6. The Second Expedition

Those were the all ladies and idiotmen, with whom we reached 2nd Std. After reaching that level the feeling of being great was along with us. That year our class teacher was Miss. Vergera Dodge, whose teaching was better than other teachers, but her anger was like canon shots for all students. In her teaching, we have tasted many slaps from her hands. Her was nature was that, she wouldn't expect any mistake from us, and if someone mistakenly makes mistake, then it was impossible to escape from her anger. Many a times I had been her victim, that was indeed painful for me to bear, but when I developed the habit of becoming her prey, I wasn't scared of her. Miss Vergera used to bring wet kane, which seemed to be very delicate, but when been struck on palms and legs, I can't just describe that experience. When teacher used to beat us, for me, it was a moment of disgrace. When any other child was beaten, most of the backbenchers enjoyed that live program, in all those I was so shameless that if anyone was being beaten, I would hid myself and used to laugh. Many of the girls were given a good beat by Miss. Vergera.

Everyone of us had owned that situation, and started concentrating on studies. "Kane strucks hard hard, knowledge comes fast fast", this became a motto for us, and for that year we hda to revise that formula. Then also with god's trust we used to come to school.

That year our class was situated at topmost floor of the building. On Saturdays, our schedule used to be from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. All the students were scared to go to bathroom, and especially boys. Because the bathroom was quite far from our class, there used to be complete silence, which was fear factor for all of us. Sometimes, different and weird sounds made us frightened. That's why there used to be atmosphere of fear among all students. You would be thinking, how coward we are? But that was very obvious, as we were tender at that time. According to changing time, we experienced that the fear is only thinking of our mind, in reality nothing happens as we were thinking. After the summer ended monsoon approached, and first thing came to our mind is of "RAIN", and thundering sounds. When thundering occurred girls, used to shout in fear, sometimes due to power failure during rain the lights used to get switched off. Our studies get stopped due to no light and we used to enjoy that moments. Boys used to shout "Ooooo…. Ghost...." And due to which the girls got frightened.

One nice day, teacher was explaining us something, all the students were listening attentively. At the same time, a foul odour was spread in the class, due to which everyone was distracted. Suddenly all the girls started responding about the foul odour, "What's that? How bad is something smelling?" All the students took out their handkerchief and covered their noses. Our teacher was also very worried, as she was not able to find the point of emergence of odour. Helplessly, she ordered all students to take their bags and went outside, one-by-one everyone started going out of the class. But one student was not moving from his place, after checking, teacher found that the guy was Sahir Fredricks, who was unable to control his will and pottied in his pants. Everyone burst out laughing when Sahir removed his pants and was giving a very funny reaction. Max said, "We have experienced many things, this was left to see." I said, "Does anyone makes fun of himself?" This incident indeed made everyone laugh.

Days passed on and we were conquering the peaks of all exams. Now, there was only 1 month left for our annual exams. My studies graph was on a slow note but, I was progressing better. On seeing this, a girl was feeling jealous on my progress. She made a plan for taking me back in the exams.

One day, for some reasons I was busy in some work outside the class. After returning, what I see? My English copy was missing! I couldn't trust my eyes, what has happened? My patience started drowning like the setting sun. After that I told my dilemma to teacher, and asked her if I could check everybody's bag. She granted me permission and, checked everyone's bag, but unfortunately I was unable to find that. I was depressed, "How I will score good marks in annual exams? Will, I fail in those exams?" But, in that situation, I didn't lose hope. I realized that I had learnt all the questions, answers of English, which were like water for me in the sunny desert. I was out of tension and was feeling good

In the exams, I performed well and scored good marks. It was like unforgettable experience for me because, the moral I get from this experience was "Consistency is what transforms average into excellence." I had successfully passed that exam, I was on the joint-first rank in the class. On the result day, Manashri cames to me, and handed me my English copy. I asked her, "Looks like that you aren't happy to see my progress. Your trick didn't worked on me as, I was two steps ahead from you. But at last, tell me, why did you felt the need to steal my copy?" On this she answered that "Your copy accidentally came in my bag, I wasn't aware about your copy. But then, if you are feeling angry, I say SORRY to you. Is that okay, or you want something more from me?"

On listening her reply, I became speechless, after her reply I was shocked and my mind stopped working. I said to myself, "Can a girl be so ruthless. First of all, she stealed my copy, her first work was to ask to forgive her." But I kept myself calm and said, "Exams are over now, then why did you felt the need to return me this copy? Anyways, thank you for your support."

Well, this 2nd std gave us quite funny experiences and I was given sorrow at the end. But, I forgot that incident and we were on the path of progress. We all lived and enjoyed good, bad moments in this 2nd std. In this way our second expedition came to an end, but story isn't over yet, my friend!