoyu was holding herself, she obediently approached his arms, but she still smelled a faint bloody smell from him, she was surprised in her heart, and looked up at Liu Haoyu's eyes full of doubts. There was a concern, but when Liu Haoyu lowered his head to tidy up her hair, his eyes were gentle and affectionate.

  He had no intention to hide it because he knew that as long as he was close to him, Zhou Min would smell the blood on his body, but he wanted to use this situation to tell her that in his heart, she was very important!

  He held Zhou Min in his arms, held her with one hand in his palm, and played with her, with a little smile in her eyes, because the calmness in Zhou Min's eyes just disappeared was more worrying, and she was obviously in a very good mood at this time.

  The city that used to have a relatively high character density is now full of waste and gunpowder. The roadsides are full of scrapped vehicles, the ground is littered with debris, broken walls, and corpses all over the place and splashed everywhere. His blood shows what kind of tragic scenes have happened in this city in the past few days.

  "Liu Haoyu, I haven't touched your people at all. Even Su Xiaoxiao, who ran out of your laboratory, was temporarily taken care of by you. What about my people? Shouldn't it be given to me!" Xiao Ran Looking at Liu Haoyu and Zhou Min, who was standing in the ruins, holding each other in the crowd, they asked with a smile.

  After holding Zhou Min in his arms, his impetuous heart began to calm down. At this moment, looking at Xiao Ran in front of him, the smile on the corner of Liu Haoyu's mouth became deeper and deeper. He heard Xiao Ran's words and nodded without hesitation. Xiao Ran A touch of excitement suddenly appeared in the cold eyes, and two steps forward excitedly, "Where is she?"

  Xiao Ran originally thought Liu Haoyu would have any tricks, after all, he was so decisive and powerful when he took the girl away from him. He was imperative, but now he thought he would have to spend a lot of words with Liu Haoyu, but he easily agreed!

  Although there are some surprises but are surprised and vigilant, the faint excitement and miss in his heart still make his eyes tremble, and his heart beats faster and faster.

  "Where? The one I want!" Xiao Ran asked.

  "In my laboratory!" Liu Haoyu said with a smile but successfully angered Xiao Ran.

  "You fool me!" Xiao Ran fiercely threw the phone in his hand and fell to the ground instantly torn apart.

  Su Xiaoxiao, who was arrested by Xiao Ran just now, was let go by the people around him, and Su Xiaoxiao immediately ran to the side. When he saw Liu Haoyu again, he had been infatuated with this man, and now he is afraid of this man, especially After seeing Liu Haoyu's methods, she has already cast a serious shadow on Liu Haoyu.

  "I can tolerate you and play scheming in front of me, but you shouldn't move people who shouldn't. Do you think people who have moved me, can you still bargain with me? " Liu Haoyu's voice was very cold, watching Xiao Ran's gaze was cold-blooded, and he glanced at Su Xiaoxiao who was shivering in the corner at the same time.

  Xiao Ran laughed suddenly, "Liu Haoyu, do you think I really have only such a few people here? I don't want to completely tear my face with you, but I will never tolerate other people touching my women. For this, we are here. It's very similar!"

  "Your woman?! Are you sure that woman belongs to you?"

  "Shut up! Liu Haoyu!" It seemed that Xiao Ran's scar was poked, but Xiao Ran suddenly stopped violently, his eyes seemed to breathe fire.

  Suddenly I didn't know what I thought of, and suddenly laughed, a little energetic and a little confident about winning, as if everything was under control. He glanced at Liu Haoyu proudly, "From the time I knew this woman was important to you, I knew I caught her. It's equivalent to catching your little braid, you said, is your current base camp still there?"

  "Are you going to make a noise?" Liu Haoyu looked at Xiao Ran and said suddenly, looking inexplicably surprised or surprised.