Days passed and on we reached 6th std. This year totally 3 new idiots were added to our list.
Fugle Tickner; who never spoke with ease, never talked straight. He used to think himself as overpowered, and was studying just only for his name.
Monty Goggle (Jackfruit); a renowned player of 'Ball Badminton', most self-respected guy, leaving me, used to talk arrogantly with others.
Smith Washington; the guy with immense simplicity, peace minded and a very knowledgeable person, who had the knowledge other than studies. The researches related to space was his favourite topic to study.
That year, there was a major change in our sitting arrangement. In the last year we were allotted a room of old building but, this year, there was like a miracle, as we given a room in the new building. That year our class teacher was also changed. For the present year, our class teacher was Miss. Elizabeth Sherwood, which was the best one I've seen in my life. The every word she explained, I would remember it for long time, she was polite in nature. She was a 'helping hand' for sincere students and strict for rogues.
When we were shifted to the new building, a new game was invented for all students, that was slipping along the floor. We used to slip with the help of our shoes, which became a mode of entertainment for all of us. The one who could slip more, became like a pro for us, and blindly used to give importance. In the same game, a development was made, we used to knock down the one, who was just standing and was lost in his own memories. Due to which, many a times, students would get hurt badly. We were regularly scolded by our teachers. For the same thing we were punished everyday, or we could simply say that without any scolding of teachers, our day won't begin. The day when we were not scolded, that felt to be like deserted for our ears.
Days passed on and in students, especially boys a trend was followed by all, that was the student sitting on last bench would enjoy the benefit of sitting and chilling like a Emperor. We were proud for the students, who got a chance to sit on the last bench. For this reason, everyone would fight everyday for getting the last bench. Due to regular fights, the girls would have to face a problem because of us. For the reason, mam decided a solution. She ordered us to follow the rotation method, due to which everyone got a chance to sit on the last bench once in a week. We were thankful for our teacher's decision.
After this, a cold war arose again between Maddy and Anthony. I wasn't also able to predict the root of their enmity. This case was gone onto a very large extent, which proved to be a matter of loss for all of us. The reason would be, that they would be discussing on a topic, and in that , maybe their views would be different and the fight may be arised. Their fight was impacting our studies. They used to speak abusively with each other. They won't left a chance to create problems in studies.
"Oh my ghosh!" I forgot to tell you about one thing. That year, there was one other personality which made our school life a hell till 10th. That was none other than Miss. Jazz Paton, which had joined our school as a language teacher. There was one benefit in her teaching that, when she used to explain us anything, we could understood or not, but used to sleep during her teaching. In the whole class, for Robert, she was not other than foe for him. She would love to tease the students by assigning tests, rather than studying. In a week, twice or thrice she would assign us tests, which further become a mode of boredom for all students.
Other than her, a new teacher had entered our school, whose name was English, but used to taught us regional language. Her name was Miss. Sofia Johnson. On listening her name we felt that she would teach us English, but all of us were shocked when we came to know she was going to teach us French. This was new for all of us, on which we laughed. We felt that being English how could she teach us French. But our uncertainty was cleared when she started speaking French, it was so fluent and pleasing to hear, but on the other hand it was a new quest for us to learn French. In this she introduced herself. "BONJOUR, JE M'APPELLE SOFIA JOHNSON. JE SUIS I'AUTEUR DE LA LETTRE. JE SUIS RAVI DE VOUS RECONTRER."
Everything she spoke, was pleasing to hear but we were not able to understand a single word she spoke. This was an example of immense unity among countrymen, we all were impressed.
Another language teacher named 'Miss. Kim West' approached in our school to teach us Japanese. First of all she gave her introduction in Japanese.
I would seriously tell you that, this line was out of our context. When she took her name we felt that, might she would be giving her introduction. We were excited to learn both the languages.
A magical event happened in our school, which we could remember till today. We experienced a lot of fun from a new teacher who entered our school, 'Miss. Helen Hall'. She joined our school as a librarian. But more than taking care of library, she would be in the classes where free periods would be there. She had a funny habit, which all of us could remember it for ages. Where all the teachers used different words and phrases to scold us, there Miss. Helen would scold only by saying, "A…Hey…A…Hey". On listening we would laugh on her scolding style, because her vocabulary didn't moved forward than these words. We felt that Miss. Helen didn't know anything other than this "A..Hey."
This was all about new guests arrived in our school. Our life was not lesser than any tragedy, because new problems arose everyday in our life. Many a times on Thursdays, our other activities were conducted, and mostly making artefacts with paper would be our choice. On the same day all the students were engrossed in making the best things they could. You all know, that the girls are more creative than boys, they were busy in their work and we, boys, were just searching anything to make that time a enjoyable moment. We started making balls of pages and throwing it at each other, due to which the girls were disturbed by us. Suddenly, someone from us threw a page outside the classroom, which went into the staff room and hit Miss. Sofia. She was so angry that she came and started her French speech.
"QUEL TYPE D'ETUDIANT ETIEZ VOUS?" (What kind of students you are?)
"QUI A OSE ME FRAPPER CETTE PAGE?" (Who dared to hit me this page?)
"VOUS ETES TOUS COUPBLES." (You all are the culprits.)
At the same time Miss. Kim reached there and asked, "NANI GO OKOTTA MAMA? DOSHITE SAKENDE IRU NO (What happened mam, why are you shouting?)
Miss. Sofia asked, "MAMAN CE QUE TU VIENS DE DIRE, POUVEZ-VOUS S'IL VOUS PLAIT EXPLIQUER." (Mam, can you explain, what just you said?)
Now, Miss. Sofia forgot about us and both the teachers started speaking in their alma-mater language. We all left our work and were enjoying the 'Clash of Languages'. Both of them were not ready to speak English. We were listening, but were unable to understand anything, no subtitles were present in this clash, but though we were enjoying that case.
Miss. Kim requested, "MAMA WA EIGO O HANASEMASU KA, WATASHI WA ANATA O RIKAI SURU KOTO GO DEKIMASEN." (Mam, could you speak English, I am unable to understand you.)
On this Miss. Sofia explained her dilemma, "MADEMOISELLE. KIM COMMENT T'EXPLIQUER, LES ELEVES DE 6TH A SONT TELLEMENT COQUINS QU'ILS M'ONT JETE UNE BOULE DE PAPIER." (Miss. Kim how could I explain you, the students of 6th A are so naughty that they threw a ball of paper on me.)
Miss. Kim was so upset, she said, "SOFIA GA KOISHI WATASHI WA ANATA NI EIGO DE HANASU YO NI ONEGAISHIMASU. ANATA NA EIGO DE HANASUNARA, WATASHIDAKE GA ANATA NO MONDAI NO KAIKETSUSAKU O MITSUKERU KOTO GA DEKIMASU." (Miss. Sofia, I request you to speak in English. If you speak English then only I could find any solution to your problem.)
Miss. Sofia asked, "J'ESPERE QUE TU COMPRENDS. BONNE JOURNEE A VENIR MAMAN. JE REVIENDRAI APRES AVOIR GRONDE CES COQUINS." (I hope you understood. Have a good day ahead, mam. I will be back after scolding those rogues.)
Miss. Sofia came in our class and Miss. Kim was standing there chanting to herself, "NANI O NOGASHITA NO KA. SOFIA WA WATASHI NI ITTA?" (What did Miss. Sofia told me?) She went away in confusion.
Miss Sofia was angry and started her French speech, "HE LES GARS SANS VERGOGNE, EST-CE LA FACON DE TRAITER LES ENSEIGNANTS? SAVEZ-VOUS CE QUE VOUS AVEZ FAIT? VOUS AVEZ INSULTE VOTRE PROFESSUR! J'AI SENTI QUE TU ETIAS INNOCENT, MAIS AUJOURD'HUI, TU T'ES REVELE. JE NE PEUX PAS TOLERER MON INSULTE. MAINTENANT, JE VAIS TE PUNIR. TOUT D'ABORD DIS-MOI, QUI A OSE FAIRE CA? BON, PERSONNE NE ME DIT LE NOM DU VRAI VOYOU. ALORS, JE ME PLAINDRAI AU DIRECTEUR DE VOUS TOUS. TU NE ME CONNAIS PAS. JE VAIS EXPOSER TOUT LE MONDE. (Hey shameless fellows, is this the way to treat your teachers? Do you know what you have done? You've insulted your teacher! I felt you're innocent, but today, you revealed yourself. I cannot tolerate my insult. Now, I will punish you. First of all tell me, who dared to do this? Good, nobody is telling me name of the real rogue. Then, I will complain to Principal about all of you. You don't know me, I'll expose everyone.)
We were unable to understand anything, but her words sounded that she was so angry on our mistake. We didn't revealed the name, but apologized her and promised not to do this again. When our class teacher, Miss. Elizabeth heard about this news, she came into the class hurriedly. She saw the whole class became very dirty after that activity, she strictly ordered us to clean the whole class before going to home. We cleaned the class, after she discussed that particular incident with us. Still, we were not revealing the name of the culprit. She took a duster and started beating everyone on their hands with duster whose backside was very tough, and now we were feeling the real pain. Everyone cried out in pain, "Ohh…Shit/ Ouch/ Ahh….." That became a memorable event for all of us.
After some days, the same incident happened with Miss. Satte Koser, our Science teacher. She was writing something on the board. At the same time Robert took a piece of paper and threw it on mam, she turned around and asked, "Who did this?" Someone from the girls revealed that Robert has done. After that, Robert was beaten very badly. Such many incidents were happened which showed that we were not fear of teachers.
The days passed on and the Annual Cultural Event of or school was on it's way. It brought some happiness for us because like previous other sections, I never tried to be a part of that. I along with some boys were not the participants, we used to sit in the class gossiping with each other, making fun and enjoying the off-periods. But, sitting for hours was become a boredom for all of us. We came up with a idea. We wanted to play Cricket in the class, but we were not allowed to bring ball in school, so we tried to make it in the class with limited resources. We made a ball of used/crushed paper, but to give it proper shape was a task, so we used to take paper tapes from peons, giving reason of 'Academic use' and would use it to make our ball solid. Bat was not any difficult task. Taking anybody's cardboard and started playing with it. Sometimes, the ball used to go out of the window and fell down either in the school compound, or outside the school. We were many a times scolded by our teachers, but we were not ready to listen anybody. One day, in the sake of playing, I threw a ball outside the class which fell down near to Miss. Kim, now the time's come for us to listen the AIR Program in Japanese.
Approaching with her furious look at us she asked, "ANATA WA BAKADESU KA? ANATA WO NANDO MO KURASU DE SONO YONA KOTO O SHINAI YO NI IWA REMASU. WATASHI NO GENGO GA WAKARIMASEN KA?" (Are everyone fools here? You're many a times told not to do such things in the class. Don't you understand my language?)
I wasn't unable to understand anything she said. I felt that she would be asking, "Will all of you play in the class?" On feeling this thing I replied, "No" She gave a very confused look to me and said, "MAZU DA ICHI NI, ANATA WA MACHIGAI O OKASHI, SOREKARA WATASHI O HAZUKASHIMERU TAME NI RANBONA KOTOBA O TSUKAIMASU! (First of all, you make a mistake and then use bandy words to humiliate me!)
Now, I felt she might be saying, "Next time I didn't want any complaint from you. Is that okay?" I mistakenly replied there, "Yes mam."
This time, she was on very angry on me, "IMA, ANATA WA ANATA NO GENKAI O KOEMASHITA. WATASHI WA ANATA TO ANATA NO SHITSUREINA KODO NI TSUITE KOCHO NI FUHEI O IIMASU. (Now, you've crossed all your limits. I will complain to Principal about you and your rude behavior.)
I was unknown about anything she spoke, now, I predicted that, "I am just bringing my books, till then make no noise." For this I replied, "You take your time to come, till then, I will take care of the class."
Now the anger of Miss. Kim was out of control, she was in rage. "ANATA WA ANATA NO KANKAKUDESU KA? ATAMA NO NAKA NI NO GA ARIMASU KA? ANATA WA CHOKAKU SHOGAI-SHADESU KA, SORETOMO CHOKAKU SHOGAI-SHA NO YO NI FURUMAU FURI O SHITE IMASU KA? (Are you in your senses? Do you have brain in your head? Are you deaf, or are you pretending to act like a deaf?)
I was cursing myself that why I didn't tried to learn Japanese, "God should not experiment with anybody by showing this worse day." How my fortune was playing with me. I can't explain it in words. Well, somehow, I came out from this mess with great difficulty.
Manthan Nagrare as Fugle Tickner
Mayank Gayakwad as Monty Goggle
Spandan Neware as Smith Washington.
Great viewers. Stay tuned as next part "The Sixth Sense- Part 2" coming soon!!!!! (^_^♪)