Kick off the campus Hui Guliang (Chapter 60)

  "It seems that our Patriarch Liu has not fallen because of a woman's IQ..." Xiao Ran suddenly relaxed, rarely laughed, showing a little more sincere heart. With a wave of his hand, many other people suddenly appeared in the wreckage of the commercial building on all sides. All of them instinctively raised the spear in their hands, and once again moved Liu Haoyu from the building above behind the huge boulder on the ground. They were all people, all Xiao Ran. People.

  Not far away, as those guns were aimed at this side, a lot of red light had fallen on the heads of Liu Haoyu and Zhou Min, and the people of the S5 team around them were not immune.

  "This is the latest infrared sensor weapon. As long as they shoot, Liu Haoyu, your smart brain will be completely cut." Xiao Ran played with the pistol in his hand and looked at Liu Haoyu, "Even if you are not afraid of death, are you? You don't care about the life and death of the girl next to you, as long as you give me someone, I will let you go!"

  Although Xiao Ran was smiling when he spoke, his gloomy eyes stared at Liu Haoyu vaguely, and Zhou Min was hugged by Liu Haoyu. Here, listening to his steady heartbeat, she sighed inwardly. Although Liu Haoyu was mysterious in her previous life, she didn't know exactly how mysterious she was, but she had been to the 18th-floor experimental research base. In it, she seemed I also saw a room full of weapons, but at that time, she just wanted to see the girl, so she didn't pay much attention.

  But now when I heard Xiao Ran's brief explanation of this weapon, I suddenly remembered that in the previous life, there had been civil strife in Syria. At that time, the weapon that Xiao Ran said for the first time appeared. It was so powerful that it attracted the attention of the whole country. , As long as it is completely controlled by infrared rays, once the shot is directed at a person, there will be no sound. Any living object within a kilometer will be found and cut off on the spot.

  But the weapon appeared twenty years later. How could it be taken out by Xiao Ran so early? What's the matter? It seems that everything is ahead of schedule.

  It's just that when Liu Haoyu heard Xiao Ran's words, he suddenly couldn't help but laugh slightly. He raised his wrist casually. When he saw his actions like this, Xiao Ran instinctively felt dangerous and narrowed his eyes. , The gesture that was raised subconsciously paused. When he thought Liu Haoyu was going to make any movement, he looked down at the person in his arms, put his head gently on top of Zhou Min's head, and gently rubbed her hair.

  "Are you afraid?" Liu Haoyu asked softly, his tone was never before. Zhou Min raised his head and looked at Liu Haoyu's calm face with a gentle smile, and when he heard the infrared-controlled sniper rifle, Zhou Min suddenly felt in his heart. A hint of thought flashed, and she was almost too late to catch it.

  However, she believed in Liu Haoyu, because Liu Haoyu was still alive when she died. He is the absolute male lead in this world. His luck is very high. Therefore, everyone will die. However, he is the only one unless he commits suicide. Otherwise, no one can kill him.

  Seeing Zhou Min's reaction, Liu Haoyu couldn't help but laugh. He held Zhou Min tightly in his arms and glanced at the S5 captain, only to see that he put the weapon in his hand behind him again, and then pressed on his waist. After a while, the infrared rays that had been aimed at their heads suddenly disappeared for a second, and suddenly they saw the people around them who were holding infrared guns begin to explode.

  Like a bursting watermelon, it continues to explode.

  "What's going on?" When Xiao Ran recovered and was about to let people wave their hands and order the shots, they did not expect that the infrared rays had disappeared. Moreover, his people began to explode one by one, and when the surrounding explosions sounded, Liu Haoyu Covered Zhou Min's ears and put his arms in his arms to prevent her from seeing the bloody scene.

  Xiao Ran looked at the sudden change in his surroundings, and his face turned pale when he "brushed".

  "Xiao Ran, you still don't know what kind of person, the person standing in front of you is, and, depending on the structure of your brain, I think if I can't say it clearly, you may not understand it for the rest of your life, your so-called secret. Weapons are nothing but rubbish that I didn't play with a few years ago, and the infrared guns that you bought secretly from me at a high price are unfortunately my handwriting, and they are defective products that I don't want for a long time. "

  Liu Haoyu coldly looked at Xiao Ran, who seemed to have been hit, and smiled coldly. At Liu Haoyu's signal, the captain of the S5 team darkened the bulge on his waist. An entourage beside Xiao Ran didn't even hum, in his hand. His heavy machine gun suddenly trembled, and then there was a burst of popcorn. The bits and pieces were torn apart, spattering a lot of blood, and Xiao Ran's face was not accidentally touched.

  When the blood was about to spray on Liu Haoyu's face, he was blocked by members of the S5 team standing in front of Liu Haoyu.

  Liu Haoyu pushed away the person in front of him, looked at the blood on the floor, and suddenly smiled. He liked the bright red color very much, which made him feel gorgeous and lively.

  "When I first designed infrared, the reason I didn't like it was because it was too clean when it killed people. Although I have some cleanliness, I only like the feeling of spraying blood, like the fire at night, and the red is warm Living, but it can't satisfy my interest, so I changed the rhythm , so that it can kill people with beautiful art, clean and tidy, but also bloom enthusiastically, beautiful and savagely beautiful! Isn't it smart? "

  Liu Haoyu smiled and watched that the originally intact person suddenly turned into pieces of flesh scattered all over the place, and his eyes showed appreciation. "Is the scene just now beautiful? The blood is wanton, the flesh and blood fly, and the art without restraint is freedom. Let go." When

  Everyone has heard this, they all felt nauseous in their hearts. They looked at Liu Haoyu's eyes with more fear, what a perverted thought.

  And Xiao Ran's heart was chilled because of Liu Haoyu's every move. It seemed the first time he saw Liu Haoyu like this, and Xiao then burst out with cold sweat on his back.

  He always felt that Liu Haoyu was just a little cold, ruthless, cruel and smart, but now it seems that he is simply a perverted idea, smart and bloody to twisted in his heart. From the time he knew he was going to confront Liu Haoyu, he was not very scared, but at this time, His reason tells himself not to be afraid, but his body reacts more honestly.

  The body began to shake slightly, he still underestimated the danger of Liu Haoyu or his perverted feeling!

  "Now, can we go?" Liu Haoyu asked softly, smiling with harmless elegance, but the people present couldn't help but tremble. Only the expressions of the S5 team did not change, and they seemed calm enough to be commonplace...