5:Strengthening Realm Consummated.

One year later.

Wang Wei was sitting under a tree in the backyard while concentrating on the moon and controlling star energy with the Turtle breathing technique. The weather was cloudy with a gentle breeze stirring the fallen leaves. Star energy which was invisible to ordinary people was gathering on Wang Wei's body and strengthened his body at astonishing speed.

After a few minutes star energy enriching his blood, bone, skin to maximum capacity. His whole body turns red. Wang Wei controlled the bloody energy on his body and guided it to the bone marrow to finish the last step of strengthening.

When blood energy surrounded the bone and he started to refine it in the order described in the Turtle cheat book. Blood energy slowly but surely infiltrated the bone and strengthened it. A few moments later a pain assaulted his senses.

Wang Wei moaned in unbearable pain with difficulty. The pain intensified in passing instants without any intention of stopping. he also clenched his teeth in order not to let out any sound to alarm his parents. Otherwise, they will disturb him.

Time passes slowly when you're suffering. I think this sentence is true based on the fact of what I am going through now. Minutes felt like years. When does the pain be at its limit? he almost screamed. But the pain lessened just after a few moments.

The blood energy fully invaded the bone and started to refine and expel the impurities and filth in the body and replaced the new and energetic bone marrow with improved potential and efficiency. Then new and improved bone marrow expelled and replaced the old blood with new blood that produced with the supply of star energy. Old skin shed completely and replaced new pure white skin without any scars from training.

With the supply of star energy, he started to practice the Turtle breath technique and tried to open meridians in the body that just finished marrow cleaning. When you just washed bone marrow, it's very easy to open the meridian.

That's how most people in martial arts sects and noble family descents best the normal people by supplying medicines and drugs in a period after washing bone marrow to open meridians.

But if there was such a shortcut for practising Martial Arts. Then there will be many more Martial Artists than they are present now. The reason why there are not many people using this method is that. This process requires multi-tasking ability, talent and resources.

Wang Wei was lucky enough with a superpower, so doesn't need medicine and drugs. He does have talent better than normal people, but not the level of heaven-defying. With the help of Ai, he can perform multi-tasking. That's why he can begin the process of opening meridians.

Wang Wei is commanded ' Ai help me with the control star energy with Turtle breathing in open meridians. "

[ Star energy is controlled and attacking Twelve main meridians. Twelve main meridians opened easily and proceed to attack Eight minor meridians. Eight minor meridians have some clots in the way. ]

[ Requested permission to apply more force using star energy in the opening meridians. ]

[ Allowed or Not allowed ]

Wang Wei ordered ' allowed '. He was already tired from the blood leaking out of his body due to twelve meridians that opened.

[ Inputting more forces to clear the clots in the pathway of Eight small meridians. ]

Wang Wei groaned in slight pain due to extra force but it's still in controllable range.

[ 8 small meridians are opened and now blood energy can circulate meridian pathways. ]

Wang Wei is not satisfied with this, because of the facts that Cheat Book mentioned. only if you open all the meridians can you even have hope to cultivate to innate. So he ordered the Ai with resolution ' open other small, hidden and miscellaneous meridians by increasing the input of star energy. '

[ Executing the given command, star energy extraction is increased and processing speed of Turtle breath Technique is increased. Impacting on small, hidden and other miscellaneous meridians are being impacted with increased force. All meridians are opened. mission success. ]

Wang Wei splurted blood when all the meridians are opened with force and felt body got lightened. He felt that he can use his current force to its full potential. The blood energy in his body now fully completes the cycle and damages from the strong force are slowly healing and meridians broadened and strengthened in this process.

The blood energy cycles through the meridian like the patrol team of the village. Looking for unprotected parts and protect them. If there are any damaged parts, heal or replace them.

All the tiredness are swept away by cycles of blood energy and the face gained a healthy colour. After breaking through the meridians realm, the next step is Acupoint opening. This is the realm most Martial Artists are stuck in for a lifetime.

You can't open your Acupoints with the background or money. Even talent can't help you here, it requires savvy or smartness and will to find every acupoint in the body. Acupoints positions vary from one person to another person.

There are more than 2000 Acupoints in the human body. it requires deadly concentration to find them and place them in the order of their Martial Arts method.

Opening Acupoints not to absorb anything from the outside world. Acupoints are being opened to control your waste excrement in the body via other organs or glands. After opening Acupoints you can control all your waste to go through the only waste hole used to expel from the waste in daily life.

Through this method, you can save energy that got wasted and invest them in useful ways. When you are poisoned, you can use Acupoints to expel the poisoned Substance. You can breathe with Acupoints in water and land. You can use the innate energy outside using Acupoints in the Innate realm.

To open Acupoints in the body you have to locate them and use your blood energy to open them in the order described in Your Martial Arts cheat. Because it produces corresponding special effects, according to their exercises.

After summing up every detail, Wang Wei ordered ' Ai now open Acupoints in the order of Turtle Breathing Technique continuously without wasting time. '

[ it requires the overloaded function to open All the Acupoints in order. do you proceed? ]

Wang Wei thanked for a minute and inquired the Ai ' what's the drawback of overloaded function. '

[ Overload function his overriding your brain with more energy and operating multi-tasking at light speed. After opening all the Acupoints. You may lose consciousness and can't practice Martial Arts for a month. ]

Wang Wei ' even if I lose consciousness. It's not a big deal. I can just sleep here. not practising Martial Arts for a month, not that big loss. Maybe I can get to know the village for a while and play like a normal child and fulfil my mothers wish. '

After contemplating he commanded the Ai ' proceed '

[ initiating the overload function. ]

Wang Wei now appeared in a magical state of cutting all the senses to the outside world and focusing inside his body and receiving all kinds of information about his body. Slowly the rate of information flowing in decreased and he mapped everything about his body.

Now he found little star-like things present in his body in a very hidden space and very small to notice without deep concentration. After finding one Acupoint it's easier to find others. Within few minutes he found the star map.

Then he started to open them in the order of the Turtle breathing Technique. After few minutes, he opened all the Acupoints. The star-like acupoints that he opened all over the body. Now formed in the shape of a Turtle shield.

[ beep beep overloaded mode his ended and opened all the Acupoints and gained magical powers turtle Sheild method and attained consummate in strengthening realm. ]

After opening and forming Turtle shield Acupoints. Wang Wei is exhausted from Overload mode and fainted with a smile on his face in the moonlight.

At night during dinner time.

Zhang Jing looking at the door with worry. Because Wei doesn't come late and it already dinner time. he will always come before dinner time and play with his younger brother for few minutes. So she sent her youngest child to call for his second brother.

At this time Wang Yong came in with his eldest son and looked at worried Zhang Jing and Asked with a puzzled tone " what's with the ugly face. "

Zhang Jing got angry at her husband's response. So she spoke out loudly " Who's ugly you're the ugly face. Wei is late for dinner, but he always comes before, I prepare dinner. That's why I'm worried. "

Before finishing the sentence her youngest child came in and said loudly while shuttering and gasping " Wei brother is covered in the blood and sleeps on the ground. "

After hearing what their youngest child saying, Zhang Jing and Wang Yong came with worry to the backyard and found that their son was covered in blood lying under the tree in the moonlight with a serene expression while Wang Li Carried his younger brother who was crying and shuttering nonsense with him.