Chapter 154

The vicious princess wants to turn over (48) H (May 1 plus more)

  He doesn't want to be too eager, he wants Zhou Min to be like him, feeling the excitement and satisfaction in his heart, kissing her from the eyebrows to her ears, the wet and hot tip of the tongue gently Gently licking her sensitive earlobe, hearing Zhou Min's trembling soft moan made his heart tremble.

  The lips kissed fiercely just now were red, swollen and moist, like a dewy delicious cherry, and the slightly kissed Lingkou seemed to be inviting him to taste the sweetness inside again. Shangguan Qi sighed softly, and once again Kissed.

  Suppressing his eagerness to tear her up and swallow her up, Shangguan Qi's pity and lingering shallow kiss had already made Zhou Min deeply fascinated.

  Zhou Min could only bend up instinctively, sticking tightly to Shangguan Qi on his body, gently rubbing her plump and round breasts on his chest, Shangguan Qi couldn't help tightening his arms, enjoying her softness and elasticity to the fullest The ecstasy brought by the more intimate squeeze and friction between her breasts and his firm chest.

  Leaving her red lips, there was a silvery sticky silver thread between the lips and tongue, the red lips were bright and watery, Shangguan Qi lowered his head and looked at Zhou Min under him in fascination, a faint blush appeared on her fair and flawless face, The corners of the eyes are full of charm, like a demon or a fairy, making people love and hate, suddenly a hot air surges up from the lower abdomen, he wants her, just like last night by the big tree by the campfire without any scruples unbridled love.

  "Zhou Min, say you love me." Shangguan Qi whispered seductively in Zhou Min's ear.

  When he heard the sentence "I love you" a day ago, he was shocked in his heart, but now, seeing Zhou Min's beautiful eyes misty, when he was asking and begging under him, he suddenly wanted to hear her say that sentence again talk.

  Zhou Min was confused by Shangguan Qi, she seemed to hear the words in her ears, but she could faintly feel the scorching heat of his lower body was so hard, and her heart clenched closer and closer like a deer. To him, she stretched her jade arms around his neck, exhaled like blue, "Shangguan Qi, I love you..."

  When Zhou Min said this sentence as he wished, Shangguan Qi on his body suddenly kissed him deeply impatiently. She squeezed her small mouth, tossed and sucked passionately, pulled Zhou Min's thin skirt with two big hands, and grasped and kneaded the plump and big soft breasts through the silky bellyband.

  "Hmm..." The breasts were hot and swollen, Zhou Min wanted to avoid the big hands on her chest and wanted to stop her, but the upper lips were being ravaged by Shangguan Qi, which made her distraught and could only groan unbearably.

  Sensing Zhou Min's dodge, Shangguan Qi suddenly felt that it wasn't enough. He tore off the bellyband with his big hands, and gently pulled and twisted Zhou Min's already erect red nipples. With a smile on his lips, he squeezed the two huge breasts in the middle with his big hands.

  Let go of her lips, bowed her head and took two bright red milk fruits in her mouth, sucking and biting them repeatedly, the hard and hot lower body of his lower body pushed towards Zhou Min's tender pussy, a tingling pleasure that felt like death. Instantly spread throughout the body.

  "Ah...don' hurts...gentle..." Zhou Min shook his head and moaned in comfort and discomfort.

  Shangguan Qi's breathing also began to become heavy. He got up and took off the clothes that were in the way. By the way, he also took off Zhou Min's clothes. The pink and tender little pearl was sucked and licked hard, "Ah...don't...don't bite!"

  Unable to bear such a strong stimulation, Zhou Min screamed and cried, his whole body was tensed, his round buttocks were high Lift it up, and a hot honey juice gushes out from the flower hole.

  Both hands kept pushing the black head between his legs, but Shangguan Qi made up his mind and refused to back down. The big hand that was holding Zhou Min's inner thigh suddenly grabbed the messy hands on his head, and put it pull away.

  "Hmm...don't..." Zhou Min's delicate body trembled, his scorching breath seeped in from the small mouth of his slightly opened and closed honey hole, the flower hole squirmed more and more empty, and more honey juice flowed out shamefully Feeling Shangguan Qi's scorching lips and tongue enveloping her little pearl in one mouthful, and licking and biting her little pearl continuously, her separated legs trembled to the point of cramp.

  "Ah... no... stop... I don't want it anymore... ah..."

  Shangguan Qi turned a deaf ear and continued to lick Fen Fen's petals carefully, sucking the small pearls wrapped in the petals.

  "Hmm...please! Don't do this!"

  Zhou Min twisted his slender waist violently, trying to close his legs, but he just pushed Shangguan Qi between his legs to his flower hole. Like a tireless warrior, he sucked the crystal clear flower wrapped in petals. little pearls.

  "Ah... no..." Zhou Min's delicate body trembled suddenly as if being shocked by an electric shock.

  "Zhou Min, do you know? You are so sweet, it makes people go crazy!" After speaking, he lowered his head again to hold the crystal pearl and suck it vigorously.

  "Hmm... please... don't... don't do this... I can't take it... ah... don't..." Zhou Min arched his body, clenched his small hands around his mouth, and cried loudly.

  The sucking sound of "Zi Zi Zi" kept ringing in the cave, dyeing Zhou Min's whole body a layer of brilliant red, and the numbness between her legs made her want to close and twist her legs, but she forgot that there was a gap between her legs. The black head wanted to refuse but also greeted the movement of wrapping his legs, but he further clamped Shangguan Qi's head between his legs, making Shangguan Qi bite and suck the red and swollen little pearl even more forcefully and unscrupulously.

  The suffocating pleasure made Zhou Min suddenly arch her body, her legs trembled and screamed to reach an orgasm, a large amount of honey gushed out from the flower hole, and was swallowed by Shangguan Qi directly, and she also trembled all over. On the stone bed, panting softly.

  Before Zhou Min could react, Shangguan Qi suddenly attached to her body again, and while she was still panting, he lowered his head and kissed Zhou Min's sweet and soft lips again.

  Engulfing her breath and panting in the tender and passionate kiss, Zhou Min closed her eyes shyly, stretched out her arms obediently to wrap around Shangguan Qi's neck, and actively put the lilac tongue into his mouth to meet his hot lips. The tip of the tongue is lingering and dancing together, his taste is mixed with the taste of his own honey juice, it is not unpalatable, it is really a little sweet, mixed with the medicinal fragrance of Shangguan Qi who has been soaked in medicinal materials all year round.