Chapter 144

The vicious princess wants to turn around (38)

  Zhou Min's pupils trembled uncontrollably, she couldn't tell, it was because she cheated and covered your internal strength, making you lose the ability to protect yourself in this jungle, and If you die, her mission will be game over!

  Zhou Min turned her head to avoid his scorching and probing gaze, but the hand on her chin forcefully turned her face away from it again, "Look at me, tell me, what makes you think I'm going to die?"

  Shangguan Qi's stubbornness left Zhou Min speechless. Thinking of the task and the client's wishes, the polarization of the contradictions made her almost schizophrenic. Her eyelids half-lidded, restraining the complexity and contradictions in her eyes. There was peace and a touch of sadness that was coming, Shangguan Qi almost didn't catch it.

  "Because your life is too important to me! I can't afford to gamble..." This is the truth, but it is also an ambiguous truth. Zhou Min didn't speak anymore, but just looked into the eyes of the man in front of him, Those eyes are bottomless, and they seem to hide many stories, so complicated and deep that people will get lost unconsciously.

  Hearing Zhou Min's words shook Shangguan Qi's heart, he let go of her jaw and stood up, hiding his restless expression after hearing Zhou Min's answer, and fought with his back to her, the faint light and shadow hit him, making him More and more unfathomable and untouchable.

  Zhou Min sat on the ground, looking up at Shangguan Qi like this, the pain and sorrow in his heart were about to burst out, "Shangguan Qi, I love you" This is the confession that the client did not have time to say in her previous life, and it is also her deepest regret and love .

  Shangguan Qi, who was standing with his back to Zhou Min, heard the short six words, his whole body froze, his eyes were shocked, and his eyes were deeply hidden but very shallow, so happy that it was almost fleeting, but before he could say anything But when Zhou Min said later, anger was set off.

  "But, I don't want your heart, I don't need your dedication and reply, so you don't need to be burdened, so please keep your heart and don't love me..." Zhou Min's words were filled with indescribable desolation And sad, but it made Shangguan Qi feel an inexplicable anger burning in his heart.

  "Zhou, Min!" Shangguan Qi Suer turned around, his eyes seemed to be mixed with the sinisterness before the storm, and his voice could not help but have a bloodthirsty sternness as if he was suppressing his emotions.

  But when she turned around, Zhou Min looked up and looked at his eyes which were about to overflow with sadness and nostalgia. Tears slowly slid down her white and tender skin. In the pouring one meter of sunlight, the tears seemed to reflect colorful colors. The light and shadow frightened his heart, making him suddenly speechless, and could only stare blankly at her.

  Seeing her kiss her red lips, listening to the sadness and self-mockery in her words, "That's fine, Shangguan Qi, that's fine, you are doing well now, just like this, hold your heart firmly Hold on firmly, don't waver, don't fall in love, no matter how much I do for you, no matter how deeply I love you, please stand where you are, or keep going, don't look back, this life, please, don't look back and Stop...I, I don't want your love..."

  Because I can't afford your love, because the client doesn't want to have anything to do with you anymore, but he can't control the client's deepest love hidden in the deepest helpless pain. After these days, the deep love accompanied by the guilt towards his family in his previous life made Zhou Min, the tasker, entangled in painful conflicts. This, the damn system task and the wishes of the entrusting party, deeply divided himself into two halves... "Zhou

  Min , don't you overestimate yourself!" After recovering from his trance, Shangguan Qi became angry and unspeakably annoyed at Zhou Min, "I won't fall in love with you, you are just my antidote It's fine if you know your identity, and you don't need to remind me what to do! You, do your part, come out of the jungle, see you and me in the rivers and lakes, just, strange, strange, human!" Shangguan Qi walked away When he re-entered the jungle, he needed to calm down and calm himself down because Zhou Min's words made his heart seem to be stung by a very small needle. It wasn't painful, but it was very uncomfortable, especially uncomfortable as if There is something stuck in his chest, and he wants to vent, but he can't find an outlet...

  He is afraid that if he stays there, he will say something that is not in line with his temperament...

  Seeing Shangguan Qi striding away, Zhou Min As if she had exhausted all her strength, she simply leaned against the tree trunk and let her tears flow freely. It wasn't that she wanted to cry, but because of empathy that touched Zhou Min's deepest emotions.

  This is good, so that after detoxification, they can be completely cut off, there will be no goodbyes in the rivers and lakes, no strangers, they can only be ray in opposite directions, the end is the starting point, and they will never meet again, and there will be no intersection.

  Just when Zhou Min was thinking wildly, suddenly from a distance came the sound of ping, ping, pong, sword fighting, and people's voices!


  There are people in the jungle!?

  After Zhou Min was horrified, the first thing he thought of was the direction Shangguan Qi had just left, which seemed to be the source of the voice... Not

  daring to think too much, Zhou Min drew out the sword beside him, without thinking, enduring the weakness of his feet He trembled and rushed over immediately, but what he saw was men in black, blood, swords, and hidden weapons on trees all over the ground!

  The ground is in a mess, corpses are strewn all over the field...

  Squatting beside the corpses, Zhou Min inspected these people, and all of them died of severe poison without exception. It is not difficult to imagine that this should be Shangguan Qi's masterpiece...

  But what followed was My head is full of doubts, what is going on here? Why did such a group of people appear in the jungle? They came for Shangguan Qi!

  It's not a question, but an affirmation, because Zhou Min suddenly remembered that the three hidden weapons shot from the dark place on the cliff seemed to be the same as the hidden weapon on the tree, so who was going to kill Shangguan Qi? !

  Why didn't the slightest clue appear in the previous life...

  Thinking of this, Zhou Min suddenly remembered Shangguan Qi's physical condition at this time, and couldn't help but become more worried. Seeing the messy footsteps and direction in the mud, Zhou Min didn't dare to have the slightest hesitation and immediately chased after him. In the past, she was very afraid that something would happen to Shangguan Qi.