14:Marriage Talk.

Wang Wei questioned the Ai " How to solve side effects. Is side effects permanent or temporary? "

[ From scanning the body. Side effects are found to be temporary and it will go away with enough blood energy.

Estimated time: 1hours. ]

Wang Wei ' It's will be better, if I shouldn't experiment with my body like this anymore. I should consult the Ai before making any decisions that can drastically affect me. phew! '

Wang Li took the hunted rabbit and started to clean it. when he found the rabbit had died.

Wang Yong found that Wang Wei face is paler. So he got worried and asked " What's the problem? why is your face gone pale? " he touched his son's body and looked for any symptoms of poisoning. After funding nothing he took the pulse.

Wang Yong ' There's no poisoning sign. Hmm, he looks like he lost a lot of blood. Maybe he stressed about hunting rabbits. Whatever, I can't understand the mind of the child. everyone one of them is different '

Wang Wei ( I hope he isn't rough type. Otherwise, I have to get beaten.)mumbled quietly with a shy expression " it's just hunting small animals. I felt a little sad dad. "

Wang Yong( I forget he's just a child. I taught just because, he behaved maturely. So he won't have these types of sentiments. But he proved otherwise, then I have to give a talk) said " Son, having kindness is a good thing. But in this world, if you want to be kind you have to be strong. To become strong you have to leave this kindness for a while. After becoming stronger than anyone else, you don't have to hunt small animals to your wish. "

Wang Wei continued to act like a naive kid and nodded. At this time Wang Li came back with a cleaned rabbit and said " Dad let's go home it's already noon and I'm hungry. "

Wang Yong also nodded and said slowly with a serious expression " Ok let's go home. Come on Li help Wei, don't waste time " After finishing his sentence Wang Yong and his sons stepped out of the forest with a hunted rabbit and stopped at the watcher office.

The middle-aged man at the desk at the watcher office looked up at Wang Yong his family members and said with a smile while looking at Wang Wei and the rabbit carried by Wang Li " Ho ho look at who we got here. A fierce hunter who just finished his first hunt. I hope you mighty hunter would leave some animals for our common folks. "

Wang Wei faces flushed with shame at the thought of being teased by a bearded middle-aged man.

Wang Wei ( I just want to grow faster to wash away the shame of a 30-year-old soul getting teased by a middle-aged man. Ha what a mess. )

Wang Yong stopped the embarrassment of his son by saying " It's enough scarface just note us down. We got to move. "

The middle-aged man released a deep sigh and spoke with a sad tone " Nowadays there's no respect for the older generation. Why do I still live, just to suffer? "

After coming out of the office Wang Wei asked " Dad why do he behave differently than in the morning. "

Wang Yong looked around for anybody presence and after finding nobody. He said quietly " He probably drunk some liquor. he behaves like that. Don't tell mom that I told you about this. "


At home, dining table.

Wang Wei sitting at one of the tables and chewing the rabbit leg while listening to his parent's debate. Wang Yong said " I invited the family from clover village for dinner and one night stay. They responded enthusiastically to the invitation and said ' We are glad you invited us soon. But our daughter is already 15 years old. So it's better if we marry her to your son soon.' I said ok. So you should prepare the best dinner for the night and clean the guest room for them. "

Zhang Jing questioned " You, I can't believe you. Why don't you say it sooner? It's already afternoon. I have to cook a special dinner and clean our house and for god's sake. Please bathe and put on some new clothes. "

Wang Yong responded " I just bathed two days ago. "

Wang Li laughed loudly at his father. Wang Yong replied with a fierce stare. Zhang Jing just knocked him on the head.

Zhang Jing declared with an irritable expression " Look, I don't care if you bathed before two days or three days. I said go clean yourself and Wang Li you too. Go away. "

Wang Li then inquired with a complaining tone " Then, what about Wei and Jie. "

For that Zhang Jing responded with " Wei baths every day and brush his teeth. Not like you. If you continued to behave like that. Your wife will probably don't like you. Now go clean yourself. "

Wang Li said with an arrogant tone " If the wife doesn't like men like me. Then why are you still with dad? I know women only like strong man and I am the strongest man among my peers. So stop scaring me. Every woman in the village wants to marry me. "

Zhang Jing got angry and slapped him on the head while saying " Go away you runt, don't waste my time. "

Wang Li just rubbed the head where his mother had just beaten him and said " Mom, you should stop beating me like this. I am gonna be a man soon. So how could I show myself as a man to my wife? If you beat me like that. "

Zhang Jing anger was fuelled by his comment. So she said " So what, If you speak like this anymore. I will beat you again. " she aimed for his head again.

Wang Li moved away from his mother's attempt and started to run away while saying loudly " Mom you're getting old. So don't try some heavy movements. "

Zhang Jing just snorted coldly while looking at the disappearing figure with melancholy in her eyes. Then she turned around. Wang Wei ducked his head and started eating food shows, He doesn't see anything.

Zhang Jing ( This kid, I hope he doesn't change that much after marriage. Ha time surely moves fast. It feels unreal that this brat is getting married. )