The malevolent father turned over (9)


  "Princess!" There

  were unanimous voices from the cliff. The former was Muyan and the latter was Shadow Guard.

  Yin Mei fainted when Shangguan Qi and Zhou Min hugged and fell into the cliff.

  The abyss can't see people clearly, only the interweaving of white and red clothes, which is particularly dazzling in the abyss of night, stimulating everyone on the cliff.

  As Zhou Min and Shangguanqi continued to decline in speed, the sound of puff, puff, rubbing came, and the speed of the body's descent differed in the canopy of a tree growing on the edge of a cliff and a whole forest at the bottom. Block.

  "boom! Although there were many trees blocking the descent speed, Shangguan Qi and Zhou Min still fell heavily into a jungle. When the dust was splashed, Ku was also overturned.

  Shangguan Qi's body was scratched by trees with scars everywhere. In addition, he had been injured before. When his body's internal organs fell from a high altitude, he was injured by the shock. At the moment of landing, a mouthful of blood came out. He fainted, and Zhou Min was shocked because he had the cheat device 484 and the human flesh cushion of Shangguanqi. Although he was hit by a hidden weapon when he fell off the cliff, it was worse than Shangguanqi's embarrassment. , She is already very lucky!

  "484, is that hidden weapon the ghost of you?" When Zhou Min sat up strenuously, he couldn't help but think of the inexplicable, weird hidden weapon, and couldn't help drawing a circle on 484's head.

  484 pouted a little unhappy, "I said 250, am I such a person? Am I such a person?"

  "Yes!" Zhou Min affirmed without hesitation, making 484 almost vomit blood.

  "250, you are really, so sad. Although I want to do this, some people will do it before I do it. I have also detected that the person hiding in the dark is coming to you. When I was in the dark, I kept lurking in the dark waiting for an opportunity, but because you suddenly appeared, I didn't make a move in time, and I kept watching everyone's movements quietly!"

  484 said angrily.

  "There is someone in the dark! Why didn't you say it earlier!?" Zhou Min was horrified. When she came, someone was waiting for an opportunity in secret. Why? Shangguan Qi!

  who is it? ! In the previous life, it seemed that there was no one who was particularly eye-catching! Besides, isn't she the villain? From which corner did the person hiding in the dark come out, rob the scene!

  Could it be that she had overlooked something in her previous life! ?

  "You did not ask me! So I also blame ~~ Well I say, the host 250, you is not look at the man you're about to be crushed by the master, his breathing already very weak!"

  484 threw your hands up, this one The expression that was nothing to do with me made Zhou Min, who knew that 484 had no entity, seemed to have seen 484, leaving Zhou Min speechless!

  So, blame me!

  Zhou Min was vomiting blood when he was shirked by 484 who had nothing to do with him.

  "Is there any medicine that can relieve the pain, and let the male lead not die too fast, but it can't get better too fast. It's best to hang around if you want to die. Give time for him to heal by himself, and I put it on my back. The wound hurt by the hidden weapon is too painful. I pierced my heart and lungs as soon as I moved. How can I do the next thing!" Zhou Min just moved the wound behind him, and his face turned pale involuntarily.

  "The mall has pain immunity potions, do you want them, give you angel-price potions that will make the hero's injury better..."

  "So good, give it away? The potion is 50% off...Is it!"

  484 hasn't finished yet. , Zhou Min took 484's words, rolled his eyes somewhat suspiciously and said.

  "A big bargain in the mall, it's hard to come by in thousands of years! And we are getting in more and more tacit understanding, I don't say, the host, I guessed it, it seems, the host is smarter!"

  "484, do you know you are out of integrity? "Zhou Min doesn't want to talk nonsense with it anymore, "Let's talk, how much?"

  "Only 998, as long as 998, you can take home the permanent pain immunity potion! Can you hear it clearly? It's 998, not 1800. Not 18000, but 998!".

  "You robbery!"

  "Host, I don't like to hear what you say, it is permanent, permanent! You will not dare to travel through the task world page in the future, whether it is a broken arm or a broken leg, or being tortured You will not feel the slightest pain if you are half-dead or dead than alive. With such a cheating artifact, can you not come and hit it? You know, the system is produced, and it is guaranteed to be a lever drop! And we also gave you a bottle of male The potion for the relief of the main injury?"

  484's preaching made Zhou Min's face more ugly, and his gloomy smile didn't laugh. "Can't you expect me to order it?"

  484 felt the gloomy breath of Zhou Min's body. A little embarrassed, "This, isn't this a metaphor! And I still give you a discount on the original basis, but it depends on the angel price given to each other's angels! Others I would not be so generous!"

  "Others! Apart from my misfortune, who else can you find a quester who is as sad as me!" Zhou Min roared, really frustrated!

  "Then, do you want it!" 484's voice couldn't help but soften, and asked helplessly.

  "Yes!" Zhou Min gritted her teeth and said, she is still in debt, anyway, she can see it clearly, and I am afraid that she will be inseparable from this damn system in the future. They are all working for it/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~ There is no salary, no human rights, not to mention five social insurance and one housing fund. Cheap labor is talking about her!

  "Okay, a small white bar, a permanent pain immunity potion of 998. After the discount, 984 plus the 15 points you owed me before. Now you owe me 999 points! This number is auspicious, and it will last forever~"

  Zhou Min rolled his eyes speechlessly, and suddenly two bottles of cyan potion appeared in his hands, one deep and one shallow.

  The shallow one belonged to the male lead. Zhou Min took his own sip first, and the pain on his back suddenly felt nothing. When he moved, he found that the pain really disappeared instantly, so he nodded, and then Break the male lead's mouth and feed another bottle to the male lead.

  The male protagonist's originally weak heartbeat suddenly became stronger. After realizing that the male protagonist would not die for a while, Zhou Min turned his head and stretched out his hand, ready to drastically pull out the hidden weapon behind him, but he was about to pull the hidden weapon. , Found that the hidden weapon was actually barbed, and this pull was afraid that even the flesh of the belt would have to be torn off.

  Although she doesn't feel any pain anymore, it doesn't mean that she won't lose too much blood and die like this!