15:Future In-laws.

A few hours later, in the evening hours, a family of members were travelling in a cart pulled by horses to Black Mountain Village. The cart stopped at the door of Wang Wei's house and four people walked out of the cart. The first member is a girl about 15 years old with long black hair and white skin.

Followed by a little girl who was less than 5 years old with two little braids looking curiously at everything around her. Lastly middle-aged man with short black hair and moustache and a 30-year old woman with long black hair and a voluptuous body shape.

The Middle-aged man took the lead and walked towards the door while everyone else followed him. He knocked on the door. Wang Yong who heard the sound opened the door with a smile and smile " Well you're finally here. Even if you're a little late. Come in Mr Zhou and Mrs Zhou, feel like you're in your own house. "

Mr Zhou also responded enthusiastically and said " Haha you don't have to tell me that. I already feel like I'm in my home. "

After that, he said to his wife and daughters " Come on, let's go in. "

Zhang Jing also came out and welcomed them with a smile while Wang Wei hide in the corner and evaluated the guests for any potential danger.

Wang Wei ( hmm they look like normal people. The sister in law looks like a normal village pretty girl. Not enough to cause a fight over her even in a village. The in-laws don't look like reclusive Master in hiding from his enemies. So it's all ok for now. )

After asserting the details Wang Wei stopped hiding and came out to greet them with a smile. While Zhang Jing introduced others " Hello, this is my second son and there's still a last one. For a moment he's sleeping. "

Then she bent down and said to Wang Wei " Wei take the little girl and show around the house or just entertain her and keep an eye on your brother too. Ok. "

Wang Wei just nodded and took the little girls hand and walked out of the hall, who was looking everything around curiously. Mrs Zhou asked Zhang Jing " Can he watch over her seriously. You know it's safe to leave kids alone anywhere. "

Zhang Jing replied with pride " You don't have to worry. Wei is the one who took care of his younger brother and he is also a Martial Artist. "

Mrs Zhou heaved a sigh of relief " You got it easy. It's very bad outside if you leave your kid out of your sight. There's so many of them to kidnap and sell for those rich nobles or to be a cheap miner in a private mine. "

Zhang Jing said " Yeah I know, there's always some lazy and waste people out there to make money with kids life. I hope this kind of person gets punishment enough for their crimes. Ha, let's forget about this kind of people. Now I heard that you want your daughter to marry soon... "


Wang Wei is carrying the little girl to his room while talking to her " Hey little girl, I will take you to the boy at age of yours. You can play with him. If you don't get out of the room without my permission. If you want, you can follow my brother. But you should not be out my of eyesight. If you don't follow what I said. I will take you to the ghost in our backyard. "

The little girl paled at listening to his words and she looked like she's about to cry. So Wei hurriedly said " You don't have to cry. I am just kidding with you. "

She stopped looking like she's about to cry. So Wei continued " But there's a ghost in our village. The ghost likes children, mainly girls. So you should not go out of our house without anyone. "

The little girl eyes redden. But she didn't cry just nodded for Wang Wei's question.

Wang Wei doesn't feel good about this. But he has to do it. Because there's no way in hell. He's gonna spend by looking after a kid. Only if he's in the mood will he play with kids, not always and he is an important thing to do today.

Wang Wei ( Ha finally, I am gonna breakthrough Acquired realm and become city level powerhouse and state-level safehouse. To walk anywhere in the area surrounding the city without fear of unexpected danger. Because even if there are some, they can be solved with the Acquired realm and finally, I can get out of the village and execute the next set of plans to look for some Martial Arts skills and Internal Strength. What I have is only External Martial Arts. All that is pending his Brothers marriage and one-year timeline. )

Wang Wei gets inside the room and tells his younger brother. Who stood up and stands straight while saluting his big brother. Wang Wei just said " Your today's mission is taking care of this little girl. That's it team dismiss. " His younger brother took the bewildered little girl with a serious expression.

At this Wang Li came in and asked excitedly " Hey, how's your sister in law. Do you get to look at her? Does she look good?? Hey, say something. Why are you not talking? Your facial expression is not looking good. Does that mean she's ugly? What do I do if she's ugly? Dad won't let me change her. What can I do hey Wei say something? "

Wang Wei was just surprised that his brother talking so much. Always he talks less and asks dumb questions. But now looks like, he's pretty excited about his future wife. So he said the truth " Brother slow down. I just got overwhelmed by your questions. Sister in law looks pretty beautiful and gentle. From what I see she talks less and is shy. So, she is perfect for our family. "

Wang Li's face flushed red and he said excitedly " I know father won't do me badly and don't tell dad about anything, I asked. Ok bye. " He exited the room at the same speed, he came in.