Chapter 159

The Vicious Princess Wants to Turn Over (53)

  When Zhou Min gradually came to his senses, there were only a few scattered bonfires in the cave. As soon as he moved his body, he found his lower body was sore and convulsed, and the arms around his waist strongly surrounded him. In his embrace, the scorching breath hit the back of her neck, itching, making her move her body uncomfortably, wanting to stay away.

  "Don't move!" The man behind him seemed to have just woken up, his voice was not as cool as before, and with a hint of laziness, he dragged himself into his arms even more tightly with his arms that were already strong enough to encircle him.

  Zhou Min's tender body froze, looking at the hands that were still peacefully placed on her waist, at some point they actually covered her delicate breasts, rubbing them hard and sometimes lightly, making Zhou Min's face flushed, and pressing her hands together He put his big hand wantonly on his chest, "Don't, I..."

  "What about you?" Shangguan Qi couldn't help but feel happy when he heard Zhou Min's delicate and soft voice, somewhat hoarse after orgasm.

  "I, I..." Zhou Min didn't know what to say for a long time, and suddenly thought of something, Zhou Min suddenly turned around, and wanted to sit up in a panic, looking at the man behind him.

  But before Zhou Min moved much, Shangguan Qi held him tightly in his arms, pressed his thighs against her twitching thighs, and pinched her sensitive soft waist, causing Zhou Min to groan softly.

  "Didn't I tell you not to move?" Shangguan Qi said angrily, but there was no sign of anger on his face.

  "I want to see your wound. Your wound is open. Let me see!" Zhou Min was a little worried. She remembered that in the middle, Shangguan Qi seemed to be in a daze. When he fiddled with her desperately, his shoulder The wound on her body was open, and her eyes were red with blood.

  Feeling that the people behind him were stunned suddenly, and the hand on her chest was suddenly freed from his own, he turned her over and looked at Shangguan Qi face to face, "Zhou Min, what are you going to do after you go out?" Zhou Min said to Leng, it seems that he didn't expect Shangguan Qi to ask this question suddenly, he didn't know what to say for a while, he just stared blankly at Shangguan Qi who was so close in front of him.

  Avoiding his eyes, buried herself in his arms, hugged his waist, listened to his powerful heartbeat, felt the warmth of his arms and the warmth of the moment.

  Shangguan Qi looked down at Zhou Min, who buried himself in his arms, with a face of trust and attachment, his eyes were as gentle as water, and the hands that hugged her waist tightly squeezed this woman who made his heart warm and swollen. locked in his arms.

  "Zhou Min, after you get out, follow me back to the Valley of Miraculous Doctors."

  Zhou Min froze for a moment, his hands holding Shangguan Qi froze, but he recovered in an instant. Shangguan Qi didn't notice the difference in Zhou Min just now, But seeing that the person in his arms had not made a sound, he lowered his head in doubt, and saw Zhou Min who had already fallen asleep with his face full of exhaustion.

  His slender fingers gently rubbed Zhou Min's fair and tender cheeks, then he lowered his head and pressed a kiss on her forehead, and then he hugged Zhou Min contentedly and fell asleep. Zhou Min didn't dare to sleep until Shangguan Qi really fell asleep. Opening his eyes, he breathed a sigh of relief, not knowing whether it was joy or worry...

  "When will the male lead's martial arts recover?"

  "It will recover the next day after you go out."

  "The male lead's Has the poison been completely cured?" Zhou Min asked with half-drowned eyelids,

  "It hasn't been completely eradicated, but 80% of it has been eliminated. As long as the male protagonist prepares the medicine and takes good care of it, it only takes a year or two. Time can eradicate it."

  "Then every fifteenth day of the month, won't the poison come out?" "

  Yes, but with the hero's profound internal strength, it is enough to suppress it, and it won't have too much influence."

  "So, my task of detoxifying the male protagonist has actually been completed!" Zhou Min suddenly looked up at Shangguan Qi, who was close at hand, with a complicated expression in his eyes.

  "It stands to reason that you should completely eradicate the male lead's poison before you can complete it, but now you are considered a pass. As long as the male lead doesn't die and heals himself well, he won't die. Xiao Minmin's task is not considered a task. The mission is complete!" He said with a smile.

  "How is the nourishment collected?" Zhou Min stretched out her hand, and through the air, slowly slid across Shangguan Qi's facial features, with nostalgic and contradictory eyes, she knew that it was empathy.

  "Xiao Minmin is working very hard, the male lead is very good, 80% of the nourishment collection has been completed, enough to open the next interface, as long as the client's wish is fulfilled, we can leave!" I checked the nourishment collection very happily, although not very satisfied, but thinking of the wish of the client in this life, I feel that it is already very good.

  "The client doesn't want to have any more entanglements with the male lead, but do you think the male lead will let me go now?" If Zhou Min was not sure whether the male lead would let her go after going out, when everything here has never Yet to happen. But this time, looking at the hero's attitude towards her, and the words of "go back to the Valley of Doctors with him", Zhou Min knew that it might be difficult to get rid of it completely.

  "Well, I don't know, you human beings have complicated feelings, I don't understand..." Somewhat annoyed, Zhou Min smiled with a tangled expression on his face.

  yes! Human emotions cannot be pure, especially love, if other things are involved, it will start to become contradictory, and she can't let go of the guilt that her parents died for her in her previous life, and Zhou Guo died because of her.

  And all the reasons are because she gambled everything to love him...

  This love is so heavy that she can't breathe. In this life, loving him has become her shackles. The more you love, the more painful it is. She felt his heart in time, it was the thing she wanted most in her previous life, but now, she couldn't take it anymore... She couldn't pass the test in her heart, that guilt, for her parents, for her The people of the Zhou Kingdom...

  In her previous life, she was sorry to everyone, but she was the only one who didn't let him down. However, she still caused the whole world to fall because of her selfishness, and she couldn't get him to look at her.