36:Sun & Moon Stone.

So the Hall Master explained with the calm expression " That's the invention of my peak talent. If you want to build something like this forget about it. Because in the Green Wolf Empire ' There's no one other than me to build something like this door in their lifetime'. Only my successor will have a chance to build something like this. "

" That's too if he follows my advice and practices seriously. Now back to the topic. You all will have to relearn basics from me along with your seniors for a month and then I will teach you my secret forging method to test who's the best fit for my liking and art. "

Everybody is excited at this big announcement and looking forward to their bright future with grinning smiles.

In this whole situation, only Wang Wei thinking is different from others ( Maybe because of reading too many novels in last life made me look for any possible conspiracies. Maybe I have to give a chance to this old man and see. If he is what he says or something different. )

After finishing his long speech the old man gave his throat a rest and continued to speak with a swallow smile " I hope someone with good talent and potential in forging will become my disciple in the people present here. "

Then he turned around and pointed at one of the senior disciples on the outside of the buildings and said in an ordering tone " Hey you come here and show the space where they will live from now onwards. "

The senior disciple about 20 years old dressed in dark grey coloured cloth came forward with a flattering smile and said " Yes Master! "

The Hall Master then walked towards the centre building of the whole space. Leaving everything else in the hand of the senior disciple. The senior disciple expression turned from flattering to a neutral expression.

He then turned around said to the new disciples in a cold tone " Follow me and don't ask unnecessary questions. "

Everybody knows one golden rule just follow whatever their superior says. So they followed what the senior disciple said as he's currently superior to them. Wang Wei also doesn't want to step out of his safe zone and cause unnecessary situations.

The senior disciple led them to the corner of the village and showed two huge buildings that have can accommodate about 70 people without any problem and explained in a calm tone " This is where you're all gonna live for a while from now."

"Choose a bed with your name on it by yourself and change your current dress. into one that will be on the bed and settle down. There's an open bathroom at the back of the building and food will be served by slaves on the time. So just settle down do your things till further order. "

He's gone after settling down the new disciples as per the order of the Hall Master. After senior disciples went, everyone began to choose their favourite & comfortable bed with their name on it. Nobody fought unnecessarily for the best beds.

So Wang Wei found the bed with his name the one close to the window and laid down. It's good to get sunlight in the morning and to know the time without a clock.

As he sat on the bed and relaxed only to find an absurd situation about the surroundings while looking up. He blurted out in amazement " How in the hell there's sun present in the underground. "

Everyone looked at him stupidly and some of them understood what's he saying and questioned " Yeah how there's the sun in here. Does anybody know anything about this? "

While most of them have surprised expressions. There's still a few of them who doesn't look surprised. But their expression told they are not willing to talk about it. There is still one who loves attention feeling superior to others and like to tell about it.

A kid about 14 years old dressed in designed silk clothes said with an excited expression on his face " I know about it, my uncle told me about it. "

After confirming this kid did know something about it. Everybody gathered around him waited for his answer.

The kid got even more excited at the response he's getting. So he continued his speech " My uncle told me, it's something forged by Hall Master and rare stone in the kingdom. It even changes into the moon at night. "

One kid from the crowd with a fat figure inquired the rich kid with suspicion " How did we know you don't lie to us. "

The Kid in silk clothes then replied with a proud face " If you don't believe. Wait till night to see if the sun will change into the moon according to my uncle. "

Wang Wei ( Looks like it's not simple as Martial Arts world. it's looking more and more exciting hehe. )

One of them from the crowd said " Ok let's change into uniform and wait for the next instruction. Even if it is magical as he says. We still have to follow what our senior brother said."

Others have also woken up from excitement and started to change their dresses. But the rich kid looked at that one kid who woken others from excitement with hatred.

Wang Wei also took a glance at the dress. It's a grey colour phant, T-shirt and matching leather gloves covering up to the ankle.

" Yikes, what's with this dress. It looks ugly compared to my dress. " other rich kids also said along with him.

" Yeah, it looks ugly. " But some of them refuted him.

" If you don't like it. You can complain about it to Hall Master. How about it. Do you dare? "

" You shut up arrogant guy. " the rich kid got even more pissed at the arrogant kid according to him.

Some of the kid's don't like the given dress. So they quarrelled and chatted with each other over clothes for a while till a man dressed in white colour withered cloth to deliver breakfast who missed their breakfast at home and to some who are still hungry even after they ate breaking breakfast.