Kick off campus Hui Guliang (Chapter 64)

  Zhou Min sat on the sofa in the living room, looked at the rainy manor outside, listened to the patter of rain, sighed ten thousand times in his heart, and called out again, "I When can I leave!"

  If an entity can't help but roll its eyes a million times, "250, since you woke up, this month, you have to ask me the same question no less than 30 times a minute, don't you? Are you tired?"

  "Tired! But, when can I leave..." Zhou Min was about to cry. When she woke up somehow in the laboratory, she began to be kept in captivity by Liu Haoyu, really. Keeping in captivity...

  no restrictions on going out, no restrictions on freedom, but I will follow you wherever I go, and even wait outside for a toilet, just like a Siamese baby, no matter where he goes, he has to see himself.

  Although cautiously, if the look in her eyes becomes real, she has been eaten without bones left. If she finds herself for a second, Liu Haoyu will become irritable, restless, and her temper increasingly unstable, causing him to be surrounded by The person in has complained in front of her more than once, telling her not to regenerate Liu Haoyu's anger and forgive him and the like.

  But Zhou Min is not angry anymore. She has been unable to move in the laboratory for more than ten years, but every day she can hear Liu Haoyu's voice, listen to his painful and depressive call, and listen to him over and over again. Annoyingly talking about love, listening to his depressed cry after failing experiments one after another, like a beast losing the despair and loneliness of his lover, her soul is floating in the air but unable to leave.

  Over the past ten years, Liu Haoyu has driven himself almost crazy, and has tortured Su Xiaoxiao and the others. He hopes that one day he can die, but wakes up in formalin day after day, with only despair in life.

  Liu Haoyu was torturing himself when he tortured Su Xiaoxiao. After he tortured Su Xiaoxiao, he would engrave her name on his chest in front of his bed. It was bright red, but his eyes were like crazy. Crazy, and then muttered to himself while holding a body covered in blood that he might not wake up in his lifetime.

  Once again, she was very curious. She approached Liu Haoyu. His expression seemed to be unclear. The hands holding Zhou Min were like strong castles, unable to shake. "Xiao Min, I am obedient. I am very painful. It hurts even more...Will you forgive me like this? But why are you still reluctant to wake up? Isn't it enough? Isn't it enough..."

  Zhou Min looked up at this crazy man in disbelief, knowing it for the first time. Others are cruel because he treats himself more cruelly. Because of such a close distance, she clearly saw that he didn't have a good skin all over his body. The old and new injuries all over his body were all sensitive words. It leaves such deep marks on the body, crooked and creepy.

  Until Liu Haoyu fainted on the bed of the laboratory while holding Zhou Min's body due to excessive blood loss, a group of professors and doctors put Liu Haoyu beside Zhou Min in an orderly manner, and began to hemostatic bandaging. , Although this kind of treatment would be a bit uncomfortable, even if Liu Haoyu fainted to start the treatment, Zhou Min's hands had not been released, but this group of people in white protective clothing did not think of lifting Liu Haoyu away from Zhou Min.

  Because they couldn't remove Liu Haoyu's hands from Zhou Min's body at all, they tried it the first time, but...

  so they gave up over time. After all, it happened every day. The people who looked up, although they still let them look up, they have a little more compassion for this man, because they found that the once inseparable, smart and demon man was getting more and more decadent, and his eyes were bleak day by day, and day by day. Desperate, every day he is more cruel to himself, from self-mutilation once a week to no less than ten self-mutilations in the most recent day.

  They have been watching for more than ten years, and they also know clearly that Liu Haoyu's life has been held on this woman who has been unwilling to wake up. The wound has been healed long ago, and her vitality index has recovered, but she just didn't wake up. , I don't seem to think about waking up.

  What they all saw, how could Liu Haoyu, such a smart person, fail to understand. Liu Haoyu knew when he might be out of danger from a woman's life, so there was a hint of tension and anxiety in his eyes, and the following things confirmed In response to their speculation, Liu Haoyu became sober and mad from time to time, and his heart seemed to be getting more and more extreme. He used to be lazy and didn't care about anything, but now, he still doesn't care about the power and money in the world. But he became extreme and perverted.

  How much he hurts, he let the world cry with him...

  They are not surprised at all. If this woman dies in the laboratory one day, the world will be avenged by Liu Haoyu. He has not treated his world well since childhood. It was also because of the union of those people from the United Nations, Mr. Liu and Xiao Ran that Su Xiaoxiao had the opportunity to hurt Zhou Min, and he was never merciful to those who hurt Zhou Min, because he didn't even let him go. How could I let those people go.

  "Jiang Min, where are you?" Liu Haoyu's uneasy voice came out of the master bedroom. Zhou Min's body couldn't help but stiff. Without Zhou Min's answer, the housekeeper beside him hurriedly replied, "Master, madam is here. In the living room!" As

  soon as the housekeeper's voice fell, he heard an eager footstep coming up the stairs. Zhou Min turned around and saw Liu Haoyu, still that elegant and noble person, with the same eyebrows, but his eyes were so obvious. Zhou Min had just stood up because of fear and anxiety, and Liu Haoyu had quickly stepped forward and hugged Zhou Min in his arms.

  There is a bit of coldness from early winter on him, but his hands are so hot, and his heartbeat is so uneasy and fast. In fact, when she woke up from the laboratory, she was told that the end of her mission was the past life of each client. The point in time of death.

  For more than ten years, she has been floating in the air of the laboratory watching Liu Haoyu's appearance of becoming crazy for Jiang Min. She was a little moved. They fell in love, but they always missed it again and again. At the right time, in the wrong environment, constantly I missed it, and in the past ten years of wandering, Zhou Min discovered that while studying how to wake Zhou Min, Liu Haoyu was crazy about the relativity theory of time gaps, and seemed to want to study the feasibility of time and space shuttle.

  And just when she was about to take a closer look, she was sucked in by Jiang Min's body, and then when she woke up, it was in Liu Haoyu's arms.

  "Liu Haoyu, I won't leave!" Zhou Min repeats this sentence every day because she knows exactly what Liu Haoyu's anxiety is, and although her task has been completed, she said to Liu Haoyu that if she died or left, The orbit of this world will be completely played off by the male protagonist, and even undergo major changes.