Chapter 160

The vicious princess wants to turn around (fifty-four).

  She can't forget the scene when the country was broken, the blood flowed like a river, the people's resentment and painful struggle screamed and cried, and the scolding sounded with the sound of cutting flesh with swords and swords. She can't forget, hanging in the In Fengluan Palace, the queen mother in all her costumes can't forget, sitting majestic on the dragon throne, when she chooses to commit suicide, she still can't forget the majestic father, the emperor, and the incomplete corpses trampled by the horseshoes of the brothers who were sent back one after another.

  The sword that pierced through the father, the sword's edge was fierce and cold, not only the father's life, but also the pain and guilt of Zhou Min's life, Zhou Min's destruction took away all Zhou Min's love for Shangguan Qi The obsession made Zhou Min sober. She was never an ordinary woman. When she was enjoying the glory, she was doomed to pay more responsibilities, the responsibilities of a princess of a country.

  There, there is no love!

  Tears rolled down the corners of his eyes and sank into his hair. Zhou Min smiled wryly, and retracted himself into Shangguan Qi's arms...

  Shangguan Qi, in this life, you and Zhou Guo, I choose, not you!

  ", can you bring Yin Mei here, it is best to be caught by the hostile side!" "


  "I want a reason to change, an excuse to leave, let Shangguan Qi and Zhou Min return to the two The positions of the curves will never intersect again!"

  When Zhou Min finished speaking, her heart throbbed fiercely, and she knew very well that Shangguan Qi's choice at that time was because she knew Shangguan Qi too well, so Zhou Min Understand, this reason will be fatal!

  Let yourself go and let everything go back to square one.

  The eternal topic, me and her, who do you want?

  Thinking of the scene three days later, Zhou Min's heart trembled slightly, and he said quietly, "Shangguan Qi, I know you very well, I know yourself better than you, do you believe it?" "

  Xiao Minmin, are you sure you want Do you want to do this?" I don't know what Zhou Min is going to do, but it always feels uneasy.

  "This is the only way, otherwise, if my attitude changes abruptly after I go out, Shangguan Qi will definitely suspect that what I said and did in the mountains and forests is all hypocrisy. Although I don't care, what will I look like in his heart in the end? But I can't bet on Zhou's future. After all, he is the younger brother of the emperor of the neighboring country. Although Zhou is not a weak country, it can't stand the intentional invasion of the neighboring country! Only let him feel that everything is wrong It's not about me, then my departure won't harm Zhou Guo."

  Zhou Min's words made his whole body stiffen suddenly, it really wanted to ask her, what about Shangguan Qi? ! What should he do? ! But looking at the coldness in Zhou Min's eyes, he felt that if Zhou Min acted too harshly, it might backfire.

  "Xiao Minmin, after thinking about it, I still want to remind you, if you do too much, will it backfire on the male lead!" "

  No, I will pay attention to proportion, and, I guess, the male lead is right Me, it's not love now, at best I like it, and with the heroine by my side, I believe that as long as there is enough time, the hero will fall in love with the heroine again! After all, the hero and heroine are the official matches!" Zhou Min's words It looks right, but I always feel that there is something wrong, but after a while, it can't figure it out.

  Holding Shangguan Qi in her arms, Zhou Min began a countdown to happiness for herself and Shangguan Qi. In the last three days, she hoped that everything would be plain and warm, and she could recall it at the end.

  After a good night's sleep, Zhou Min woke up early in the morning, the stone bed was already empty, but Shangguan Qi Qingya's breath still lingered around, thinking of the lingering last night, Zhou Min's beautiful lips could not help but ripple with a happy smile.

  I have to say that my body is really the best physique after the system transformation. Last night I clearly felt that I was going to die, but after one night, apart from my body is a little sore, I didn't feel tired at all.

  Putting on his clothes, he looked around and saw Shangguan Qi looking intently at the sword marks on the wall. Without making a sound, Zhou Min quietly walked behind Shangguan Qi and hugged him from behind.

  Leaning on his generous back, Zhou Min's heart has never been so at ease. Shangguan Qi found out when Zhou Min walked over. Although he has lost all his internal energy now, he will not lose his five senses. Some of that fragrance has already made him remember it all over his body.

  Her smell, her temperature, the sound of her footsteps, the frequency of her breathing, even if he closes his eyes and has no internal energy, he can still capture the throbbing that makes his heart beat irregularly.

  When Zhou Min hugged Shangguan Qi from behind, the corners of Shangguan Qi's eyes were tender, and he put his big hand on the small hand on his waist and squeezed, "Why don't you continue to sleep for a while, it's still early." "I don't want to sleep anymore

  , What are you doing?" Zhou Min buried in Shangguan Qi's back and said in a low voice.

  Shangguan Qi turned around, pulled Zhou Min into his arms, hugged Zhou Min from behind, and put his head on top of her head, his voice was soft and warm, unlike the cold and cold feeling before, "These sword moves are combined An ancient martial arts method, I think there used to be a senior with profound martial arts knowledge living here."

  "Can you understand?" Zhou Min turned around in surprise, although she could see that these sword marks seemed to be some kind of martial arts, but the mental method , she didn't see it.

  "Well, I can't say it, but I can see it clearly. What is contained in these sword moves is actually an internal skill, and the sword move is just a cover-up!" Shangguan Qi didn't know why he could understand it, but he just looked at it. understood.

  Zhou Min couldn't help feeling embarrassed when he heard Shangguan Qi's words, you don't understand, I understand! Because you are the son of destiny in this world, you are the male protagonist, and all the great fortunes belong to you. You can't understand it, but who can understand it.

  I really want to despise the way of heaven that I said, there is no reason for being capricious!