Chapter 142

The poisonous princess wants to turn around (36) HHH

The hot giant in her body seems to be piercing her, and the entire flower path is well stretched. Zhou Min's soft begging for mercy, made it hard for him to restrain himself, and he sprinted more violently. The powerful force seemed to smash her into pieces, and a huge pleasure followed. Zhou Min couldn't say anything, he could only moan unceasingly.

  But the left hand was already weak, and when it was about to slip, Shangguan Qi suddenly picked up her waist that was about to break, "Hold me tight." When Zhou Min was about to be unable to support herself, he hugged Zhou Min and let her hug her around his neck.

  The sudden feeling of flying into the air made Zhou Min subconsciously tighten his legs wrapped around Shangguan Qi's waist.

  "Oh——! You really don't know how to live or die!" Zhou Min's movements buried his desire dragon deeper, and the slippery feeling of being tightly bound by layers of soft flesh made his waist and eyes go numb.

  The legs coiled around his side seemed to be urging him, he thrust more quickly, the soaked flower opening made a "chirp" sound, and a large amount of flower fluid flowed down with his movements, dripping on the fallen leaves superior.

  "Enah... so... so fast... ah... so numb!" Too much pleasure made her unbearable, the huge body in her body stretched her to the full, and every time she went in and out, she rubbed against her inner wall, ruthlessly Hitting hard on her flower heart, the numb and sore feeling made her unable to speak clearly.

  He could only hook Shangguan Qi's neck tightly, groaning in exchange for Shangguan Qi's pumping more vigorously.

  Shangguan Qi tightly clasped Zhou Min's slender waist, lifted her up first, and then pressed her hard against the fiery Yulong. After repeating this several times, Zhou Min was already defeated.

  Shangguan Qi couldn't hold it anymore, every time he was touched, there seemed to be countless small mouths sucking him tightly in the depths of the hot and humid flower path, and he couldn't help panting in her ear.

  Zhou Min buried her head in Shangguan Qi's neck, letting him hit her happily.

  Until a white light flashed by, the death-like pleasure hit, the legs coiled around Shangguan Qi's waist suddenly stretched straight, his body stretched back unconsciously, and the snow-white and slender neck was so fragile and charming under the light of the campfire.

  Shangguan Qi looked at Zhou Min's bewitching appearance in the climax, bit her neck, and hit her lower body more wildly.

  "Crack! Crack! Crack!" The sound of flesh slapping was even more obscene in the jungle night.

  The flower in the climax kept shrinking and squeezing, and the layers of tender flesh squirmed, massaging and sucking his desire dragon densely, and it was about to kill him.

  He couldn't take it anymore, beads of sweat dripped from his forehead on Zhou Min's fair chest, his arms tightened violently, and the rhythm of his lower body was unbelievably fast.

  This maddening pleasure made Shangguan Qi's eyes red, and the madness in the depths of his eyes became more and more fierce!

  A burst of unbearable numbness spread from the back of his spine all over his body, and he pressed tightly against Zhou Min's deepest part to release his own essence.

  "Hmm..." Zhou Min shivered from the heat, another orgasm came, and she felt that she was about to be stunned by the waves of pleasure.

  "Zhou Min" Shangguan Qi kissed her pink lips, his hoarse voice with magnetism after passion, brought back her broken mind, hugged her tightly, then put her down, turned over, let her, with both hands Reaching against the tree trunk, with a deep thrust, Zhou Min trembled all over.

  The fierce impact sounded again, Zhou Min's waist was tightly held by Shangguan Qi's big palms, his hands were weakly supporting the thick tree trunk in front, his lower body was forced to lift up, and his whole body was helpless following the impact behind him Float quickly back and forth.

  "Shangguan...ah, be gentle, I can't take it anymore..." A delicate and weak moan came from a corner of the jungle illuminated by the bonfire. The moonlight, which was already approaching midnight, was shining brightly from the sky, and in the silence, only the blowing of leaves could be heard But in such an environment, a slender, lean but full of an explosive man stood behind a petite snow-white body and sprinted wildly and tirelessly.

  "Forgive me... please... Shangguan Qi... ah... I can't do it..." Zhou Min looked sideways at the crazier man behind him, and was so frightened by his energy that he could only beg for mercy.

  "Zhou Min, from now on, you are mine, you know? You are mine..." Shangguan Qi nibbled in her ear, causing her to gasp. There were helpless tears and surprise in Zhou Min's bewitching eyebrows, but his half-drooped eyes contained unspeakable emotions, but he didn't answer him.

  But the wave after wave of pleasure under her body made her breathless and trembling uncontrollably, but she couldn't get any slowing down of Shangguan Qi's tenderness.

  Shangguan Qi didn't wait for the answer from the person under him, his eyes became deeper and deeper, and the movements under his waist became more ruthless because of her silence, which was as cruel as killing her.

  A pair of big hands easily lifted her almost limp lower body, he wantonly and savagely used her tightly smothered hot pussy to comfort his fierce desire, Shangguan Qi forced Zhou Min to turn his head to meet him, and kissed her sweet little mouth , he moved and teased in her warm little mouth.

  The intense hotness made her whole body go soft, let him adjust the posture of attacking her, let him kiss her lips better, his big hand slides and caresses her back, every touch is like electrification, passion It made her tremble helplessly again.

  "Shangguan..." Having a chance to breathe, Zhou Min helplessly called Shangguan Qi's name.

  Zhou Min was very sensitive, his whole body was trembling, every touch of his could bring her incomparable trepidation, the satisfaction and pride of a man made him look at the more alluring woman under him, and his mood suddenly became very good.

  Even if she has any purpose, it doesn't matter, because he gave her a chance, but she gave up, so, in the future...even if she regrets it, she won't have a chance!

  Shangguan Qi turned his big hands to Zhou Min's soft chest and suddenly squeezed her slightly raised nipples fiercely.

  "Shangguan Qi... Ah... I don't want it anymore..." Tears flowed continuously, Zhou Min wept and shook his head because of too much passion, the convulsions and pleasure in his body accumulated to the extreme, which made her unbearable.

  "Zhou Min, you said it, you are my antidote, you have to remember!"

  Shangguan Qi's red eyes looked at her like a demon, playing with her softness with all his strength, his big hand continued to create passion on the two snow peaks, and the other hand went straight down the familiar way, after stroking the blood-congested flower core, forcefully "Otherwise, I will make you regret provoking me!"