Chapter 151

The Evil Princess Wants to Stand Up (45)

  The latitude of the river valley is too wide. If you are alone and use light work to pass, there is no point of strength in the river, so it is difficult to pass, let alone bring a Shangguan Qi who has no internal strength.

  But if you go back from here to the source of the river valley, that is, the place where the giant python was killed, although there are many black reefs there, which are used as points of strength, it is not impossible to take Shangguan Qifei there, but Let's not talk about the long journey back, let's talk about the killers of more than a hundred people, they can't afford to waste time.

  Zhou Min stood at the highest place at the end of the river valley and looked at the rushing river below. At the edge of the cliff at the end of the water flow, he began to gather into a recumbent giant dragon and hang down in the air, causing pearls and jade to splash all over the valley. Like chasing the wind and electricity, it is unstoppable. The sound of rumbling and roaring, like the whistling of flying dragons, echoes throughout the valley.

  The waterfall curtain formed by such a high concentration is hundreds of meters by visual inspection. Except for crossing this valley to the opposite bank, there is still a slight chance. If you fall into the river, you are afraid of dying!

  Just when Zhou Min felt that there was no way to find her, she suddenly found a dead tree straddling the cliffs of a river valley, about ten meters thick. Be sure to take Shangguan Qi Fei over.

  But the premise is that Shangguan Qi's body, because even if he crosses the river, what will happen later is unknown. Only when he has enough energy can he face all the things that will happen next.

  While Zhou Min was still in a daze, he suddenly said, "Xiao Minmin, hurry back to the cave, the time for the aging cloak is almost up, I feel dozens of people rushing here from a distance of 100 meters from us."

  Zhou Min was startled, and immediately turned around and jumped up, disappearing into the jungle, and when Zhou Min disappeared, dozens of men in black quickly chased after him, looking at the place where Zhou Min stood and left footprints, "Captain!" , there are footprints here!"

  The person who was called to be the captain walked over quickly, looked at the footprints in the soil below, compared them with his hands, and remained silent, "It should belong to Princess Zhou, and the master should be nearby! Divide into two teams immediately , one pair immediately go to the other side to wait for me, and the other pair carefully search around for me, don't disturb those people!"

  "Yes!" Everyone dispersed immediately, and the person called the captain waved his hands to cover the footprints on the soil, and when he turned around, he saw the way out of the valley on the opposite side of the river. It is not difficult to imagine that Zhou Min and Shangguan Qi should have found the way out of the valley.

  It's just that now he is not sure whether they have passed or not. If the master is safe, the river water can't stop the master at all. If, as he guessed, the master is injured, then it will be very troublesome.

  They began to search for their master after he fell into the jungle. They didn't enter the jungle until the last ten days. The jungle is too big, and the people they brought were divided into several groups. They also followed the same direction. For several days in the slits of the river valley, there were snake corpses full of silver needles. They might think they were looking in the wrong direction.

  As long as they know the direction is correct, when they see the river again, they know that the master may find a way along the direction of the river, and trace all the way down, but in the middle of last night, they found the black-clothed dead bodies and hidden weapons in the jungle, and those people's The way of death was actually poisoned to death. Recalling that they checked the death of the giant python, although the silver needles sealed the python's meridians, the real fatal blow to the giant python was the penetrating sword from Qicunjian , and that fatal blow was not the master's sword move.

  It is not difficult to imagine that that person is the rumored princess of Zhou Guo!

  But this made him even more worried and anxious, because the master never used poison to kill people, if he had already started using poison, it meant that the master was injured and unable to use martial arts.

  But, now, even though he knew that the master might be very close to him, he didn't dare to act rashly. If he didn't make it right, if the master didn't find him, he would attract those people who wanted to kill him.

  The two parties have never met each other, and they don't know the strength of the other party. The safest way is to stop quietly, lie dormant for the time being, search carefully around and on the other side, and notify the other dozen teams to arrive immediately Gather here.

  After figuring it out, the man in black didn't dare to delay any longer, and immediately flew up, and began to order his subordinates to stay away from this place for a long time before they could start sending information to other troops, so that they could come over immediately.

  After Zhou Min returned to the cave, the aging cloak had expired and was taken back, and Zhou Min piled up the dense leaves and grass outside the cave in the middle of the mountain wall at the entrance of the cave. Come on, you can't see your fingers in the cave.

  He fumbled and lit the bonfire. Outside the cave, there were thick grass and dense branches and leaves as cover, and there were spider silks that could cover it. Zhou Min was not worried at all that anyone would find out, and it was absolutely safe for these three days.

  The cave is very dry. It is not so much a cave as it is a natural depression in the rock wall. It is not deep, only about six meters wide and about five meters wide. The lush branches and leaves of the trees are intertwined, and the lush branches and leaves just cover the entrance of the cave. In addition, the mountain wall has been covered by trees for many years, and because of the climate here, the outer stone mountain wall is full of moss and grass.

  Over time, a moss-covered cliff shape has been formed, coupled with the dense branches and leaves of towering giant trees, it is more like a cave, condescending, and all you can see are rows of ancient trees and grass and the river not far away.