Kicked off the campus Hui Guliang (Chapter 63)

The weapons in the hands of this group of people who are the latest weapons, more brutal and bloody than Su Xiao's weapons, and meat flies everywhere, and many people scream. Before there was time to say a word, it fell apart.

  "Doctor!" The group of people wearing white clothes and helmets quickly leaned towards Liu Haoyu. Liu Haoyu looked at those people, with a glimmer of hope in his eyes, and hugged Zhou Min, looking at it. The subdued Xiao Ran and Su Xiaoxiao looked like hell, ghosts, "These two people, bring them back to the laboratory, I want them to live forever, live in hell..."

  Everyone looked at holding Zhou Min proudly in the ruins. The standing, hostile man couldn't help shivering all together, lowered his head and stopped talking. Zhou Min felt that his body was getting colder and heavier, his eyelids heavier and heavier, but he still wanted In this wind and rain, I can see clearly this man who he has loved for two lifetimes.

  Liu Haoyu lowered his head and watched Zhou Min's eyes with unspeakable sadness. He hugged her and walked towards the nearest helicopter. At this time, another woman ran out of the helicopter. It was the person he had admitted wrong. It was him. The woman who crazily wanted to be resurrected was the woman who had made Zhou Min heartache, but this woman ran to Xiao Ran, hugged Xiao Ran, and begged him to let him go.

  This woman is alive, and Su Xiaoxiao is alive. Xiao Ran looked at the woman holding her heart full of love. His eyes were so familiar. Once, he was so happy because of Zhou Min's love, but looking at this should The dead person, why didn't he die, and the person he most wanted to protect was about to leave him, which was really ironic.

  Even if Liu Haoyu can be called a pervert, he can be called the most powerful genius in the world, but, Zhou Min, can you give me the love that you took back?

  Looking at the three people behind him, he hated those people so much for the first time, even if it was from the Liu family, he hadn't hated so much before, but now, he hates so much, but he hates himself most!

  Finally, when Zhou Min had no strength, Liu Haoyu put the handkerchief soaked with medicine on Zhou Min's nose. Although he could not stop the wound from decomposing, the unidentified creatures wriggling in the wound seemed to have a significant inhibitory effect. .

  Liu Haoyu ignored the pleading behind him, ignored the crying behind him, and left everyone behind him step by step. The rain continued to wash Zhou Min and Liu Haoyu's body. When he picked up Zhou Min, Liu Haoyu's wounds opened one by one, because No one paid attention to the black clothes, but the water dripping from the clothes was bright red.

  The bright red blood along the way accompanied by rain, will be dyed red all the way. Everyone was shocked and could not tell whether the blood belonged to Zhou Min or Liu Haoyu, but no one dared to step forward, because Liu Haoyu's violent and violent things that no one should enter. Crazy silence in one second.

  Liu Haoyu hugged Zhou Min and boarded the plane. In the cabin, Liu Haoyu had forgotten the pain all over his body, and his brain was full of saving Zhou Min! The cabin was turned over to a full level and messed up, and he was like a lunatic, Zhou Min couldn't help feeling bitter when he watched.

  "Ayu..." Zhou Min's voice was as thin as a mosquito, but it was still caught by Liu Haoyu. Liu Haoyu's eyes were red when he turned his head. He didn't know where the glasses were thrown. The whole person just stood on the wire lock and just didn't pay attention. A sense of collapse that will fall.

  "Xiao Min!" Liu Haoyu hugged Zhou Min, his eyes were gone for a long time, he was calm, and some were panicked and deeply afraid.

  "Ayu, if it hurts too much, go to Paluohe to find a grandma... Forget it, it is also a kind of happiness..." Zhou Min's words made Liu Haoyu hold her hand for a moment, and the pain in her heart struck one after another. Here, looking at Zhou Min who gradually closed his eyes, Liu Haoyu hugged Zhou Min for a moment, arched up, and hugged Zhou Min tightly in his arms, his body trembling.

  Zhou Min, whose consciousness was gradually blurred, felt that there was something on his neck, it was so hot!

  All the way from the neck to the heart...

  At first, Zhou Min in the past life wanted to forget because the obsession was too deep, the love was too deep, the pain was too deep, so she couldn't forget... But the old man had tampered with her memory. This time, she finally She still couldn't bear it, because she had been in pain, so she knew that the pain was too tormenting...I

  can forget that sometimes it is also a kind of happiness and luxury...The

  helicopter soon flew back to the manor, where is the base camp of the Liu Haoyu experimental base. With the most complete facilities, holding Zhou Min, Liu Haoyu ran all the way from the plane to the experimental base.

  In the bottom layer, he found the liquid he needed and plunged into Zhou Min's body without hesitation. The position of the stomach that had deteriorated and dissolved began to stop deteriorating.

  Seeing Zhou Min lying on the operating table without consciousness, only breathing weakly, Liu Haoyu slowly stroked Zhou Min's cheek, "This life, I have pain, but I will not let you go...I Nor, forget you..."

  After more than ten years, the whole world was in riots. It seemed that everyone was suffering from Liu Haoyu's heartache. He was hurt, so the world would also suffer from him because he was afraid. I will be tortured crazy by this kind of heartache.

  But I never found the grandmother Zhou Min mentioned, because even if it hurts, he still wants to remember...

  Liu Haoyu has gradually become a person the whole world fears and dare not mention, but Liu Haoyu likes to be alone. In the laboratory, he is constantly tinkering with his experiments, but not far away there is a very simple but cozy room, which is full of decorations that Zhou Min likes, and the people lying on it have been like a day for more than ten years. Has not changed.

  When putting a tube of the latest medicine into the drip bottle, Liu Haoyu took off her white coat and lay beside her holding Zhou Min, "It's been 6205 days, when will you wake up? I miss you so much..."

  Liu Haoyu Her heart was twitching and painful. It didn't decrease every second every day. He held Zhou Min's hands tightly, and then smiled idiotically, "Jiang Min, I don't agree, I don't agree. , I want to meet and get acquainted with you, you don't love me, then I... love you! If you don't come to my world, then I'll go to your world, okay..."

  "Jiang Min, do you know? The grandma you mentioned is actually a person in my laboratory, and she is the most special talent in my experimental base, because her most powerful thing is not hypnotism, but medicine, a medicine called Putuo powder, that medicine It can change the memory of people. By the way, you don't know, she is the last Mayan..."

  "Jiang Min, you asked me more than once, do you love you? But I always miss it, and there is no time. Tell you, I love you, I love you deeply..."

  "You are my world, do you know? I, love you! Recently I can always dream of some strange scenes, maybe that is what you said in the past life, you and I are always missed by mistakes , Then, I thought the best protection, but I still failed to protect you. In the end, you died in my arms...quot;

  Liu Haoyu's voice was low, and he turned over and lay beside Zhou Min, staring blankly at him. The ceiling seems to be reminiscing about some memory, with the grief that is suppressed to the Jedi.

  Every sentence seems to have exhausted his own strength, perhaps the white burning light is a little dazzling, making his eyes sore, raising his hand to casually place it on On the eyes, the tears from the corners of the eyes slipped into the ears, and the voice was a little self-deprecating and choked. "I finally understand why I always carry medicine on my body. It seems that I know what will happen, why I hate it most. KTV's self will take the initiative to go into the traps that he already knows. It's not too lonely and boring, but maybe at that time, I know that you will be there, just like the place in the memory!"

  Liu Haoyu suddenly turned sideways and buried his face. On Zhou Min's shoulders, Liu Haoyu has lost a lot of weight, and his whole person is much older than a dozen years ago. The whole body is full of vicissitudes and despair, "But I don't know if we have been played with by fate. I obviously found you at such an early age, but I was still lost by myself. I have been stubbornly trying to find you. From beginning to end, there is only you!"

  "Jiang Min, I love you, you The past life in the dream, in the fragments of my incomplete memory, if it is really our past life, then, the past life plus the present life, I have loved you for two lives, for two whole lives, how can you say no and let it go?, I really let go... Then, what should I do? Tell me, what would I do without you..." Liu Haoyu hugged Zhou Min's body, buried her face in her neck, and said The unspeakable desolation.

  Maybe it was too sad, maybe it was too sad, Liu Haoyu didn't see it. In his confession, day after day, year after year, this time, Zhou Min's fingers finally moved, and his eyelids trembled...