Chapter 138

The vicious princess wants to stand up (32)

  Zhou Min is still a little dazed, this is not something Shangguan Qi would do! Could it be because he was hurt because of him, so he felt guilty?!

  Seeing that Zhou Min hadn't moved for a long time, he turned his head and saw Zhou Min leaning against the big tree waiting to be cute.

  Shangguan Qi wanted to get angry inexplicably, but he suddenly sighed helplessly, and he reached out and grabbed her right hand, pulled her to lie on his back, and carried her on his back.

  When carrying Zhou Min on his back, Shangguan Qi sighed for the second time, she was really light as if she didn't weigh much, which surprised him!

  The first time was when he hugged her last night. She was so thin, which confuses him. What kind of will was it that made her so hard to shake? hit.

  Shangguan Qi walked very steadily. Zhou Min only reacted when Shangguan Qi carried him behind him. He was a little flustered and his limbs were a little stiff. However, the uncontrollable joy and heartbeat in his heart were so strong, but when he thought of the tragedy in his previous life... ...

  Happiness is always on the edge of thin ice, so I do everything possible, so I lose sight of the other, so my previous life with you ended like that, but in this life, Shangguan Qi, why, being so close to you, I still feel very sad...Zhou

  Min Behind Shangguan Qi, everything from his previous life kept flashing in his mind, his drooping head rested lightly on his shoulders, his hands wrapped around his neck, and he breathed and hit his exposed skin, watching Looking at Shangguan Qi who was trembling slightly because of himself.

  Although he regained his composure in an instant, small goosebumps still appeared on the side of his neck. Zhou Min knew that Shangguan Qi was not as calm as he had shown. For some reason, a bitter smile curled up at the corner of her mouth.

  Shangguan Qi carried Zhou Min on his back along the rushing river for a long time, until the sunset was filling the sky, Shangguan Qi stopped, found a safe place, put Zhou Min down, and re-applied the medicine. Needless to say, Shangguan Qi is really a miracle doctor, and the effect of his golden sore medicine is simply heaven-defying. Although the muscle does not grow immediately, the bleeding has stopped, and the degree of wound healing has gradually been seen.

  In just four or five days, the wound on Zhou Min's back will start to scab over.

  After lighting the bonfire, when Shangguan Qi gently and quickly applied the medicine to Zhou Min, he saw Zhou Min staring at the footprints along the way in a daze.

  "What are you looking at?" After Shangguan Qi finished Zhou Min's work, he turned around and sat opposite her. The bonfire between her and him was crackling, looking through the bonfire at Zhou Min's flushed cheeks covered by flames, the first time This time, I was a little curious about what was going on in the mind of a woman who seemed to be headstrong.

  "Look at the footprints," Zhou Min said, but he didn't look at Shangguan Qi, but Shangguan Qi shifted his gaze to the series of footprints that were faintly visible under the light of the flames.

  "It's so beautiful!?"

  "I've heard a legend about footprints..." Zhou Min turned his head and looked at the man with a cold expression on the opposite side. There were some embarrassing clothes and stains, but they couldn't hide his aura at all. Indifferent and rational, "It is said that there is a person who saw God after death, and God means God. He said to God, why do you give me so much pain and hardship, make my life hard, and I can't get what I want? I can't love the person I want to love. So God opened the sky mirror to let the complaining person re-look at the road he has traveled in his life. Finally, the person found that besides his footprints, there is still a pair of footprints. He followed his own footprints. So he asked God, whose footprints belonged to, and God said, everyone has an angel who protects him, and this angel will accompany you on the road of your life. But, when this man saw his most difficult part of the road, he found that the original two footprints had turned into a pair, and he said angrily to God, look, in my most difficult time, I was the only one. But God smiled at him, and the smile became sadder and pity, God said, those footprints are not yours, but your angels are walking behind you..." Zhou Min looked at the bonfire, his eyes were a little dazed,

  but After finishing this story, he suddenly looked up at Shangguan Qi, "You said, is this the hardest and most difficult time for me?"

  Although Shangguan Qi didn't know what an angel was, from the speculation in this story, it was not difficult to guess that the so-called angel was a guardian! But he didn't know why Zhou Min asked him this question at this moment, and why her eyes were so complicated and sad that people couldn't ignore them.

  "'s me, I'm thinking wildly..." Zhou Min smiled bitterly and self-deprecatingly, obviously, he didn't cry out hoarsely, he didn't ask questions in grief, but Shangguan Qi felt that such a Zhou Min gave her a very fragile feeling, like a bubble, It breaks with one poke!

  "We will go out! Yes, we will go out alive..." Shangguan Qi thought that Zhou Min was worried about whether they would die in the jungle. For the first time, he comforted him strangely, but he seemed a little cold.

  The wind blew up the sporadic fires of the bonfire. In the quiet environment, only the rustling of the trees and the rushing of the river were heard. Zhou Min leaned sideways on the boulder behind him, sleeping uncomfortably, because the injury on his back was also caused by The night in the jungle is too cold.

  Everyone has an angel guardian, but, Shangguan Qi, I, who did everything to protect you in the previous life, finally lost myself and my angel... On the road where the blood of relatives piled up, she Can't get over it...

  Shangguan Qi has always been in a light sleep except for being too tired last night, so Shangguan Qi has always been in a light sleep, so the sound of Zhou Min's flipping made Shangguan Qi open his pair of ancient well-hooded eyes. Bo's eyes.

  Looking at Zhou Min, who was curled up and shivering around him, Shangguan Qi got up, walked to Zhou Min, and hugged her into his arms. The body temperature of men is generally higher than that of women, and warming each other is the best behavior. Zhou Min Min woke up when Shangguan Qi touched her, and when she looked up, she saw those calm eyes.