Chapter 153

The vicious princess wants to turn over (forty-seven) H (pearl breaks 700 plus more)

  Shangguan Qi's heart, along with Zhou Min's tears, was filled with pain, deep into the bone marrow, but strangely with a hint of sweetness, this kind of pain is different from the previous one. The kind of pain that makes people feel cold is different, because of the temperature...

  He knew that this was the beginning of his uncontrollable fall, and his reason told him that this was an abyss with no bottom and no guarantee. Once this gap is opened, the consequences are unpredictable, but his heart is trembling, pulling him closer...

  Maybe, just a little bit is enough...

  Maybe, he can control the speed of his sinking, he won't lose everything Throwing away the armor... No... He just got closer...

  This is not considered a fall, but, stop for a while, and take a step towards her...

  Shangguan Qi gently held her with his uninjured hand Picking up her delicate face, she gently wiped away her tears, with a gentle voice, "Zhou Min, tell me, why are you crying... I want to know the answer..." It turns out that he can't be gentle, it turns out

  , After his eyes melt into the warmth, they will be so intoxicating. Looking at Shangguan Qi's eyes, Zhou Min suddenly forgot his sadness...

  "Shangguan Qi, my heart hurts... I feel so bad, I don't want you to get hurt, I don't want you Pretending to be strong, pretending not to care... Your heart, I obviously feel sad, but you smiled... It was like this five years ago when you were in the Valley of Divine Medicine, and five years later, you will be the same without the Valley of Physicians... You are obviously so sad, why do you laugh, you can't cry, I will cry for dare not cry out for pain, I will help you, from now on, be the truest you, okay..." Listening to Zhou Min's

  words With a tone almost begging, Shangguan Qi couldn't bear it anymore and whispered the word "yes" with an excited trill.

  "Thank you... um..."

  Zhou Min's unfinished voice was submerged in the tender and lingering kisses. The hot tongue slipped into Zhou Min's mouth, greedily absorbing the breath that belonged to her, and explored every corner vigorously. Using force, Shangguan Qi pulled Zhou Min's soft body onto the stone bed, turned over, and pressed her under him.

  His lips sealed what Zhou Min wanted to say, so she could only sob and bear the shock in his heart and the indescribable satisfaction and touch.

  Shangguan Qi's kiss was gentle and entangled, with a clear and clean breath. His nimble tongue tried to find another small tongue from Zhou Min's mouth that drove him crazy. His heart trembled, and the most suppressed impulse in his heart made him close his eyes and press Zhou Min's head tightly to himself, deeply exploring every corner of Zhou Min's mouth.

  His lips were against hers. His tongue rolled around hers.

  Shangguan Qi's kiss gradually changed from tenderness to eagerness and violence, and Zhou Min gradually sank in his domineering aura.

  His kiss, his attack, made Zhou Min couldn't help raising her small face to meet his attack. The thick and slender eyelashes were like half wings of a butterfly, resting on her porcelain-white face, casting a shadow.

  The soft lilac tongue responded to Shangguan Qi's invasion, but it still couldn't keep up with his speed and aggression. It was a suffocating all-round attack, leaving no leeway or space for Zhou Min, only continuous attack And Devour, with his arrogance and tenderness, like a vine occupying all her senses.

  My mind went blank, but I didn't want to resist at all.

  Shangguan Qi opened his eyes and looked at Zhou Min who was blushing all over his face. His eyes were hot and deep, but the firmness under him was already ready to go, and it swelled unbearably. He pressed his firmness between Zhou Min's legs, Burning eyes stared at her.

  Said word by word, "I want you, Zhou Min!"

  Shangguan Qi leaned on top of Zhou Min, then opened his arms and embraced Zhou Min in his arms, resting his head on Zhou Min's shoulders, while murmuring, he stretched out his hands to caress Zhou Min. On the top of her head, slender fingers slowly brushed the smooth black hair, hugged Zhou Min's unbearable slender waist, making her fit closer to him, and pressed against her body.

  Feeling that Zhou Min trembled after hearing his words, Shangguan Qi propped himself up a little bit, and looked at her, "I'm hurt, if you want to refuse, you can push me away without any effort...Zhou Min , I want you! Now!!"

  Shangguan Qi suddenly lowered his head, and gently branded a kiss on Zhou Min's smooth forehead.

  Zhou Min was startled, her beautiful eyes opened wide, and then she slowly closed them.

  "You know, I won't reject you..."

  When you and I haven't gone out, when we don't need to face those people who made me feel guilty in my previous life, when your life is not completely safe, when you don't have to face Facing the many realities outside and past life entanglements.

  Zhou Min will never reject Shangguan Qi, because at this time, I am just Zhou Min who loved you in the past life, not the fifth princess of Zhou Kingdom, so I don't have to bear the heavy guilt of the past life!

  Shangguan Qi's gentleness made Zhou Min's heart tremble slightly. She knew very well that Shangguan Qi was different this time. Although she and him had done it for more than the first time, even though she had taken the initiative before, in the end, she would become The one who was pressed, but this time the feeling is different.

  The words behind Shangguan Qi were so domineering and autocratic that no one could say no, but his actions made Zhou Min feel tender and cherished. This was a feeling he had never felt before, the feeling that he seemed to be held in the hands of others. .

  The closeness of her body made Shangguan Qi's scorching heat press hard against Zhou Min's lower abdomen. After closing her eyes, her senses became more acute, which made it impossible for her to ignore it.


  What she can't ignore is that her physique has been trained by the system. She already knows Shangguan Qi's taste. At this time, there is no need to deliberately flirt. It was hard for Min to say no.

  Zhou Min's words were very light, but to Shangguan Qi, they were undoubtedly shocking. After a slight pause, Shangguan Qi's remaining rationality made his movements slightly stagnant, but Zhou Min's meekness under him was a look that you can pick and choose. His charming appearance made him uncontrollably carried away, and the soft kiss fell again, following Zhou Min's beautiful eyebrows all the way down.