Chapter 140

The Vicious Princess Wants to Turn Over (34) H Weekend Jiageng

  His kiss is domineering and wild, eager and arrogant, which is very different from his impression, as if all his hidden enthusiasm suddenly came up at this moment, bringing With overwhelming aura, he wanted to burn himself and him together, to burn him out together... His arms around his waist were tightened even more tightly, and the force of constant pressure made Zhou Min powerlessly raise his head, and his footsteps panicked. Backing away, the red shirt on the ground was trampled by their hastily retreating footsteps and covered by dead leaves, but he did not leave any space or pant for his attack, and kept approaching her until he pressed her firmly against the body behind him. On the giant tree, her hands slid from her neck to the panting roundness of her chest.

  The tube top dress was torn off by him vigorously, which made Zhou Min tremble. In fact... his kiss was really bossy and fierce, but it unexpectedly made her feel safe. The feeling of total control.

  He obviously has such a cold temperament, rational and calm, but at this moment, the eyes he looked at her just now were deep and sharp, with a fierceness that wanted to swallow him completely, making him look like Evil and ferocious, why are they obviously two people, yet they can be so different, yet they both attract her heart so much.

  His fiery breath sprayed on her face, making her heart skip a beat.

  "Hmm..." Zhou Min's body trembled, and the emptiness gradually rising in her body made her moan uncontrollably.

  Zhou Min began to respond involuntarily, his eyes became darker and his face staring at her became more and more unfathomable.

  Her lips were soft and contained in her mouth as if they would melt away when touched, the tip of her tongue swept over her white teeth, sucking and licking in her moist mouth, her tongue dodged, being caught by him again and again Caught, bypassed and escaped again and again.

  Shangguan Qi tightened his hands, hugged her slender waist even more forcefully, pressed his lips heavily on her lips, stirred his long tongue vigorously, sucked the flesh of his lips, and sucked the little snake-like tongue into his mouth.

  "Ah... Shangguan Qi" She moaned coquettishly, her breasts were a little painful from being pinched by Shangguan Qi, he had already left her lips, bit her chin lightly, and the tip of his tongue followed her lips little by little Throat, along the neck, fell to her smooth and delicate collarbone.

  He bit and licked her collarbone bit by bit, listening to her slow and disordered breathing, holding firm and smooth breasts in his hands, soft, tender, making people linger, and his fingertips She moved and pinched the plump and ripe cherry lightly, and Zhou Min's body trembled, her waist trembled slightly, and her plump breasts trembled slightly. She opened her moist eyes and looked at the wanton woman in front of her with some fear and bewilderment. Presumptuous man.

  "Zhou Min, let me ask you one last question, have you made up your mind?" He raised his head slightly, replied in a low voice, and looked at her deeply.

  "I... oh... I don't regret it." Zhou Min's legs softened, and before he had time to clamp them tightly, Shangguan Qi pushed her legs away with his knees, squeezed his body between her legs, and exerted a little force. The firm fire dragon has already reached her lower abdomen, and the soft body is clinging to him. This feeling is so good that his eyes are even more dangerous.

  And his hand quickly shifted position while responding to her, and sneaked into her private garden.

  The dress had already been pulled up to her waist, and the big palm with thin calluses made a gentle circle on her smooth belly, and then slightly curled her fingers across her cunt, feeling that it was already dripping wet, remembering In that cave, the lewd water she forced herself to drink made his throat hoarse and dry.

  Fingers gently cover the surrounding area that is obviously hot, the left and right sides of the index finger and ring finger slowly spread out two thick slices of flowers, and the middle finger digs into the pink moistness.

  Here, he is very clear about how ecstasy it is

  "Uh..." The moment he touched her, Zhou Min's legs were forced to open and went limp, if it wasn't for his knees pressed between her legs She was afraid that she had already collapsed on the ground. She knew that she should avoid or push away his hand, but soon, a stronger feeling came over her.

  Make her crazy!

  "Ah... Shangguan Qi... don't, don't torture me." Zhou Min's body became hot, and wherever Shangguan Qi's fingers passed, there was numbness everywhere.

  His fingers wandered around in the wet pussy, and the pussy was full of lewd water, but he didn't feel it at all, because it was really too small, the first time because Zhou Min had expanded first, he still I don't think so, but when I came here for the whole process, I realized that her pussy is incredibly small.

  "How on earth did you eat all of my's really too tight..." He suddenly sighed, his fingers came in and out several times with difficulty, the fingers were not slow but faster and faster.

  Zhou Min grabbed his arm, and the base of his thigh began to convulse from his fast-twitching fingers, and his upper body couldn't help but straighten forward.

  Seeing the two plump plump clusters in front of him exposed to the air, the red plum trembling slowly awakening in the cool night wind, Shangguan Qi opened his mouth to hold one of them, the tip of his tongue teased at the top, and the other was rubbed by his index finger and second finger. Squeeze to speed up their maturation.

  "Ah——don't!" The familiar tingling sensation came from her chest, and the rapidly rising pleasure made her a little scared. The spasms in her lower body were not over yet, and there were tremors from his nibble on her upper body. She leaned against the tree uncomfortably and kept rubbing, trying to push hard her head buried in her chest.

  He pinched the standing red plum hard, causing Zhou Min to cry out in pain. "Hey! Don't move! The wound on your back is moving and is about to tear again, be obedient." His vague voice came from in front of him. Shangguan Qi quickened his tongue flicking, wrapped Zhou Min's waist with one hand, and thrust back and forth more and more quickly with the other hand in the small hole under his body.

  "No...don't, come directly, come directly, okay...don't torture me!" She was almost unable to stand, if it wasn't for Shangguan Qi holding her in his arms, she might have collapsed to the ground!