Chapter 158

The Evil Princess wants to turn over (52) HH

  Zhou Min's upright buttocks swung quickly, and her towering breasts trembled, causing a wave of breasts.

  Shangguan Qi broke Zhou Min's two snow-white buttocks with his hands, and looked down at the scene of his cock entering and exiting his pussy. Whenever he pulled out his cock, Zhou Min's pink tender meat was brought out half a finger long by him, and inserted into it. Then, the tender meat will fall into the hole again.

  The veins of the meat stick were exposed, soaked in the transparent honey juice to make it thicker and longer, under the light of the sporadic orange-red campfire, it had a lewd luster.

  The more they worked, the more they lost their love. Shangguan Qi turned over her body and held her ankles with one hand, and hugged her waist with the other.

  "Ah... ah... um... um... Shangguan... please forgive me..."

  Stimulated by this huge and intense pleasure, I almost fainted!

  Zhou Min panted heavily, and began to tremble violently, even her flower acupoints trembled, as if she was about to be pierced and melted by Shangguan Qi's scorching heat in the next moment.

  Shangguan Qi's big cock seemed to be tightly wrapped by the warm wall of Huajing's flesh, and he felt like being pulled and held on. Zhou Min's stomach also began to shrink rapidly and heaved violently.

  After a few hundred times of pumping and thrusting, gradually, Zhou Min's waist twisted faster and faster, and Shangguan Qi also raised her waist and thrust upwards forcefully.

  Zhou Min's buttocks pinched sharply, and Shangguan Qi felt that the head of his cock was sore and numb, and suddenly his eyes turned black, and a burst of intense stimulation immediately overflowed from his lower body into his brain, short but extremely strong.


  The two continued to be eager and violent, as fast as the impact of electric motors, accompanied by Zhou Min's screaming and crying.   "Ah ... it's broken, it's broken ... don't ... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


The rapid flipping in and out made her whole body go into convulsions.

  Zhou Min's pussy spurted a large amount of honey juice onto the glans, causing Shangguan Qi to tremble, and he lost his essence, and the tingling pleasure rushed from his spine to the top of his head.

  Zhou Min couldn't hold on any longer and passed out completely.

  "Damn it, I haven't fully enjoyed myself yet. From now on, I need to recuperate."

  Shangguan Qi, who was still immersed in intense pleasure, saw Zhou Min passed out, and hugged her pitifully on the stone bed, but his cock was still buried in the woman's body In the pussy, no matter whether she was unconscious or not, she tightly held Zhou Min's slender waist with both hands, pushed her butt hard, and the whole dick sprinted in her pussy again.

  Although Zhou Min was already unconscious, his body voluntarily cooperated with Shangguan Qi's desire.

  Lying on the stone bed, Zhou Min's unconscious groans made his movements more violent and impulsive. Zhou Min's delicate breasts vibrated and his waist and hips swayed, puffing~~puffing~~ struggling to prop up his buttocks and subconsciously cooperate with Shangguan Qi's movements.

  Looking at Zhou Min, who had already passed out but still subconsciously catered to him, Shangguan Qi's eyes were gentle, but his movements became more aggressive and aggressive as if he wanted to go deeper into Zhou Min's body and brand his mark .

  Zhou Min's acupoints were directly impacted by the position behind him, his upturned buttocks swayed and clamped Shangguan Qi's cock that was squeaking in and out, and Shangguan Qi held his breasts with his hands.

  Shangguan Qi bent Zhou Min's legs, supported her on the stone bed, and stretched out his hand to lift her waist. It was her two snow-white thighs that were also divided greatly, her plump and attractive buttocks were raised high, and her upper body Lying unconsciously on the stone bed, the delicate chrysanthemum and the wet petals could be seen at a glance, Shangguan Qi roughly stroked her petals which were already so wet.

  The huge cock rubbed against her petal opening.

  "Hmm..." Zhou Min groaned uncomfortably, driving the man behind him completely crazy.

  Following Zhou Min's unconscious groans, Shangguan Qi stroked his slippery buttocks, and at the same time pushed his thick dick onto Zhou Min's soft lips, straightening it out.

  "Zi..." With a sound, most of the penis was inserted, took a breath, pulled most of the dick out, and then thrust it in again, the pleasure overwhelmed everything.

  One unconsciously swayed her high buttocks in the front, and the other thrust wildly in the back quickly, and the kinky water brought out by the petals flowed down the snow-white thighs... After countless orgasms, already exhausted Zhou Min was further devoured by Shangguan Qi again... The continuous sound of physical impact and slapping mixed with passionate panting and moaning, a strong and obscene lust permeated the entire cave...

  "Zhou Min, never lie to me After the passion, Shangguan Qi pressed on her body, whispering softly in Zhou Min's ear.

  But Zhou Min was fainted by Shangguan Qi a long time ago, so he didn't hear his words. After putting Zhou Min on the stone bed, Shangguan Qi got out of the bed naked, re-bandaged the cracked wound on his body, and sat on the bed. Shangguan Qi, who was bandaging his wound on a tree bench not far away, watched his bloody wound open again.

  Looking at Zhou Min again, he smiled helplessly. Now he knows how much he is obsessed with that warm body, or Zhou Min, a person who makes people crazy and obsessed.

  Looking around the cave, there are dozens of clean water tanks. I want to tear off another piece of cloth from my inner shirt, but I see that the left piece and the right piece have already been torn by myself, and they are already in pieces. Underwear, he couldn't help but smile wryly, from birth until now, even in the most painful and difficult childhood, he has never been so embarrassed.

  However, even though he is now in a state of embarrassment that makes people speechless, Shangguan Qi feels inexplicably that his heart is warm and stuffed with something, so even though he is like this, he doesn't feel any anger or pain at all. On the contrary, there was something sweet that made him seem to be illuminated by the warm sun.

  Shangguan Qi wet the inner shirt in his hand and cleaned it up briefly for Zhou Min, then lay down behind Zhou Min, hugged Zhou Min sideways with the other uninjured arm, his heart felt peaceful and warm like never before.

  Shangguan Qi gently embraced Zhou Min in his arms, stroking her white and smooth jade back, "Zhou Min, I seem to like you..." He said and used his slender fingers to touch her jade back. Slowly rubbing Zhou Min's fair jade back shoulder, then lowered his head and pressed a hot kiss, "Absolutely, don't lie to me! Otherwise, I will, kill you..."