Chapter 141

The vicious princess wants to turn over (35) HH

  "I want to taste it again, is it still the same taste?" Shangguan Qi suddenly squatted down, putting Zhou Min's legs on his shoulders, disgusted by the hindrance of the dress around his waist, but also knew that it could not be torn, so he quickly untied his dress and threw it beside the campfire. The completely naked Zhou Min was a little horrified because Shangguan Qi's feet were suddenly supported on his shoulders and fixed on the tree trunk.

  And Shangguan Qi squatted between his legs, looking up, he saw the two thick lips slightly parted under the bright red and white pussy, and the pink flower pedicle with dewdrops.

  Under his gaze, the clitoris hidden in the pink trembled slightly.

  "Don't... oh... ah..." Zhou Min straightened his body, put his hands on the tree trunk behind him, his head slammed and burned. It was not enough to expose the most intimate part of her body naked in front of his eyes. Before she recovered, he had already parted her most private outer lips, kissed them with soft and moist lips, and breathed heavily. On the slightly wet and thin lips, gently and softly blow the moisture.

  Zhou Min's heart was throbbing non-stop, his chest seemed to be stuffed with something, his breathing was disordered, his head was swollen, only the hot and itchy feeling in his lower body washed away his senses one after another.

  "Ah, don't... stop..." Zhou Min was completely distracted, Shangguan Qi opened his mouth, and spread her legs a little further with his big hands, her heart tightened, as if she knew As if something was going to happen, she began to tremble all over her body. Her intuition was right, the idea just popped up, Shangguan Qi stretched out his long tongue, from bottom to top, and licked her wet private parts all over.

  And wrapped her entire flowered lips in one mouthful, Shangguan Qi's desire became even higher, and the more he sucked in his mouth, the more forceful he was, only Zhou Min's uncontrollable moans and Shangguan Qi's more eager swallowing were heard in the whole jungle.

  The long tongue became more flexible and licking, and Shangguan Qi's licking voice became more eager and forceful. Zhou Min began to twist his body uncontrollably, his mind became dizzier and dizzier, and his legs that were supported on his shoulders trembled. In the secluded jungle, only the figures of two people beside the campfire became fierier and fierier under the light of the fire.

  Zhou Min trembled uncontrollably, more honey juice trickled out, swallowed from his mouth in time, it all flowed out, and the smell of sweet honey wafted in the air.

  Can't take it anymore! Shangguan Qi suddenly let go of the legs on his shoulders, stood up, and pressed her against the tree trunk, and his whole body was just like that.

  "No..." His mouth was sealed before he finished speaking, and Shangguan Qi kissed Zhou Min fiercely. Biting her lips, causing her a slight pain but not hurting her, the flexible tip of her tongue pressed against the white teeth, chasing the soft tongue.

  "Hmm..." Zhou Min was forced to open his small mouth, enduring Shangguan Qi's kiss and enthusiasm. The little tongue was entangled and sucked by him, so intense that she could hardly breathe.

  And when Shangguan Qi eagerly kissed Zhou Min, he put his knee between her legs, stabilized her already weak body, and quickly stripped himself off. Sigh, but Shangguan Qi couldn't take it anymore, the hot and stiff Yulong replaced his lips and pressed against her petals.

  Grabbing Zhou Min's legs directly around his strong waist, he pressed her against the tree trunk, holding his huge avatar that was already as hard as iron, and aimed at her private part overflowing with cum, and slammed her hard, hard plugged in.

  "Ah..." Zhou Min screamed, it was very clear in the silent jungle, his body straightened, and his half-closed eyes were violently pierced by him. He was too huge, and she couldn't bear it. .

  "Hmm!" Shangguan Qi sighed, the narrow passage squeezed his huge avatar, the hot and humid body temperature, the lubricated inner wall, like countless small mouths sucking him urgently, the strong stimulation made him tremble all over. Pain, desperate to vent.

  The strong dick was like an iron pestle, inserted into her body from bottom to top, after a burst of violent thrusts, it began to stir in the hot and humid place.

  "Ah, ah... no... so heavy... too fast... no," she begged for mercy out of tune, which could only attract Shangguan Qi to grab her waist even more vigorously, and hold her up to him, The back and the trunk almost formed a horizontal straight line, so she couldn't help clasping the trunk of the big tree with her left hand, accepting his desperate impact.

  The position above the shoulder blades is constantly rubbing against the rough old bark, causing tingling pain, but the flat and white lower abdomen rises and falls with every crazy impact of the man, the pink tunnel convulses intermittently, and the tight inner wall sucks Covering the man's strong cock with blue veins, following Shangguan Qi's entry, the meat in the hole turned outwards and inwards.

  She hummed with sadness and joy, and the screams were mixed with high-pitched and low-pitched moaning, which ignited the passion of the jungle, especially when her left hand was struggling to hold the tree trunk.

  "Ah... I... no, it's okay... oh... woo... lighten it up." The sound of the body's impact and the sound of the water slapping became louder and louder, "crack, crack".

  The obscene voice of "Puff, puff" filled the entire jungle, telling the fierce battle between the two.

  Shangguan Qi frowned tightly, his firm body was densely covered with beads of sweat, and the blood-congested cock was squeezed into her body, no matter how many times he pulled it in, it was so tight in the secluded passage, wrapping around his clone, squeezed desperately, and the soft and moist inner wall was like countless small mouths, sucking and biting his veined and swollen avatar.

  His huge body was getting more and more swelled by the woman under him, and the suffocating feeling made his whole body burn.

  "You... little fairy!" He panted heavily, gritted his teeth, supported her slender waist, pushed his waist against the bar, stabbed the big one that had faded to the entrance of the hole heavily, and pushed her open layer by layer. The narrow inner wall is crazily thrusting.

  "Hmm... ah... no..." Zhou Min's tunnel tightened intermittently, holding his strong body and refusing to let go, her feet wrapped around his narrow waist like water snakes, her hoarse voice groaning. In Shangguan Qi's ears, the intermittent and out-of-tune voice was as charming as the sounds of nature


  "I can't bear it... um... no... ah, I can't do it... my hands are so sore, I'm going to fall... ah!" She screamed excitedly, her body twisted up and down continuously, her flesh "Papa papa" catered to Shangguan Qi's thrusting.