Chapter 139

The vicious princess wants to turn over (33)

  So naturally, calmly, rationally, looking at herself without any emotion, Zhou Min turned over, faced his chest, hugged his waist unceremoniously, and nestled in his arms , absorbing his rare closeness and warmth, let's talk about her conflicts and entanglements after leaving them out!

  Although Shangguan Qi was a little surprised that Zhou Min acted so naturally that he didn't feel the slightest sense of alienation, it seemed that he did what she did, and it was only natural for him to do so!

  Looking down at Zhou Min, who was nestling in his arms and unconsciously rubbing against his chest, Shangguan Qi had surprise and surprise in his eyes, but he didn't feel disgusted. I feel that the atmosphere around the two is very harmonious and natural.

  Maybe it was out of guilt, maybe it was because of her injuries, maybe it was because the story she told about the footprints was particularly impressive, or maybe it was because of an indescribable complexity in her heart, since Shangguan Qi came over on his own initiative to take Zhou When Min hugged him, he had a hint of compromise, and he didn't want to think too much about what this compromise meant...

  Shangguan Qi acquiesced in Zhou Min's presumptuousness and naturalness in his arms, leaning on the boulder, He also fell asleep until the next day.

  It is not easy to find a way out from the jungle following the direction of the river. Shangguan Qi took Zhou Min along the direction of the river for ten days. The wound on Zhou Min's back had already healed. When his internal injury was on the road, he didn't stop taking herbs for treatment, so he was almost healed, but his internal strength was still like nothing, and he couldn't find the reason at all.

  It was another night, and because he was near the river, Zhou Min took advantage of Shangguan Qi to collect firewood and jumped down the river valley to clean his body which was necessary every day.

  Shangguan Qi, who had come back early, found that Zhou Min hadn't come back, so he put down the firewood in his hand to look for it, and looked down at the person sitting on the reef, the ragged red clothes were spread out on the black reef, and the moonlight It was poured on the woman with half-faded clothes, black hair shawl, and bowed her head sideways. Her skin seemed to be shining under the baptism of the moonlight. It was white and tender, and her side face was soft and graceful, with exquisite curves, which made him suffocate.

  Turning around in a state of embarrassment, Shangguan Qi left the shore. At this moment, Zhou Min looked up at the place where Shangguan Qi was standing just now. It's better, because the poison he suffered from when he was a child has been tormenting him without interruption, so she must

  do this before going out... Chasing him...

  Shangguan Qi returned to the jungle, leaning against the big tree to calm his beating heart, but the scene he just saw kept flashing in his mind, and he couldn't calm down no matter what.

  There was a sudden movement in the air, causing Shangguan Qi to open his deep black eyes, and a sharp look flashed in his eyes, "Who?!" The red figure floated down from the air, looking at Zhou who was standing not far in front of him. Min, Shangguan Qi lowered his eyelids, pretending to be indifferent, "It's you... let's go, the bonfire has been lit!"

  After speaking, he spontaneously walked towards the flame, and Zhou Min followed him step by step. At the fire, Zhou Min suddenly hugged Shangguan Qi from behind.

  Pressing his face against his back, feeling that his whole body was stiff because of his approach, he said softly, "Shangguan Qi, your poison...hasn't been cured yet..."

  Shangguan Qi trembled because of Zhou Min's words, and pulled Her hand pushed her away, she turned around, her eyes were sharp, "Do you know what you are talking about? Zhou Min!" "I know...

  I am your... antidote." Zhou Min who was pushed away did not retreat , but took the redwood off on his own, and landed on the ground full of dead leaves under his feet, and approached Shangguan Qi with unusual firm footsteps.

  "Shangguan Qi..."

  Zhou Min wrapped his hands around his neck, clasped the wrist of his right hand with his left hand, stood on tiptoe, and gently held his lips in his mouth, gently rubbed, sucked, and bit his lips, wanting him to open his mouth to let him in. go in by yourself.

  But Shangguan Qi was just cold, standing on the spot calmly, watching Zhou Min's blushing cheeks, but gritted his teeth and refused to let her in at all. The refusal was also because he was too tall and bowed his head uncooperatively, which made Zhou Min's kiss very hard, and his heart was also very hard.

  In the end Zhou Min had no choice but to let go of his lips, looking at the rosy lips licked by herself, she let go of his neck and stepped back, with tears in her eyes.

  "Shangguan Qi, I just want to save you. I saw you yesterday, with your back on my back, in a corner, suppressing the pain all over your body. I know that as long as the poison is unresolved, you will have severe pain all over your body every day at noon, every month. Fifteen cities would be worse than death for one night. Although it hurts every day and the time is short, you had internal strength before, and you could relieve and suppress it. However, your martial arts disappeared inexplicably...every time you fight against the poisonous poison because of your strong endurance and reason. At that time, I knew... But at that time, I wanted to help you, but I was powerless. Now that I am healed, Shangguan Qi... I am yours, the antidote! Why resist... Why..."

  Tears Involuntarily slipped down, as if she didn't want such a fragile appearance to be seen by Shangguan Qi, Zhou Min suddenly turned around and turned her back to him, "I can't bear it...Shangguan Qi, I don't want you to be in such pain!" Slightly twitching shoulders suppressed crying

  , It stopped abruptly when a pair of fiery hands were suddenly hit, and before Zhou Min had time to react, he was suddenly turned around by the man behind him, and his huge body rushed up.

  Zhou Min raised his head suddenly, the mist in his eyes had not flowed out, and he met his deep black eyes, Zhou Min couldn't help but his heart beat faster, his eyes were filled with suppressed flames and storms, but his tone was extremely calm and low-key, "Zhou Min, It's your choice...I, gave you a chance...Consequences, at your own risk! I, won't..." let go.

  The unfinished words disappeared in her mouth when he leaned over suddenly and kissed her firmly. His big hand clamped Zhou Min's chin, forcing her to open her mouth. His dexterous tongue drove straight in, chasing her lilac tongue, Licking every inch of sweetness in her mouth, not giving her the slightest chance to escape.