19:One-Eyed Tiger City.

Wang Wei and Wang Yong rode a horse as they travelled on a mud road surrounded by trees. A climate is a little cloudy without any rain and there are other travellers occasionally seen on way. Others are not bothered by two peasants on a horse from an unknown village. Everybody minded their own business.

As the wind blew the long rough black hair of Wang Yong. He explained " Wei, do you have any doubts about the city. You can ask me now. "

Wang Wei asked with anticipation " Dad, who is head of City and is there any larger city than the One-Eye Tiger city. "

Wang Yong was satisfied with his son's maturity. Because it's not unprecedented for children with extra quirks. At least his son is in the normal category. There are cunning kids, ruthless kids and kids who kill without batting an eye in the city's slum area.

Wang Yong replied with a thinking expression " One-Eyed Tiger city is the nearby city and our village under the jurisdiction of it and I don't know who is head of the city. But I know he's from the sideline of the Tiger Noble family. One-Eyes tiger city and other cities in this region are under the control of the Tiger Noble family. "

" There are other regions with their respective noble families to control and maintain the cities and villages. All region is under the control of the royal family. Our empire name is a green wolf empire and there are also other Kingdom & Empires in the surrounding of our Empire. " He took a deep breath after finishing this long speech and drank a sip of water to quench his dry throat.

Wang Wei digested all the information while his father quenching his thirst. He asked with curiosity " Dad, then how many cities are there in our region. "

Wang Yong taped his head lightly to relapse the forgotten memory and answered with a doubtful tone " I think there are about 35 to 40 cities in our region. I don't remember correctly. But, it should be within this count. "

Wang Wei then fired his next question " Then how many regions and how many empires are there in this continent. "

Wang Yong was bewildered at his question and answered with a dazed expression " I think there are 10 regions in our Empire and I don't know much about other Kingdom or Empires names and what the hell is the continent, son. "

Wang Wei flicked his tongue by the realization of 'he let his tongue slip'. So tried to play it casual " Nothing dad, I heard this from other kids, they said about this while playing. "

Wang Yong said in a serious tone " Wei, be serious. Don't slip your tongue like this in the city and get yourself in an unnecessary mess. Be mature and do what should you do. Don't let your curiosity lead you around. Do you get it? "

Wang Wei told seriously " Sorry dad, I won't do anything like that. "

Wang Yong rubbed Wei's head and said while smiling kindly " That's good. " Wang Yong gave useful advice like this to his son on the rest of the journey.


A few hours later.

Two horses with people came to the city gate of One-Eyed tiger city. They marvelled at the eight-meter tall city wall and stood in the line of civilians to get inside the city.

When finally it's their turn. The middle-aged guard in armour at the entrance said coldly without much emotion " 10 copper coins per person "

One of the older ones of the two gave 20 coppers coins and got in while the younger followed the elder and remained silent throughout everything.

The younger one (here goes nothing. I have to act like a kid again and show my curiosity. Just a few more years. I can free myself from these childish acts.)

After getting in younger one asked with a dissatisfied expression " Dad, why do we have to pay more than others? The rich people in the wagon doesn't pay and even civilians only pay only 5 copper coins. Why do they want a peasant from the village to pay more than rich people, Who has nothing? "

Wang Yong said slowly " Wei, that's how the world works. Don't question things that you shouldn't question. Just follow what they say and behave as they say to you. Otherwise, you will lose your life without knowing whom you offended. "

Wang Wei replied with a serious tone " yes dad. I'll do as you say. "

Wang Yong nodded with satisfaction and led the way to the blacksmith shop where his friend had been working. They crossed the main road full of busy civilians with their work and horse carriages carrying out daily transport works. It presented a perfect busy city with a large number of people.

Finally, Wang Yong leads his son and passed many manufacturing businesses sites. The blacksmith shop is located at end of the street near the inner city wall.

The inner city wall is much bigger than the outer city wall. The wall's top is covered with sticky substances to avoid anyone climbing the wall. The air here is a little muddy and a heavy smell drifts from people. There are fewer people in this street than in any other place in the city they had seen.

Wang Yong dragged Wang Wei to the shop with two floors, the building looks like it's made from wood. The main door is opened and it appeared to be only a few customers are strolling through already placed swords, shields, armour, knives and other utensils. There's is only one receptionist is present here on the desk is located at front-side right corner, just a little distance from the main entrance.

The receptionist is female about 20 years old dressed in red silk with black hair, black eyes pale white skin and a delicate face. Wang Yong moved towards her. She looked at them and wrinkles her face in disgust for a second. But changed the expression and presented a professional smile and welcomed us " Hello, what you need. "

Wang Yong lowered his status and said with embarrassment " It's nothing madam. Were here for my friend. He said he works in the blacksmith shop. My friend's name is Song Lu. The last time I came, he met me here. So, it will be helpful. If you can say, where can we find him? "

The young lady changed her tone and replied with impatience " Ho, Song Lu right. He's working currently. You can wait outside, he will finish his work in few hours. "

Wang Yong doesn't show any anger, just said gratefully " Thanks for your help, Madam. " and backed out.