Chapter 132

The vicious princess wants to stand up (27)

  In the past two days, Shangguan Qi has kept a distance from her, except that after they communicated the next morning after that night, every time Zhou Min took the initiative to talk, he was always cold. He has a cold attitude and loves to answer without answering, but his defense against others has been reduced a lot.

  After two days of downpours, the climate in the jungle has also been changing abnormally. Finally, today is rare good weather, with the sun shining brightly. Shangguan Qi and Zhou Min also decided to start their journey.

  Walking out of the cave, there are endless towering trees, dense and thick, and the sunlight seeps out from the endless canopy of giant trees, adding a touch of strange tranquility to the dark jungle landscape.

  Zhou Min and Shangguan Qi walked north from the cave all the way to find the rushing river because as long as they saw the river, they could find a way out by walking along the lower reaches of the river.

  Because of her, Shangguan Qi has never recovered from his martial arts, and his internal injuries can't automatically adjust his breath, so he can only rely on the herbs he picked for healing. However, in this dangerous jungle, he has no martial arts even though he has a very powerful silver needle. , but because the injury has not completely healed, it is impossible to fight for a long time!

  Therefore, he would never leave the cave far away to gather herbs, which caused his wounds to heal very slowly!

  Shangguan Qi and Zhou Min walked for a long time. In the afternoon, when Shangguan Qi took out the food he had prepared to share with Zhou Min, he raised his head, looked up at the sky through the gaps in the forest leaves, and frowned, "You How far is the river that you found from here?"

  "It's not far, we'll be there in another hour!"

  Zhou Min took a bite of the blood-red fruit, and the bright red juice splashed all over, dyeing her lips even more. It was crystal clear, and when Shangguan Qi, who was looking at her, glanced at the little tongue that was slightly exposed when she unconsciously licked her lips, his eyes couldn't help but darken.

  Then he turned his head calmly and responded lightly.

  "We need to get to that river as soon as possible before it gets dark!" Shangguan Qi stood up and said to Zhou Min when he saw that it was about the same time. Come to think of it, didn't you just sit down?

  Looking at Zhou Min who was staring at him in a daze, he looked down at the fiery red figure sitting in a green leaf, coupled with the quietness and simplicity of the jungle, the silence, and simplicity of ancient vines and old trees, such a Zhou Min It looks very shocking and charming.

  Perhaps it was because of the convenience of his position that he could clearly see the undulating white tenderness hidden in the fiery red tube top, and the bruises that hadn't completely disappeared in time, which made his heart skip a beat!

  It was his own masterpiece, and he thought he had forgotten it long ago, but not only did he have a strange memory, but his body even clearly remembered her coquettish and graceful manner under him, her powerless coquettish attitude, and the beauty of that body.

  It's just that these days, I forced myself not to think about it.

  Turning around, Shangguan Qi felt an evil fire gathering in his lower body, but his powerful rationality suppressed it. After taking a deep breath, he calmly said, "Can you go?" "Yes, let's go!" Zhou Min stood up At that time because the jungle was full of intertwined vines, I didn't pay attention to my feet.

  "Ah—" While dancing, Zhou Min stretched out his hand and subconsciously hugged Shangguan Qi who was standing with his back facing him from behind.

  The person who was upset because of Zhou Min wanted to turn around subconsciously when he heard Zhou Min's exclamation, but the people behind him moved faster and hugged Shangguan Qi tightly from behind.

  Zhou Min grabbed Shangguan Qi's clothes with his left hand, and his right hand wanted to wrap his arms around his waist to stabilize his figure, but he always forgot that his right hand could not use force at all, so the right hand naturally slipped from his waist At the time, Shangguan Qi didn't know if it was a subconscious reflex action, but Shangguan Qi suddenly stretched out his hand to help hold down the powerless right hand.

  But I don't know if it was my unluckily or Shangguan Qi's unluckily, so I can't die, when Shangguan Qi held down her right hand, her right hand just slipped into his mouse.

  Being covered by Shangguan Qi's big hand, she felt that Shangguan Qi's whole body was stiff, and the huge body that was a little stiff suddenly trembled in her right hand, gaining momentum to raise its head.

  Both of them couldn't help being startled, but at this moment, Shangguan Qi felt that the round milk behind him hit his back heavily, and the thinness of the clothes made him realize that the two red pearls seemed to be hard!

  The penis became more and more swollen, and he didn't know if he felt wrong. Zhou Min felt that the palms pressing his right hand seemed to press the mouse part harder, and the hot and hard beating sensation under the palms and the back of the hands The scorching temperature of Shangguan Qi's palm made Zhou Min embarrassed.

  Did she pull it out or pull it out, or did she pull it out...

  If I had known this, I would have stopped struggling and thrown myself directly into the embrace of the earth. Once everything was done, I wouldn't be so embarrassed not knowing what to do next...

  Just when Zhou Min didn't know what to do, Shangguan Qi let go of his hand suddenly, tore off the hand on his chest, and strode away quickly, his behavior was a little flustered and eager, and because of Shangguan Qi's sudden behavior, Zhou Min couldn't stand still. , "Plop", bringing up dust and fallen leaves.

  Zhou Min, who was on all fours, had his eyes trembling slightly. I knew that I would not be able to escape the established result in the end.

  In the end, that embarrassing scene happened...

  Hearing the loud noise from behind, the figure of Shangguan Qi in front of him paused slightly, and when he turned his head, he saw Zhou Min lying on the ground with two or three dead leaves on his head, grinning his teeth as he fell, and couldn't help laughing sullenly Voice.

  Zhou Min heard a chuckle not far ahead, and raised her head, that clear and shallow smile seemed to carry an inexplicable gentle warmth in the deep forest, like the spring sunshine that fascinated people, and made her subconsciously say, " Actually, you should laugh more!"

  Sensing his gaffe, Shangguan Qi looked at Zhou Min, who was absent-minded, on the ground, and Shangguan Qi lowered the corners of his mouth, put away his smile, and returned to his indifferent expression, his tone couldn't help He got up flat, "Get up, it's time to go."

  Then he ignored her and went straight forward. Zhou Min also hurriedly got up from the ground, but the embarrassment just now was resolved invisibly in that fall.

  Zhou Min and Shangguan Qi, who had caught up again, walked side by side in the jungle. Shangguan Qi looked over from the corner of his eyes, and when he saw that there was still a broken leaf on her head, the corners of his mouth involuntarily curled up again, although it was so faint that he thought it was an illusion. , but the eyes are no longer cold and calm, there are other things inside, although very shallow!