7. The Three Ring Circus

We have successfully reached 3rd std and our schedule was changed, which was from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. We had to spend more time in school, for which we were not prepared. We faced some problems in the beginning, but then we adjusted ourselves. This was like a new world for all kids, we were able to see our seniors and would try to learn something better from them.

In the 3rd std our class teacher was Miss. Daisy Bridgford. She had a different glory on her face, she would rarely scold us, she was very kind-hearted. Her teaching was so simple that we won't face any difficulty. She was the first one that used to give more importance to boys rather than girls. She had the most communication with Robert, David and me. We were bright students in her viewpoint. She would expect to score good marks and progress in academics, by us. Due to this reason we become good friends, who used to give a tough fight to each other in studies.

There was a threesome of studious students in the class, in the same way, a threesome of punks was also present in the class. We got a loving-caring teacher, she used to support us in any conditions, due to which our views towards a teacher was totally changed. She became like an adult friend for us, on the contrary, the bravery of the rogues was increased, and used to tease the students. Those threesome consisted of Shawn, Victor, Aaron. The courage of three was increased, they were reaching new heights of villainousness day by day.

They crossed all the limits of knavery when they wrote wrong about a girl. That was a very shameful moment for all students of class, when this news reached each corner of the school, we and our reputation was mixed with in soil, everyone was angry on our class. When the respective girl came to know about herself, she cried bitterly, in despair. When Principal came to know about this incident, she was in rage to the students, who had committed that mistake. She was so much angry and upset on that students, that she called them and gave them a very good beating, for which ther were entitled. They were strictly ordered to bring their parents the next day, due to which we got more infamy in school. They were also ordered to apologize to the respective girl, but the girl was so kind-hearted that she forgave them for their mistake. But after this incident we decided to forget this one and gave importance on our progress.

There used to be some interschool games championship for which, we were most eager. Many games were used to play, but that year we were eligible for only one game and that was FROG JUMP.

When our sports teacher had announced about this sports events, everyone of us danced in joy. The day came for the game, everyone had no idea about the game, but the sports teacher explained us in five minutes. The game was that the player had to jump like a frog and the first who will complete one full lap would be selected for next round. There was no difference in rules for girls and boys, even both of them were competing with same joy.

At a time only 5 players were given a chance to prove themselves and that also were on the serial roll no. assigned to us. I was at the middle of that serial number, the game began and we used to cheer our favourite player. I successfully passed the first level and the won the semi-finals and reached finals. In that round 3 boys and 2 girls were present, from this you can think that the girls have given a very tough fight to boys. But in the finals, I dominated everybody and came first, Max came second and Ayush came third.

Other than sports various cultural events were also organized in the school. We have enjoyed every of them but, we were awaiting for the prize distribution ceremony which was supposed to be in the month of Feb. That year I had got three prizes, I was showing everyone that I got most of them. But after sometime, Sezon's name was taken and what everyone sees! She had got nearly 10-12 prizes, on seeing this nobody in the whole school could believe on their eyes. What a great achievement she made for herself. Our mouth was opened as she showed her prizes, on the other hand Kia also got 7-8 prizes, which was another shocking moment for us. But, actually we and our class teacher were feeling proud as the girls had proved themselves best in academics.

Now, days passed on, and annual exams approached, we all studied very hard, we have made that distinction mark very cheap. But this year, there was a very big shocking news for me, as Kia came first and I was thrown on the second position. When knowing the reason for my downfall, it was the Mathematics in which, I and many students were unable to conquer that peak. From then, Maths became a foe of our life. I had got a new and strong competitor as Kia, which was like a new quest for me.

But that year was very memorable and we got a new experience from it. There was a need to make slight changes in ourself which was the need of that time.

But unfortunately, we came to know about a very disappointing news, Miss. Daisy was kicked out of the school for, she was very kind. Our Principal felt that excessive love will drown the kids and their life will be shifted onto a different path. Now, we were in a confusion that who would be our next class-teacher for the next session. Till then, we just had to enjoy the holidays, forgetting every sort of tension.

This was a very new experience for us, which was like a fair for us. We are enjoying each ride very slowly, which was an unforgettable moment for us. "The secret of getting ahead is to get started."