8. The Four Beats

After we reached 4th std, we were in hope that we may get a loving- caring teacher like Miss. Daisy. Our expectation remained unfulfilled because Miss. Sarah Kirtley was our new class teacher. She was very experienced and talented in her profession. She was a motivational speaker for us (students), and also a kind-hearted person. Her words have affected me a lot. She was very strict regarding studies, and sometimes to release pressure, she used to do something, which made us laugh.

All of us were of the same age, due to which there used to difference in our opinions and views, due to which there used to be confrontations between us, and also give and take of abusive words. It was very obvious thing in school. Sometimes, this confrontations resulted in scuffles and minor fights, teacher had to stop fights between the students.

All of us and, especially boys were very fond of watching t.v. on that a famous program named 'Power Rangers', on seeing that sitcoms, students used to copy the fighting moves and used to try it on other students. One day Yash tried a fighting move on Allen. He was standind straight in his white uniform, Yash came running to him and hit Allen between his two legs very hardly. Allen was hurt and slept on the floor due to intense pain. After this incident, Yash was punished for his deeds. Sometimes, Michael ans Steve used to fight with each other, which used to be a part of our entertainment. We used to cheer them and when teacher entered the class, we used to change the party and complained against them, this continued for many days.

Days passed and, rain and gentle wind had replaced the burning sun. The blazing rays had been replaced by the nectar released by the clouds. Due to rain our shoes used to get wet. All boys including me, used to tap the wall of our class with wet shoes due to which the beauty of the wall was gone. This trend was started by Allen, but I also enjoyed doing this, later David, Robert and other students became part of this. The wall had become so dirty that we were regularly scolded by the teacher, but we won't give any attention to their advice. One day our Principal Miss. Martha Williams was on a stroll in the entire school, when she entered our class our heartbeat increased. She founded that dirty colored wall. On seeing that dirty wall she became very furious, and asked, "Who the hell has done this artistic work on wall?" we were very frightened, due to fear our mouths were shut. After sometime from the back, a girl told our names, after that we had to confess our mistake. Instead of giving strict punishment, she ordered us to clean that wall with our handkerchief. One thing I learnt from this incident was, "Tit for tat." School is a temple of knowledge, where God of knowledge resides, we were insulting the God by touching that temple with our feet, which was very wrong.

Days passed on fast and month of Feb has approached, everyone was tallying his/her gifts and prizes. All tallies were gone wrong, because this year also Sezon, Kia and Kendall were awarded with most prizes and gifts.

"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up."

After this event, our Annual exams approached. Intense pressure build-up in students, and our enjoyment was fully restricted. After 10-12 days our exams ended. This time also Kia topped the table, and I came second. For us Maths was became a curse for all of us except Kia. After healing from those sweet-bitter memories, we headed to our new level.

"Never regret for a day in your life. Good days give you happiness and, bad days give you experiences of life."