Chapter 152

The Vicious Princess Wants to Stand Up (46)

  Shangguan Qi was placed in this cave by Zhou Min. A huge tiger skin was draped on a rock like a stone bed. After the fire was lit, Zhou Min looked at this place a little unexpectedly. , the surrounding stone walls are full of sword marks, it seems to be a move, but it doesn't look like it, there are round wooden tables and wooden benches made of trees two meters in front of the stone bed, but the stone bed and tables and benches are full of people. Dry straw.

  When she first came in, she didn't pay attention because the man in black followed closely. Now that the fire was lit, Zhou Min couldn't help feeling surprised that people seemed to have lived there.

  And it looked as though it might be some reclusive tall man, because the straw had aged a few years.

  No matter what it was, Zhou Min quickly tidied up this strange cave. I have to say that this might be the benefit of falling off the cliff with the Son of Fortune, and you will find some good things every now and then.

  Although he didn't quite understand the moves on the stone wall, Zhou Min felt that this should have a lot to do with the improvement of martial arts after Shangguan Qi left in his previous life.

  After getting Shangguan Qi who was still awake on the ground to the stone bed, Zhou Min was already too tired, so he couldn't help but sit on the ground, lay down beside the stone bed, and fell asleep, not because he didn't want to climb onto the stone bed, but the stone bed seemed to be only There is room for one person if I insist on going to sleep, I am afraid that I will touch Shangguan Qi's wound.

  The firewood in the cave was burning like thunder, and when Shangguan Qi grunted a few times because of the pain and slowly opened his eyes, before he had time to wonder where it was, he immediately found a soft and delicate feeling in his hand.

  Looking over, what I saw was Zhou Min's quiet white face in deep sleep, a strand of hair hanging down on his cheek, itchy and soft...

  Thinking of the scene before coma and the scene of her walking all the way with her on her back in the moonlit night, Shangguan Qi's heart could no longer distinguish rationally, moreover, it seemed that when he looked at Zhou Min like this, his heart began to soften involuntarily.

  It turns out... There is really a kind of person in the world who can easily disturb a person's reason and peace. It turns out that the person I most want to see when I am between life and death is actually you...Zhou Min, when did you start to put What you quietly put into my heart... During this period of getting along, it was nothing more than a seed that turned into a giant tree that could no longer be shaken...

  Zhou Min, since you provoked decide at the beginning, and I have to say when it ends Forget it...

  Zhou Min felt a scorching gaze looking at him, and he didn't feel like he opened his eyes.

  Seeing Shangguan Qi open his eyes and look at him, the look in those eyes is the tenderness that has never been seen before and there are some other things, I feel a little strange, just when I was thinking about what it is again.

  "Zhou Min"

  heard Shangguan Qi's indifferent and slightly tired voice, causing Zhou Min to forget the strange feeling in his mind.

  "Shangguan Qi, how is it? Do you feel better? Does it hurt? Do you need some medicine..." "

  Well, it doesn't hurt, I'm used to it... I'm sorry, it seems that I have been the one since I fell here People who keep bothering you."

  Zhou Min heard Shangguan Qi's words of sorry, a word of no pain, and a word of getting used to it. There was a touch of touch in her heart, a touch of sourness, and a touch of distress. His pride and self-esteem were so heavy. During this time, she saw It is very clear that if possible, Shangguan Qi is the one who would rather die standing than live on his knees.

  When a person's low self-esteem and insecurity reach the extreme, he will regard pride and self-esteem as more important than his own life, and gradually become cold and rational, because that is the last way for him to protect himself.

  But it was such a person who actually admitted to himself his uselessness.

  She knew how deep the wound was, how painful the knife marks were, but he said it didn't hurt, he said he was used to it...

  His habit of pain and not easily bowing his head made Zhou Min seem to see that when he was a child, he just learned to walk and was about to accept other people's strange eyes. People are born accustomed to pain and wounds, and no one is born with low self-esteem.

  This is exactly the same, which makes Zhou Min feel even more distressed, distressed that he has been away from home since he was a child, distressed that he is obviously afraid in a foreign land but has to bear the loneliness at a young age alone, distressed that he has to bear inhuman pain since he was one year old And torture, what you get is not the embrace of your loved ones but disgust and fear.

  Unknowingly, because of this sentence of sorry, because of this self-deprecating self-sarcasm, Zhou Min couldn't help crying. The tears were like a faucet turned on, and she couldn't turn it off. At this moment, she looked at the man in front of her and said no. Say a word of comfort, because I understand, so I can't easily comfort him, because at this moment, even the pleasant comfort seems pale and powerless!

  "Zhou, you are always crying. Ever since you fell into the jungle, there is sadness in your eyes that I can't understand from time to time...Why?"

  Shangguan Qi saw Zhou Min's tears and knew for the first time, It turned out that the most powerful hidden weapon was not Li Hualuo, who was ranked number one on the weapon list, but the tears of the woman in front of him, which made him feel distressed and at the same time more flustered, more of incomprehensible helplessness.

  He has seen the pride, anger, coquettishness, charm, fierceness, shyness, sadness, and ruthlessness of the girl in front of him... and now that he has fallen here for himself, he is in a mess, and many times he is clearly helpless but still needs to take care of himself. Those who worry about their own feelings and pretend to be strong are all so contradictory.

  But in retrospect now, no matter which side, Zhou Min always carried her nobility as a princess of a country in it, but if there is any side that makes him willing to sink completely, then it is now, with eyes full of distress and tenderness, Nostalgia and reluctance, which made his heart scarred all the time, suddenly began to be healed.