20:Uncle Song Lu.

After waiting for few hours outside the shop. When the sun is setting down. A burly guy with a moustache came out of the blacksmith shop along with others. When he came out notices Wang Yong with his son. He goes straight to them with a big smile while saying " Hey, Yong how are you man. " and hugged him tightly while exerting strength to squeeze him.

Wang Yong smiled and welcomed his friends hug enthusiastically and he also exerted his strength in the hug to show who's the best. While responding " I'm fine, how are you? "

Song Lu replied while tightening his grip " Nothing man, daily duties always pounding the iron, drinking at the bar and sometimes visit Brothel. "

Wang Yong released the hug and said to him with a serious expression " I told you to marry, but you just ignored my advice and stayed alone in this big city. "

Song Lu responded with " Yeah Yeah who wants to marry some woman and live and waste my life for her while she just stays at home and gives birth to some more parasites to suck my blood or elope with some stranger just to break my heart and life both physically and mentally. "

Wang Yong got irritated at his ideas and said gently " That's enough Lu, look here I came with my second child Wang Wei for some job at the blacksmith shop. "

After hearing what his friend said Song Lu looked at Wang Wei and evaluated him, after a minute he said with a questioning tone " Are you sure he can work here. You know, it takes heavy physical strength from the body. But no offence, your son looks like a weak chicken. "

Wang Yong replied with strong confidence " You don't have to worry about his physical strength. He got what it takes. Now can you recommend him or not. "

Song Lu said in an angry tone with his teeth clenching " Do you think, I can't even do this to you. When you're the only one who had my back in hard times. "

Wang Yong said with a smile " ok let's stop here. We don't want to spend time in past. Do we? we're standing here for hours? So how about, you take us to your house. "

Song Lu asked with a frown on his face " Why don't you called me. I could have come out. "

Wang Yong replied " I tried but that girl at the counter said to wait. So I don't want to make a scene here you know. "

Song Lu tapped his head and said " So, she's here. It's her turn today. Good thing, you don't make a scene. She's the daughter of the shop manager. She's here has the receptionist as punishment. If her mood is at its worst, then she'll do horrible things. One time she filed a crime against a peasant just because he touched her unknowingly. Let's get out of here. "

After finishing his sentence Song Lu led Wang Yong and Wang Wei to his house.


Song Lu led them out of the street and crossed from one street to another street. until there's no shop and market. As shops decreased houses increased build next to other houses tightly without giving any space. But here also some houses as small garden and space enough to breath and to get envy of others.

He leads them to a pretty messed up street where people with lifeless eyes and a group of kids beating other kids taking what that kid had and runs away after seeing us.

Song Lu leads them to one of the two-story buildings made of wood that is part of other buildings like beehives and made his way to the second floor and third room on the right and entered and welcomed others.

After entering Wang Wei looked at the room details. There's a three-rooms, one bedroom with two beds opposite of big window that also acts like hall, one kitchen and bathroom.

Song Lu gave them some freshwater to cool down the heat from travelling and asked " Is there anything special occasion going on in the village. "

Wang Yong said with a grin " You don't believe it. My eldest son Wang Li got married a month ago and a group of noble came to the village asking for hunters last year. That's it, there's nothing bigger or important than this. "

Song Lu yelled loudly with an exaggerated tone " No way! that brat got married. You should have let him come here. I would have wiped and killed that thought out of his mind. I should have had, one more companion with me. "

Wang Yong said with a teasing tone " If not for your rude & unbearable attitude. You would have more friends in the village. Other than me"

Song Lu replied casually " Who needs fake people just to waste time. While you can spend your time at your craft. I like my job more than anything. " After Song Lu finished his sentence.

Wang Wei asked " Uncle isn't blacksmith is just hitting iron and shaping it. "

Song Lu said while scratching his beard " ho kid, what do you know. When you find something that can make you attach you an addict and forget about everything. While making you happy even at failure. That's what I long for. Every time I strike the iron & create a new sword, knife, shield or anything. I feel accomplished. That's why I neglected everything else in my life. "

Wang Yong intercepted and said with a pretended slightly angry tone " hey buddy do you know. That's a heavy topic you're saying to a 10-year-old kid. "

Song Lu snapped out of his passion, ambition and said " Silly me, I got emotional if it's about work. So don't mind me and recruitment is happening after two months. So how about, you let him stay here and get used to the city. "

Wang Yong thought for few minutes and said with great difficulty " Yeah that's a good suggestion. I hope you take good care of him. "