The malevolent father turned over (10)

  Zhou Min gave up on pulling out the hidden weapon, but turned his head and tore off a piece of Shangguan Qi's white jacket, bandaged himself at random and put him on his back.

  Men's weight is really heavy, especially for unconscious men. This is not the first time that Shangguan Qi was carried on his back. I remember that the first time I carried him was in the valley three years ago, and it was the same. He was bruised and unconscious.

  She carried him on her back and fought with the pack of evil wolves. In order to protect him, her right hand could no longer use force. The former double swords have now become left-handed swords. Women are most looking forward to the qualifications of becoming a mother. In that battle, lost.

  Zhou Min staggered in the woods with Shangguanqi on his back, but her mood was different from three years ago. Three years ago, although she was hurt more severely than Shangguanqi, her heart was happy because she protected herself. The man she loves the most, carrying him on her back, although very tired, but she feels that it is her own world!

  But now, the same scene, the same people, but Zhou Min's heart is filled with unspeakable bitterness and sadness. This man who was once her own world, in this life, she doesn't want it anymore!

  Zhou Min knew that this kind of complicated feelings belonged to the client, and belonged to the thoughts hidden in empathy!

  But she felt the same way and felt very painful...

  Because of the weight of Guan Qi on her back, the red blood on Zhou Min's back penetrated the light gauze behind, but because it was a red shirt, it was not obvious, just felt a piece of behind. wet.

  This cliff was close to a remote place in the suburbs. It fell from the top and looked up. The trees became a forest. Because of the night, there were occasional wolves in the jungle, which made people panic!

  She walked with Shangguan Qi on her back for a long time in the quiet woods. If it weren't for Zhou Min's physical strength, she would have long been unable to hold it, but no matter how martial arts, she was also a princess who grew up spoiled and was seriously injured!

  Therefore, as time passed, she gradually became a little weaker, and her face became paler, not knowing whether it was caused by bleeding from the wound or exhaustion of physical strength.

  There are woods along the way, and there is no living person anywhere, and the dangers of the forest at night make Zhou Min unable to help but hold his breath and cautiously.

  Shangguanqi opened his eyes during the bumps and bumps along the way, perhaps because of the bottle of potion, Shangguanqi's injury has improved to a certain extent, and the doctor's intuition made him discover that his internal injuries and external injuries did not seem to be what he expected. So serious.

  However, his eyes could not help but squinted, because he found that he was on the back of a woman, the corner of his eyes was looking at the woman on the face, Zhou Min with more and more sweat on his face, Shangguan Qi's eyes flashed with a cold light, but instantly The thick bloody smell that enters the tip of the nose and the front of the clothes seem to be wet.

  Reminiscent of the moment when he fell off the cliff, the three hidden weapons glowing with cold light, and the sound of the hidden weapons entering the body, Shangguan Qi lay on Zhou Min's back, his eyes deep as the sea watching her increasingly pale face under the moon night. .

  She was too thin, carrying herself about 1.9 meters, even if he was not fat, but his body on the back was still slightly tilted in the bumps along the way. Only then did he notice that he was wrapped in vines, and She crossed the vines on her shoulders and then around his waist, repeatedly wrapping around them, so that the vines could fix his body, and the other end was tightly tied to her own waist. The left hand fixed his body, and the right hand basically didn't use force.

  Very strenuous and embarrassed, especially when he involuntarily leaned to the left. Zhou Min used his right hand to grab his arm on her shoulder, but he could only see his arm slip from her right palm. Zhou Min subconsciously immediately followed by tilting his left shoulder, squatting and raising his left hand, using the strength of his arm to support him up again.

  After one action, Zhou Min's breath gradually became unstable, the wetness of his back became thicker, and the smell of blood became heavier, but Shangguan Qi looked a little surprised at the powerless right hand, his eyes flashed with surprise!

  He remembered that she who came to Shenyi Valley three years ago was only infected with Gu poison, and her body was healthy, and she had already recovered when she left. However, as long as one glance, the situation just now made him discover that her right hand was useless! !

  why? He knew very well who was the shadow guard next to Zhou Min. Therefore, it would be impossible for Zhou Min to disuse Zhou Min's right hand in the eyes of the shadow guard, unless all the shadow guards that Zhou Huang gave Zhou Min died!

  However, in the past three years, he had not heard of this incident in the Zhou Dynasty. After all, Zhou Min's identity, if he was injured or the Royal Shadow Guard was destroyed, would never have been leaked.

  So what is going on with Zhou Min's hand?

  Just when Shangguan Qi was still wondering, he suddenly remembered that he had actually spent his mind on such a woman with a vicious mind. He couldn't help but feel disgusted but more of a murderous intent. When he was about to let Zhou Min let go, he suddenly attacked. The exhaustion and weakness that came, and the deep languidness and sleepiness came up like a tornado.

  Unable to help Shangguan Qi fainted again, and once Shangguan Qi fainted, Zhou Min couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. She had discovered the killing intent that suddenly rose just now, even if she didn't remind her.

  If you were walking on the road, and suddenly a snake appeared on your back shoulders tweeting to you, you would not know it!

  Just like Shangguan Qi's killing intent, let Zhou Min immediately ask the help to stun him first, otherwise he would have finished the game before she took the person to a safe place!

  "Host, you just used the one-time pain skill, and the points are deducted by 10 points. You already owe me 100 points!"

  "You don't have a lot of debt! Anyway, you owe it. Check if there are any potions in the mall. Or something can make Shangguan Qi lose all his martial arts when I get along with me recently!" Zhou Min's sudden rascal tone almost didn't let him breathe.

  "Yes, but can you buy it?"

  "You owe it! Anyway, I already owe you so much, so I still pay it this time!"

  "You can pay it off when you pay it off!" He looked at incredulously. Zhou Min's expression on the jar was broken, and he didn't turn his face back.