6:Normal Village Boy Wang Wei.

Zhang Jing cried loudly while trying to carry Wang Wei home " My child, What happened to you. Yong, you should hurry up and help me carry our hour son home. "

Wang Yong just nodded and moved closer and checked his pulse and said " it's nothing wife. He's fine, he may be backslashed from practising Martial Arts wrongly. After he is still young " Yong himself in the realm of Skin Strengthening. He doesn't know much about the higher-level Martial Artists realm. So he just concluded, it was caused due to wrong practice and it's not his fault. Because he too tried to break through the higher realm and get famous in the village in the hot-blooded age.

Zhang Jing sighed with relief and said with a resolute tone " He shouldn't practice Martial Arts anymore and I won't allow it. It's ok if my son just farmed the land and marry a gentle wife and give birth to a few grandchildren. "

Wang Yong interrupted her imagination and told " Ok stop, first let's carry him home. "

In the bedroom of Wang Wei and his younger brother. Zhang Jing used the wet cloth to wipe the blood from Wang Wei's body while his father moved his body to help Zhang Jing to wipe his body at the back and other parts.

After cleaning Wang Wei. Zhang Jing went to prepare chicken soup from the chicken her husband brought from the butcher shop for Wang Wei and she tried to wake him up. But he slept for a while and awoke. she waited for him to wake, but she was also tired from emotions up and down, she slept on his side. Wang Li and Wang Jie slept in the main bedroom while Wang Yong can't sleep. So he drank some alcohol and slept in a chair in the living room.

Wang Wei opened his eyes and looked at the sleeping mother and felt guilty. But he can't accompany them throughout his life Because of his choice. So he decided to let them live as ignorant of his matters to avoid unnecessary things.

Zhang Jing wakes up from the sound of Wang Wei's body moving around. She looked at her son and asked kindly " Are you ok, do you feel pain anywhere in your body. "

Wang Wei smiled and said casually " It's ok mom. Theirs no wound or injury on my body. I'm fine. "

Then Zhang Jing asked aggressively " Then from where did the blood come from. "

Wang Wei got embarrassed and replied lightly with a quiet voice " It's nothing I just coughed some blood from the wrong practising way. "

Zhang Jing got angry at his careless attitude and said angrily " You will not practice Martial Arts from now on. Do you understand? "

Wang Wei nodded his head. Zhang Jing was surprised at his acceptance and felt that maybe the child is scared of today's accident. So she changed her tone and spoke in a kind tone " ok, don't worry child. you can just farm in the village or work in some shop in the city and marry a good daughter-in-law. "

Wang Wei nodded helplessly to his mother's question without making any promises. Wang Yong also woke from Zhang Jing's voice. He came in and said " Don't worry Wei, there's no problem with your body. You can practise Martial Arts, after good rest for a week. "

Zhang Jing said loudly " You shut up. He already decided not to practice Martial Arts and decided to live normally. " after saying that she went out.

Wang Yong looked surprised and looked at his son with a questioning look. Wang Wei also responded with a nod, expressing that he follows what his mother says. Wang Yong looked a little surprised, but not much. After all, Wang Wei is just 8 years old. It's normal to change things when you are not interested in that much.

Wang Yong just nodded and said, after thinking for a few minutes " Wait till you're 10 years old. I'll introduce you to the blacksmith shop that my friend works in the city as an apprentice. Now take a rest and forget about everything. "

Wang Wei nodded, while Zhang Jing already came in with the heated chicken soup and said " Yeah it's a good idea husband. Only with some skill, can you survive in this society. Ok, let's end the talk here. Wang Wei open your mouth. "

Wang Wei was given in and opened his mouth and accepted the hot, thick and slightly spicy chicken soup. He finished the soup in a few minutes and yawned. Zhang Jing said with a lovely smile " okay it's already late. you should sleep. good night sweety. " she placed a kiss on my forehead as a final touch before going out.


At morning.

Wang Wei woke up late after his father and elder brother went to their daily business. it feels different because he was used to waking up before others and working out in the backyard or looking for interesting things in his free time.

Zhang Jing said to him while doing chores in the kitchen " Wang Wei first wash your face and clean your mouth before touching the food on the table. After finishing, help me take care of your younger brother and buy some vegetables from the grocery store, bag and money on the table. "

Wang Wei nodded his head and went to the bathroom to finish his daily activities, came out within less than half an hour and ate the bowl of noodles with a boiled egg. Finished the breakfast in a few minutes and hung his brother on the back of him with the help of a baby carrying bag and strolls to the grocery store.

Everything with long-term income is already occupied by the villagers living here for a long time. But the village head post can't be occupied by the same family. The requirements for village heads are they should be hunters for a long time and have to fight in competition and win to get village elders permission.

This way of selecting the village heads was created and revised by dozens of mistakes made by their past village heads and elders. So everybody who participating in this has to be honest and win with Brute force and good character for village benefits and should look at things for long-term benefits.