9. The High Five

The first day we reached 5th std, we suffered some shocks, as 3 new idiotmen were added added in our class.

Pritam Boseman; was one of the most useless guy of our class. He was a funny guy, who used to make fun of others, especially of me. He doesn't had much interest in studies, used his energy and mind in sports.

Aldrich Jeffer; renowned singer of class, a very experienced in doing revolution in peace. A charming, and big-hearted guy, and powerful person of the class.

Ajit Rawal; though giant by body, but mind and habits are identical to a small kid, because he was suffering from a disease. He was slow in studies, but his paintings, sketches would depict his immense talent. His love and dedication towards painting has influenced a lot of beginners.

Also there were 3 more idiots who were shifted from other division into ours. Those were,

Pratik Pangol; innocent by his face, but was a very big punk of our class. He was more dedicated to sports like 'KHO-KHO', rather than studies. His strange acts used to bring smiles on everyone's faces.

Vegas Smith; very self-respected guy, wasn't fear of any punishments given by the teachers. He loved to play 'KHO-KHO' and was a fast athlete. The importance of studies was only to pass and reach another standards. He was also a rogue who just wanted to make fun of others.

Peter Hughes; though his second name was 'Hughes', but initially was small in height. Though he was small in height, he was like 'a small packet with big bang.' He was weak by his body, but when his anger crossed his limits, was able to shut everyone's mouths, either by beating badly or using abusive words. He was good sketch artist, and used to make tattoos, for which he was very famous in school. He doesn't give much importance to studies, but was much interested in doing nonsense things. He was also famous for his charity, but was infamous for frivolous acts in the whole school.

These six idiotmen were added in the list, but the latest news for us was that for our 5th std our class teacher would be Miss. Sarah Kirtley. On this news girls were very happy, on the other hand boys were very disappointed. Everything was alright, but when we saw our classroom, our mind blow away, because that room was so small and was fully congested. Last year, we were in the new building's room. But this year, it was a shock for all of us. We thought that 'School is school, not just new and old walls.' We accepted the situation. On the other hand, our classroom was just beside the Principal's cabin, which was like a threat for all of us. If we make a noise, Principal used to reach in our class and scolded us. That's why we had to control our emotions everytime.

The month of August approached, and that was the time for 'Inter-School Elections'. The elections are for every students from class 3rd to class 10th. We have also elected two years before and we had not much knowledge of electing that "Who's the right candidate for our betterment? Who just builds castles in the air? Who tries to bribe us?" But now, we were realized about elections and its importance. The elections were celebrated as a festival in our school. The candidate who won everyone in the school would cheer for them and enjoys the whole incident.

When the season of monsoon arrived, this time the water did't entered the class, but everyone would enjoy the thundering and the power in the school was like a boon for all of us.

From that year, all boys became 'Scouts' and girls became 'Guides', whose dress was like a trap for all of us, because it was tough to survive in those clothes on sunny days. Our shirts usually got wet due to sweat. Though, they were very thick, it would give us a feeling of a 'Juvenile Soldier'. We also got a cap which was the element of the uniform, and with it a whistle was also given. We weren't able to play with the caps, but many a times this things used to get exchanged. What can we play with a whistle? Just blowing and making sounds with it deliberately.

Studies were in a good condition at that time, but there was a threat in the class, which after became a problem for all of us. The problem was that, if we go out of the class for any work, and all our things are scattered on our bench, after returning nothing is left, everything was stolen by our 'mates. We didn't discussed this problem with our class teachers because, it was a student's issue and, we wanted to solve this one on our own. That's why Allen Kitts intimidated in the class, "We know that, the thief is among us, but we won't utter his name 'cause he's our friend. If we tell the name of that guy to teachers, he will obviously be punished, but he's our friend that's why we won't take any action against the one. This is the final warning for that guy. I hope you understand and stop this crime, apologise to that guys whose belongings you've stolen." The thief was frightened on listening to this announcement. The next day he silently kept all the things on the table and all students picked their things. On that everyone was happy, and girls also thanked us.

For many days the news of stolen things didn't reached our ears. Days passed and month of November approached and, that was the time for Annual Function in our school, there used to be practice in the school for dance programs. I and some other boys haven't taken part in these things. We used to get bored because no teachers used to teach in that time. For time-pass we would go to see the practice of different students and, used to roam in the school uselessly. The news of misplacing of belongings, or stealing of things came up on a large scale. We also didn't know about the thief red-handed and were trying to find the thief, but used to fail miserably. Day-by-day the cases were increasing and this news also reached the ears of teachers. She used to warn each student everyday but, nothing worked. The thefts were not stopping. After this, students (especially boys) and teachers united and made a good plan to trap the thief. Teachers said, " If you want to catch the thief red-handed, for that I will need a most trusted student from you, who's a non-participant of the function, who would patrol the class in absence of all students." Everyone suggested my name and said, "Alex can do it well." On everyone's suggestion teachers showed confidence on me. On the next day, everyone went away on their decided time and I told teacher to close the door from outside.

I had devised a plan myself to trap the thief and wanted to end this case in any condition. That's why I closed all the windows and sat on the bench next to the door. The thief silently opened the door and started opening a bag.

I stopped him and said, "Pal, your game is over now. There's no sight of escape here. Immediately confess your guilt." At the same time Amy reaches there to take water-bottle, and listens everything I just spoke. He calls teachers and all the students 'cause I've caught the thief.

That thief had covered his mouth with handkerchief, I ordered him to reveal his face, then we found that the boy was Sam Kirk of the other section, who used to steal things in absence of students.

We immediately checked his bag and found that he has too much things which he had stolen. We recoverd all things and returned them to which it belonged.

Our class-teacher took him to the Principal for giving a big punishment. After listening the whole story she took a decision, "Sam Kirk is rusticated till the closure of this Annual Function. He can join after the Annual Function. Till the ceremony he is dismissed and is strictly ordered not to be given invitation for the function."After listening to this punishment Sam started crying bitterly.

He touched the feet of Principal and said, "It was my mistake, I confess my guilt. But the decision you gave, I am feeling defeated." Principal respected to feelings of Sam and took her decision aback. But for his mistake he was to be punished, that's why he was responsibility of taking care of bottles of every participant. On this decision he was happy and satisfied, and promised not to repeat this thing again.

But the teacher wanted total safety that's why she started locking the classroom and gave the keys to me, due to which there was no fear of the stealing of things. All the students gave me their I-cards before going to practice for, I used to take care of those things. This continued till the event took place. The function was a great achievement as it was done successfully.

One day I, Maddy, Robert, Allen, David were sitting in the class as the other students have gone to play ground to play. We were just sitting and having our lunch in the period without any permission. At the same time Avi came in the class to drink water. Maddy took out an orange from someone's bag and started eating. I was constantly looking at the fan, without any reason. Maddy was in the mood of doing any knavery with very limited sources in the class. He took a slice of orange and threw in the moving fan.

"CHHUKKKK....." the slice was cut. Everyone of us including Avi was looking the whole incident. Maddy had thrown the slice on the exact fan below which Avi was sitting. When she saw the fruit cutting, the pulp of orange entered in the eyes of Avi, and that slice was thrown on the blackboard. We were laughing on seeing this incident. Suddenly, Avi cried as she felt the pain, we were extremely frightened. We immediately called out the teacher and explained her the whole situation. She rushed to Avi and took some water and put in her eyes and blowed air in her eyes, after sometime her pain abated and she got calm. After this, Maddy was called and Punished by the teacher.

In those days, all the boys were fond of watching a popular fight show 'WWE' on television, for which all boys were gone crazy. By looking at their fight moves, we used to fight with each other in the same way. We used to represent our power in front of other students. For that reason we became prey for somebody, or somebody would become our prey, due to which sometimes, we had to taste the anger of teachers. But we were like the tail of a dog, which never gets straight, always bent. But nothing would affect our mentality.

After some days, our sports teacher Miss. Ellysa Stokes organized a inter-sectional gaming competition which was only for 5th std students. The game was again the 'Frog Jump Race' I was an experienced member because I had won that race before. I easily passed the qualifying rounds and reached the final quest of that game with very ease. In the finals I had to race against very sporty persons of our school, but their fame doesn't lowered my confidence and eventually, I won the race successfully again.

Right in front of the eyes days passed and month of Jan' approached, which was the time for the 'Annual Fair' organized in our school. In this representation of our arts, culture, talent, creativity is being done, also our communication skills are developed, if we participate in the any models, presentations and charts, along with it different stalls of food items are present in this fair to increase the revenue of schools by marauding the polite visitors, well, that's not the part of discussion. One day before the fair all the classes are emptied and proper arrangements are taken for the models and students associated with it. The models are based on different subjects like Science, History, Geography, Mathematics, English and other languages. A separate room is designated for each subject's models. For getting a proper place, the students have to reach first in the class and have to book place for themselves. That year, I was involved in a model in which I, Max, Anthony, and Maddy were there. The model was so beautiful that we could get many new ideas from it. But I was so bored and tired, I resigned from their project at the ninth hour. Due to my sudden decision, my colleagues shouted and abused me. The other students of our class, who were associated with any other models, left the class, for the final decoration of projects, or due to other works. Altogether only 20-25 students were present in the class, including me. Everyone were sitting in the class, and were getting bored as we didn't had any work, all of us were bored. Someone from the girls came with up with an idea to get rid of that boredom. We began to play game of 'Parlor of Songs' a competition started between girls and boys. We boys had the solution for every tone and song the girls sang. We all were enjoying latest and retro songs. This game continued for 2-3 hours. We actually didn't wanted to play the game, but we didn't had a better option than this. After, everyone was tired, the game ended, but neither anyone won the game nor anybody lose.

The consecution of tunes was on a high note, at the same time the Principal entered our class and our forum was stopped. We felt that, she will shout on us and like everytime, she will give us the last warning of her quota. But, everyone was shocked when she said, "Make enough sound that your neighbor could tolerate it." We didn't understood what she's just said at that time, but today, we could understand it very well. At that time, those were just two lines, but after we came to know that she had given us a moral of our life. But that melodious forum's memories are still alive between us.

After this incident the bullying nature and ego was increased like the crimes in the world. We boys were not much jealous on the thing that the girls were dominating boys in studies and other activities, but the proud feeling of that success headed in their minds, their ego for being excessive intelligent was disliked by the boys. We were trying to bring back to the earth, but we forgot, that they had touched the skies. Sometimes, exchange of abusive words and vulgar language took place between boys and girls, we could simply say that the unity between us was dislodging. Resulting in the increase of enmity between us, and the trust was broken. But from my views, the proud feeling was obvious, but showing superiority on us and making fun was absolutely wrong. At that I wasn't that much cool and didn't understood all those things, I also lost my senses sometimes. Due to which, sometimes flowers showered from my mouth. The fact was that anger was became a die coil for our lives. The seed of mistrust was germinating among us. I told this whole incident to Miss. Sarah and stopped this cold-war among us. On Miss. Sarah's explanation, the egoism among girls was shattered down, due to which the girls didn't talked with us for some days. After they realized their mistake and when everything was settled down I said to girls, "You're not the only one cursed with knowledge." Everyone laughed and said, "What you are trying to explain us is beyond our thinking."

This trouble was just ended, we were cornered by a new trouble. The mistrust among boys increased, they used to quarrel and show their power to each other. Now, the discontentment was on the rise, and at the same time the two boys Anthony and Maddy made their separate group of friends. Both of them were so angry with each other that, they used to speak abusively only, and outburst their feelings. At that time, there were 23 boys in our class. When they divided their groups 11 boys were present in both the sides. Eventually, I was left, as I didn't followed anyone of them, both were trying me to go to their side, but I wasn't ready to listen anybody. When I rejected their approach, they started bribing me. They used to give me costly pens, attractive compass, ruler, pencil, I though refused to take these things. They used to bring me eatables and other drinks, but I didn't listened to anybody.

At last, I was tired of this things, I decided to give my reply. I said, "I can become a member of both of your teams, only on one condition." Both of them eagerly asked, "What's the condition?" I told them, "If you forget your accusations and hug each other, then only I will become a member."

On this reply both laughed and hugged each other. Both of them apologized to the teachers, to me and to other students for their deeds, and thanked me for I ended the antipathy among them. Anthony said, "If you would became a participant of any team, this discontentment and quarrels wouldn't have ended ever." The series of big-small quarrels ended, once again that nuisance, lovely fights began. The hustle and bustle started in the class and our friendship got outreached.

From this thing, I learnt that most problems could be solved by speaking, rather than fighting. We should have a positive outlook towards any problem, then only we could survive any conditions. After this incident, I became an advisor for everyone and used to give me importance. By learning this morale, we promised to progress in our life.

Some days passed without any problem and everyone was happy. In those days, many students of our class were fond of singing, which was like a trend in our school. One day the students were studying and the singing practioners were busy in practicing outside the class. After some time, all of them came back. We were surprised to see that those students came back crying. All of us were in absolute shock. Teacher was also asking them the reason of their sorrow, but they were so engrossed in crying that, they were not in the condition to speak. The students were Amy, Aldrich, Sezon, Kia, Sakshi. All of them were not ready to calm down themselves. On this unexpected incident, the turmoil among students grew.

After some time, we got the news from our sources that, our Music Professor Mr. Alfred Godzilla was thrown out by our Principal, which was the reason of their sorrow. A very efficient trainer was thrown out that's why everyone singer was feeling bad and destitute.

Building their consolation Mam said, "Change is the rule of nature. After sunshine shadow takes place, night comes after day, in the same way, when a new person enters our life, it flourishes and we become happy, but when that loved person exits from our life, we become sad and depressed, disappointment takes place in our life, but overcoming that situation is the toughest exam of our life. You have to be delighted that the new Music teacher will enter in your life." After listening to inspiring words of Mam, everyone get calmed. Mam said, "I don't know, whether, I will continue for next session, but looking at your helplessness, I feel that you will need me a lot." I care about you that's why I will tell you one thing that you(Alex) should be in this school til 10th std. and give them right solution to their problems." I promised that, I will try to follow your advice. I could not imagine what my ears just heard! I was in a surprise. But, I left my excitement and said, "The same thing will happen as you imagined."

In the mean time, there was a progress in the good behavior of girls, but day-by-day their perkiness was increasing. One day, I was so angry on that thing, that I lost my cool and control. To calm down my anger, I gave a very hard blow to a girl, she was very badly injured, but I was happy on taking reveng. But today, when I think about my action, I feel guilty, how badly I reacted on that day, that I couldn't control my anger in that particular situation. Today also, I feel ashamed of that incident.

With this bitter and sweet memories, our annual exams approached. This year also, there was not progress compared to last year. This year also I came second in the points table, which was not a very great attraction for me. This year also, most of the students were defeated in front of Mathematics. Due to which our Maths teacher Miss. Kate Perry was upset on my result. She was hoping me to score full marks in Maths. She said, "This year you have scired less marks, but the next year I will expect full marks in every semester, otherwise, I will give you a big punishment." I said, "I will do my best and would focus more on Maths, I will score good marks in every subject." In this way, I and other students had successfully passed this session.

Pranay Umredkar as Pritam Boseman

Atharva Jadhav as Aldrich Jeffer

Anuj Rawat as Ajit Rawal

Pratik Ingole as Pratik Pangol

Vedant Shinde as Vegas Smith

Shreyash Tambe as Peter Hughes