Chapter 134

The vicious princess wants to turn over (28)

  Along the way, they didn't speak, but the breath around them became more and more integrated, until Zhou Min's eyes lit up, and he subconsciously stretched out his hand to pull the sleeve of Shangguan Qi's right hand, pointing to the front. , "Did you hear it? Did you hear it? It's the sound of running water, it's the sound of running water!"

  Shangguan Qi looked at the pair of slender fingers on the sleeve of his right hand, and when he raised his eyes, he saw Zhou Min's delicate and charming figure close at hand. It seemed that he had once again seen the girl from the Valley of Divine Doctors five years ago, with the same heartbeat, the same fascination, and the same freshness that made people feel inferior.

  "Quick, quick, quick, let's go, Shangguan Qi, let's go!" Zhou Min took Shangguan Qi's wrist, as if dragging him towards the sound of the river hitting the stone walls on both banks.

  Standing next to the rocks, looking at the river below, the water is fast and clear. Sometimes the clear river rushes for thousands of miles, like a herd of wild horses running wildly, and sometimes it detours rapidly between the canyon walls and reefs, making a loud cry that shakes the canyon. It is like countless giant dragons twisting and wrestling and galloping down, like a waterfall, and the white waves rushing up are higher than the hills on the shore. The waves overlap one after another, like an avalanche. A huge vortex was rolled up, and it washed furiously on the reef. When it was flowing down, every tens of meters, there would be one or two superimposed vortices rotating rapidly, making a deafening clatter.

  Standing by the river, Zhou Min couldn't help but feel that the temperature of the air had dropped a bit, and his body shivered involuntarily. Shangguan Qi looked at the river and frowned slightly, "Let's split up and go to collect some firewood. Sleep in a place, and then follow the direction of the river to find the way out tomorrow!"

  Zhou Min nodded, touched his goose-bumped arm, and followed him to the depths of the jungle, not going anywhere. Knowing whether it was because he was close to the water, Zhou Min unknowingly walked up the river, leaped down, stood beside the rock, and looked up at the huge natural waterfall.

  He stretched out his hand to remove the light gauze to half his waist, hung the sleeves between his arms, and simply washed his body and face with clean water. When Zhou Min squinted his eyes to enjoy it, he saw a huge reef entangled next to the waterfall from the corner of his eye. Sleeping python!

  Zhou Min bit his lower lip, suppressing the fear of screaming. The fingers holding the Qingguang sword in his left hand were already pale, his eyes were startled, and his feet were weak but he did not dare to act rashly. He took a step back softly, turned around, and flew towards the jungle Running wildly, and falling behind the jungle, Zhou Min dared to scream. It seemed that only in this way could he vent his fear just now, and Zhou Min's scream not, only alarmed Shangguan Qi, who was rushing back from the other side of the jungle with firewood.

  It also alarmed the tired birds in the jungle to return to their nests, and they flapped their wings and flew to the sky. When Shangguan Qi heard the scream, he immediately dropped the firewood in his arms. His clothes were disheveled, and he rushed towards him with his sword in hand. Before Shangguan Qi could stand still, Zhou Min slammed into him, slamming him into the thick old tree behind him.

  "Bang" the sword fell to the ground, and the back hit the old tree vigorously.

  The leaves on the tree were falling one after another, but Shangguan Qi didn't pay attention, because at the moment he was completely drawn by the trembling person in his arms, his vision, and his senses.

  "Zhou Min, what's the matter with you?" Shangguan Qi leaned on her shoulder, but was surprised by the biting chill.

  Zhou Min just hugged Shangguan Qi tightly, clasped his right hand with his left hand that dropped the sword, tightly hugged his waist, and buried his face in his arms, unable to come out alive.

  "Zhou Min, what's the matter with you?" Looking at the half-naked person, he felt that she was still squeezing the woman with soft breasts on his chest from time to time. If Shangguan Qi hadn't noticed that her face was pale and trembling, she looked pitiful He would think that this woman was seducing him!

  "There's a snake! It's still a giant python~" Zhou Min muttered in a low voice with a crying sound, which was especially pitiful in the silent environment, but what she said made Shangguan Qi pay attention.

  It is not surprising that there are dangerous creatures in the jungle, but on the premise of knowing it, but not taking precautions, there is always a sense of crisis as a neighbor of a tiger, and this is not a tiger, but a cold and cruel python.

  "Where is it?" Shangguan Qi asked.

  "At the upper end of the river, on the reef next to the waterfall!" Zhou Min said softly, not forgetting to shake his body when talking about it.

  Shangguan Qi Dali pulled Zhou Minhuan's hand behind him and then went straight away. Zhou Min, who was pushed away vigorously, had just found a sense of security and was shivering from a gust of cold wind in an instant. Looking at the figure that was about to disappear, there was not much Thinking about it, he turned around and quickly chased after him, forgetting even the sword on the ground.

  When the two stood next to the rock again, it was already dark, and the jungle became darker and colder. When Shangguan Qi came back, he had already lit the torch in his hand, because his martial arts disappeared now, and when he went down It was Zhou Min who led him, watching the waves from the waterfall wash over the rocks, hitting their clothes, splashing water stains, following the direction Zhou Min pointed, and sweeping the torch away, nothing was found on the scorched rocks!

  Shangguan Qi looked at her suspiciously, but Zhou Min was even more confused. Unbelieving, Zhou Min snatched the torch from Shangguan Qi's hand and approached the reef closer. Looking around, his eyes became more and more anxious, "I really see, the dark python pattern is as thick as a tree trunk, and it coils around this rock five times. You believe me!" Zhou Min's eagerness made Shangguan Qi want to speak,

  but he suddenly saw Zhou Min behind him in the dark night. The dark brown eyes with cold vertical stripes opened in the middle, the red snake letter flickering in the dark corner, rustling, in the valley where the splashing river water hits the reef, it looks extremely frightening.

  Zhou Min clearly felt that Shangguan Qi's eyes not far in front of him suddenly turned cold.

  Before Zhou Min could ask anything, a terrifying "hissing" sound suddenly came from behind, causing Zhou Min's mind to explode instantly, blank, his eyes frightened, and Shangguan Qi watched gradually from the rock wall. Climbing up and gradually giving away its real body, the giant python couldn't help but become more cautious, and the black-bodied giant python was also hovering on the high platform not far away, watching it covetously.

  Zhou Min was holding the torch between Shangguan Qi and the giant black python, but he didn't dare to move. Shangguan Qi had already held the silver needle between his fingers, ready to go.