Chapter 143

The vicious princess wants to stand up (37) Wei H

  "No...! Shangguan Qi, don't...don't...don't, don't do it!" Zhou Min, who couldn't bear more passion, kept begging for mercy, and didn't hear Shangguan clearly Qi whispered the last words in his ear.

  He chuckled and slammed into her deepest sensitive spot, and when she screamed, he suddenly patted her white, tender, and round buttocks hard.

  "Ah..." The pain caused intense relief, and the white-hot excitement completely captured Zhou Min's sanity, she cried, and fainted in Shangguan Qi's arms.

  After Zhou Min passed out, Shangguan Qi directly put her on the ground, ignored her coma, directly pressed her legs to the sides with his big hands, and greeted him more and more fiercely when he entered.

  The hot cock was not willing to be lonely and pounded the immature pussy hard, obviously taking the pussy insertion as a pleasure that he couldn't stop at the moment.

  "Puff...Puff..." The sound of water was clearly audible, accompanied by the man's rough growl and Zhou Min's unconscious cat-like groans echoing in the jungle, dyeing the color of the bonfire even more embarrassing.

  "Oh!" Shangguan Qi raised his head and snorted suddenly during the faster and faster thrusts. The huge and thick crotch thrust into Zhou Min's womb, and then his hips trembled, and finally again Sprays fiery seeds.

  Although Zhou Min was in a coma, his body was trembling subconsciously, and his puffy little face after lust was soft and charming, indescribably seductive and seductive.

  After the passion was over, he sweated profusely and pressed Zhou Min's body, that part was still deeply buried in her body. Shangguan Qi panted, calming down the aftertaste of the orgasm. After a while, he moved his body and lay beside her.

  Zhou Min, who had already fainted, fell into his arms after being stretched out with his big hand. During this period of time, because of the injury on Zhou Min's back, he had long been used to letting this woman lean against his arms, smelling the smell of her body. That sweet floral scent.

  Moreover, although he didn't want to admit it, he also gradually changed from being uncomfortable to lusting after the warmth of her body...

  After pulling off his clothes and wrapping himself and Zhou Min, Shangguan Qi put his hands together, hugged Zhou Min, and fell asleep.

  The forest began to be shrouded in a layer of white mist, just like a fairyland. The awakened forest revealed vitality and vitality in the morning light. Quiet and mysterious.

  When the cuckoo's first cry began, Shangguan Qi woke up. Looking at Zhou Min who was still deeply asleep in his arms, he got up and cleaned himself and Zhou Min up briefly, then sat aside and adjusted his breath, giving Diagnose your own pulse.

  Although he felt weird, he obviously felt that his poison was decreasing one by one, his pulse was no longer erratic and gradually calmed down. He opened his eyes and looked at Zhou Min who was still sleeping. Shangguan Qi's eyes were very complicated but finally became firm.

  He got up and went into the jungle to pick some wild fruits and available herbs for him to make poisonous powder. The silver needle was no longer there, and he always felt unsafe without some self-defense on his body.

  When Zhou Min woke up, it was already approaching the afternoon, and he saw the mottled light and shadow from the gaps in the leaves hit Shangguan Qi who was sitting lazily by the tree. With a faint cool breath, he sat sideways, The light and shadow of the giant tree covered half of his face, his head was lowered, there was a shadow under his long eyelashes, and some scattered hair hung down his cheeks, half covering his eyebrows.

  In the gaps of the big trees, under the dappled sunlight, his face is smooth and charming, with an almost quiet beauty and mystery, and his focused eyes and gentle and skilled movements make the herbs in his hands seem to become He lost his lover and was treated tenderly by him.

  Maybe her eyes were too focused, or maybe her eyes were too passionate, Shangguan Qi sighed slightly, but he didn't turn his head to look at her, but asked, "What are you looking at?" "You!" Zhou Min

  subconsciously After speaking, he turned his head in embarrassment and embarrassment, propped up his body, and wanted to stand up, but his legs gave way and he fell back again.

  Thinking of Guan Qi's wildness and lack of restraint last night, Zhou Min couldn't help feeling that it was still unbelievable.

  Shangguan Qi put down the herbal medicine in his hand, and handed the Chinese herbal medicine on the fire pile to Zhou Min, which was packed in a rusty iron bowl found in the jungle, and "drank it."

  Zhou Min took it without asking what it was and drank it directly.

  "Why don't you ask what it is? Aren't you afraid that I will poison you to death?" Shangguan Qi was slightly taken aback when he saw Zhou Min's movements and said casually.

  "I believe you!" Zhou Min's undisguised trust caused Shangguan Qi to pause slightly when he got up, and then turned around without hesitation and returned to the position just now to sit down, continuing to tinker with his poison.

  "Your body was severely injured three years ago. The injury to your right wrist and the serious injury to your abdomen are chronic illnesses. Now I can't use Wuxing acupuncture to help you treat it. Fortunately, this jungle seems to be a natural herb garden. Many precious medicinal herbs are found in the depths of the jungle, and they can be treated first."

  Shangguan Qi didn't know why he had to explain so much to Zhou Min, but when he had already spoken, he had already explained.

  "You went to the depths of the jungle?! Are you injured? You have no internal strength. The jungle is full of dangers. I don't know if a weird creature like that giant python will appear again. Are you dying? And your poison, your poison has not been completely removed, you..."


  "Shut up!" Shangguan Qi felt a headache when he heard Zhou Min's non-stop twittering, his voice turned cold, but seeing Zhou Min's worried expression, and sighed helplessly, "Could it be that in your eyes, I am so fragile without internal strength, vulnerable to a single blow?" "

  I, I don't mean that, I... just don't want you to die." Zhou Min somewhat lowered her head and said in a low voice, if the jungle environment was not too quiet, Shangguan Qi might not have heard the words behind her at all.

  The turmoil in his heart was not as calm as it appeared on the surface. Shangguan Qi walked up to Zhou Min, squatted halfway, reached out and raised her chin, and looked directly into her eyes. They were a pair of clear, black, and transparent eyes like black pearls. , reflecting his shadow.

  "Why, do you always think I'm going to die?"